上饶市学苑驾校 is a school, located at 上饶市学苑驾校, 三清路, 334000 Jiangxi. [read more]
现代驾校 is a school, located at 现代驾校, 江湾大道, Jiangxi. [read more]
Huangling Zhongxue is a school, located at Jiangxi Jiangxi. [read more]
Dagang Zhongxue is a school, located at Jiangxi Jiangxi. [read more]
Wuhan University is a key university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It is located in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, and.. [read more]
武漢大学(ぶかん-だいがく)は、中華人民共和国湖北省武漢市武昌区に位置する総合大学。中国で最も歴史がある国家重点大学の一つである。大学の略称は武大(ウーダァ)。沿革前身は清代の1893年に張之洞により創立された自強学堂。辛亥革命の後北洋政府がそれをもとに1913年国立武昌高等師範学校を創立する。当該大学は、1928年7月に国立武漢大学と正式に名称が制定された。1952年、中国高校院系の調整により、武漢大学は中国国家教育部直属の総合重点大学となった。2000年、武漢水利電力学院、武漢測絵技術大学、湖北医科大学と合併し、新しい武漢大学となった。. [read more]
品德教育特色學校的友善校園. [read more]
莆田擢英中学是由莆田一中校友会于1995年6月创办的民办学校,2003年6月19日,经市政府批准,省教育厅备案,学校升格为完全中学。. [read more]
上哆啦,找大咖;学日语,就在家。哆啦外教网是中国领先日语培训机构,主要提供日语高考、出国留学、兴趣爱好、商务口语、生活口语、考级考证、青少儿日语等课程. [read more]
Die Universität Wuhan ist eine der renommiertesten Universitäten in der Volksrepublik China. Weblinks Homepage auf Chinesisch, abgerufen am 6. Juli 2016 whu. [read more]
欢迎各位就读过、就读于以及想要就读四中的朋友们关注。(一个四中学生的简陋之作。PS:非官方). [read more]
前身是武汉市第十八中学. [read more]
Central China Normal University or Huazhong Normal University, located in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, is a comprehensive university directly under the administration of the Chinese.. [read more]
Wuhan University School of Law is the law school of Wuhan University in Wuhan, China. The School of Law was oft-referred as one of the "Four Famous Law Schools" in China, and one of the.. [read more]
ChineseRd. com is an online Chinese-learning platform providing HSK classes, business Chinese classes, study-in-China consulting and scholarships applying services. [read more]
23 Huamei Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 520510 P. R. China. [read more]
服装感性工学研究中心. [read more]
Founded in 1948, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) is located in Wuhan, a metropolis of Central China. . [read more]
Классический университет Центрального Китая — государственный университет Китая, расположенный в Ухане, провинция Хубэй. Основан в 1903 году. Изначально создавался для обучения школьных учителей. [read more]
Learn traditional chinese martial arts in the QiShan Mountain in China. Two highly experienced masters teaching the secrets of Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Sanda, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and more. [read more]
Wanlong is located 249km from Beijing – a 3 hour drive. The resort has 5 ski runs for beginners, intermediate and advanced skiers and also offers snowmobil. [read more]
located in Wuhan, Hubei, China - was founded on May 27, 2000, from the former three universities, Wuhan University of Science and Technology (established in 1948), Wuhan Transportation.. [read more]
这里是武汉理工大学的公共主页,用于理工学子们的相互交流。. [read more]
此校建于1955年7月。以“严谨治教,厚重基础”为底蕴,“以人为本,质量至上”为理念。后人谓之曰:“太初无形气自始,逝者复来犹如斯。日盛苍穹势之盛,乌足涛火诸生奕。”东梅诞生于此. [read more]
武汉体育学院是一所位于武汉市武昌区的全日制普通高等体育院校。原为1953年成立于江西省南昌市的中南体育学院。1955年迁至武汉,次年改为现名。2001年之前,学校为国家体育总局直属院校,2001年9月改为国家体育总局与湖北省人民政府共建院校。. [read more]
Wuhan Sports University, formerly translated as Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, , is a tertiary educational institution in China. According to the statistics released by the Ministry.. [read more]
选择文理 鹏程万里~. [read more]
La Universidad de Económicas y Derecho de Zhongnan es una universidad en Wuhan, China. HistoriaFue fundada en 1948 como Universidad Zhongyuan (中原大学, Universidad de China Central),.. [read more]
provides the highest quality of education of Tai-Chi in the most beautful area surronded by Mountains in Yangshuo, Guilin. Accomodation & training available. [read more]
武汉经济开发区国际学校园 EFIW WYIS International Schools Campus is a school, located at BoXueLu 博学路, Wuhan, Hubei. [read more]
L'Università di Wuhan è un'università principale gestita direttamente dal Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione della Repubblica popolare cinese. Ha sede a Wuhan, capitale della provincia di Hubei. [read more]
L'Institut de Technologie de Wuhan, est une université chinoise et une institution de recherche fondée à Wuhan, Hubei en 1972. Considérée comme une des plus grandes universités de la.. [read more]
This is a traditional Chinese Kung Fu School with two Masters (Shifus) who completed their studies and training at the Shaolin temple - and who have decades of experience with passing their art on.. [read more]
L'université de Wuhan est une des grandes universités chinoises, placée directement sous l'administration du Ministère de l'Éducation de la République populaire de Chine. [read more]
武汉纺织大学 感性工学与功能服装研究中心. [read more]
Hubei Shuiguohu senior high school is the only high school that is associated with the Department of Education in Hubei Province, People's Republic of China. [read more]