http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/China_Medical_University_(PRC). [read more]
Northeastern University is a public university in the city of Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China. With an annual enrollment of over 20,000 students, it is one of China's high-level.. [read more]
沈阳理工大学,原沈阳工业学院,简称:沈工,创建于1948年,位于辽宁省沈阳市浑南高新开发区内。现状重点实验室国家级重点实验室:国家863空间信息安全基础技术重点实验室国家级科研中心: 国家级沈阳中俄科技合作基地 (1)中俄风洞实验室 (2)中俄高能束流实验室 (3)中俄微波武器实验室 (4)中俄激光技术实验室国家级科普教育基地: 兵器博物馆辽宁省高等学校重大科技平台: 现代兵器技术与装备工程研究中心省部级重点实验室: (1)兵器工业数控加工技术实验室(原加工中心实验室):1996年被中国兵器工业总公司批准为兵器工业总公司重点实验室 (2)兵器工业润滑技术研究中心:1991年由中国兵器工业总公司批准 (3)兵器工业材料成型及控制实验室 :1993被批准为部级重点实验室 (4)辽宁省兵器科学技术重点实验室:2004年申报并获得批准 (5)辽宁省先进制造技术与装备重点实验室 (6)辽宁省金属材料先进加工技术重点实验室 (7)辽宁省信息网络与信息对抗技术重点实验室 (8)辽宁省激光与光信息技术重点实验室 (9)辽宁省废水治理技术重点实验室 (10)辽宁省现代毁伤控制技术与装备工程实验室省部级工程中心: 兵器工业润滑技术研究中心 兵器工业高速切削工程中心 辽宁省高速切削技术工程中心 辽宁省高校通信与网络工程中心 辽宁省通信网络工程技术研究中心 辽宁省往复压缩机工程技术研究中心 辽宁省特种储备电源工程技术研究中心 辽宁省成套装备控制工程技术研究中心 辽宁省金属表面处理工程技术研究中心 辽宁省汽车噪声震动和安全工程技术研究中心院系学校设有14个学院 机械工程学院汽车与交通学院信息科学与工程学院经济管理学院材料科学与工程学院环境与化学工程学院外国语学院装备工程学院理学院建筑学院艺术设计学院国防教育学院研究生学院继续教育学院历届领导贾春德刑贵和王军刘军. [read more]
辽东学院是经中华人民共和国教育部批准成立的省属综合性本科院校 ,位于中国边境城市辽宁省丹东市。. [read more]
We help students in need of bsc,msc,phd and other educational programs secure admission into top universities worldwide. For further counsel whatsap +2348062679425/+2348144918483. [read more]
Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology is a university, located at 辽宁省本溪高新技术产业开发区香槐路176号, 117004 Benxi, Liaoning. [read more]
Northeastern University (NEU) is one of the national key universities under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education. . [read more]
This is the university from Shenyang, China. Not the Japanese, nor the States'. [read more]
沈阳东北神学院于1894年由苏格兰长老会和爱尔兰长老会联合创立。命名为奉天神学院(Moukden Theological College)。. [read more]
Shenyang Aerospace Univerisity Admission Help Desk. Shenyang Aerospace University, formerly known as Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, is a comprehensive research university.. [read more]
This university Offers MBBS and Engeneering in Englsih. . . . By China Central Government and Hubei Provincial Government. . . . . [read more]
Welcome to the North American Alumni Association of Liaoning Technical University of the People's Republic of China. . [read more]
China Medical University (CMU) was the first medical school established by the Chinese Communist Party. . [read more]
沈阳建筑大学 Shenyang Jianzhu University is a university, located at 浑南新区浑南东路9号, 110168 Shenyang, Liaoning. [read more]
沈阳工业大学 Shenyang University of Techonolgy is a university, located at 沈阳经济技术开发区沈辽西路 111 号, Shenyang, Liaoning. [read more]
沈阳天地总部校区 XDF. cn is a university, located at 沈阳市皇姑区北陵大街21号沈阳天地平安财富中心10~12楼, Shenyang, Liaoning. They can be contacted via phone at +864000240009 for more detailed information. [read more]
辽宁大学蒲河校区 Liaoning University Puhe Campus is a university, located at 道义经济开发区京沈街58号, 110136 Shenyang, Liaoning. They can be contacted via phone at +862462602345 for more detailed information. [read more]
沈阳体育学院 Shenyang Sport University is a university, located at 苏家屯区金钱松东路36号, 110102 Shenyang, Liaoning. They can be contacted via phone at +862489166637 for more detailed information. [read more]
辽宁大学崇山校区 Liaoning University Chongshan Campus is a university, located at 皇姑区崇山中路66号, Shenyang, Liaoning. They can be contacted via phone at +862462202135 for more detailed information. [read more]
沈阳音乐学院 Shenyang Conservatory of Music is a university, located at 和平区三好街61号, 110818 Shenyang, Liaoning. They can be contacted via phone at +862423892223 for more detailed information. [read more]
沈阳航空航天大学 Shenyang Aerospace University is a university, located at 沈北新区道义南大街37号, Shenyang, Liaoning. They can be contacted via phone at +862489724466 for more detailed information. [read more]
L'université du Nord-Est est une université de sciences et de technologies fondée en 1923 dans la province de Liaoning en Chine. Elle est l'une des 30 premières universités chinoises,.. [read more]
Shenyang Aerospace Univerisity Admission Help Desk. With any questions Whatsapp: 008618840060390 (24hrs) Or in this page message option. . [read more]
A consultant under Age-group agencies dedicated in assisting individuals in reaching their dream-destination of education that is of highly international standards. [read more]
大连艺术学院 is a university, located at 辽宁省大连市大连经济开发区东北大街92号, Dalianwan, Liaoning. They can be contacted via phone at +8641187639398 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a professional consultancy company aiming to promote extraordinary recruiting solutions for global education institutions. . [read more]
Luxun Academy of Fine Arts (LAFA) is one of the most famous art university in China. It is located in the heart of Shenyang city. . [read more]
Islamic International is a non political organisation for awareness of the Islamic Ideology in English,Urdu,Hindi and Chinese. . [read more]
Bringing China University Admissions closer to your doorstep. - QUICK, TRUSTED, AND EFFICIENT SERVICE. [read more]
Top-Notch Chinese Private University that Generates Talents in Visual Science Majors include: Optometry, Clinical Medicine, Nursing, Imaging, etc. . [read more]
This group is for all those students who are already in Liaoning University of TCM and those who want to get admission in Laioning Chiversity of TCM. . [read more]
中国医科大学 China Medical University is a university, located at 和平区北二马路92号, 110001 Shenyang, Liaoning. They can be contacted via phone at +862423256666 for more detailed information. [read more]
LNTU 辽工大 辽宁工大 Liaoning Technical University. [read more]