University School

Xián Jiaotong Liverpool University School of Business, Economics and Management

Suzhou, Jiangsu


Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is a Sino-British university based in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. Founded in 2006 and resulting from a partnership between the University of Liverpool and Xi’an Jiaotong University, it is the first Sino-British joint venture between research led universities, exploring new educational models for China. The University primarily focuses on science, technology, engineering, architecture and business with a secondary focus in English, recognised by the Chinese Ministry of Education as a "not for profit" educational institution. Students are rewarded with a University of Liverpool degree as well as a degree from XJTLU. The teaching language is English.HistoryOn September 28, 2004, Xi’an Jiaotong University and the University of Liverpool signed a cooperative agreement to set up XJTLU. Construction on the new university's campus started in August 2005 and the university was officially inaugurated on May 29, 2006.More than 160 undergraduates enrolled in the first year. This number has increased to a total of 9,000 students on campus and a further 3,000 at the University of Liverpool on "2+2 programmes".XJTLU’s first batch of students graduated in August 2010 with 97 percent continuing their studies overseas on masters or doctorate programmes, ten percent of whom went to study at universities ranked in the world’s top ten (based on the University Ranking Chart by The Times, 2010). December 2010 saw XJTLU invest six million RMB in research for academic performance. By January 2011, XJTLU headed the list of Top 10 Sino-Foreign Cooperative universities in China.

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Location :
Suzhou, Jiangsu
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