中國園林,是中國建築的特色之一。廣義上,園林意指在人工建築出來的環境中模擬自然景物,範圍相當廣,小至盆栽的植種,大至池水與假山的布景。中國園林的重點則在於造景的巧妙,如何模擬自然而不落痕跡;如何將有心安排的布局與藝術性的意境搭配一起;如何將理水方式、石、亭、盆栽、林、窗、門一一運用,並搭配季節變化和當地建材、民俗風情、和主人的個性特色等,都是相當重要的關鍵。中國園林藝術集建築、書畫、雕刻、文學、園藝等藝術於一身,是中國美學的楷模,反映出中國人深邃的哲理思辨及對生活的追求。东方園林與西亞、歐洲園林並稱為世界三大造園系統,其中屬於皇家園林的承德避暑山莊和頤和園,以及屬於私家園林的多個蘇州古典園林,更被列入《世界遺產名錄》,可見其地位之重要。中國園林亦影響了其他建築,建築師會取用中國園林的元素,如月門等。中国园林主要分为皇家园林、私家园林、寺庙园林。此外,还有衙署园林、祠堂园林、书院园林、公共园林等。發展歷史中國園林發展源遠流長,其中,中国古典园林史通常被划分为5个时期,即生成期(220年之前)、转折期(220年-589年)、全盛期(589年-960年)、成熟期(960年-1736年)和成熟后期(1736年-1911年)。生成期中国古典园林最初的形式是“囿”和“台”,可追溯至公元前21世紀以供帝王狩獵為樂的“囿”,及至商代,君主都在囿內築高台以觀天敬神,名為“灵台”。。殷末周初时期(公元前11世纪),帝王、贵族、奴隶主十分喜欢在田野内进行大规模的狩猎,虽然狩猎在某程度上可以减少农田上的害兽,但难免会波及附近的在耕农田,因而激起民愤。殷末周初时期的帝王为了避免这种情况发生,于是就在王畿内划定一定大小的公私“田猎区”。在西周,田猎区管理较严,据《周礼·地官》记载,当时设有“迹人”掌管田猎区,并禁止猎杀幼兽、获取鸟卵和用毒箭射猎。被活捉的野兽禽鸟需被集中驯养,而专门用来集中驯养这些动物的地方就叫做“囿”。囿在甲骨文作“22px”,当中的“22px”则形象地描述了当时的田间的栽植树木果蔬的情形。囿的功能并非只是向宫廷宴会提供野味,同时还具备游览的功能,相当于现代的动物园。古人崇奉山岳,但路遥山险,难以登临,于是统治阶级想出一个变通的办法,通过修建高台,摹拟山岳。台是山的象征,有的台通过削平山头而成,所以通常台都十分高大,需要长时间和大量人力完成,如殷纣王的鹿台“七年而成,其大三里,高千尺,临望云雨”。周代的天子、诸侯也曾筑台。台上不设房屋,而在台上建的屋则被称为榭,在台上及其周围环境进行绿化种植则形成“苑台”。台可登高远眺、观赏风景,到后来逐渐成为一种主要的宫苑建筑物。相对于游览观赏功能,“囿”和“台”则更注重于其原始功能,这些直到秦汉仍保留着。东周时期,贵族园林的建造常使用台苑结合、以台为中心的手法,台、宫、苑、囿等称谓也互相混用,如纣王的沙丘苑台的“苑”相当于“囿”。历史上出现过有很多著名的台,有周文王的灵台、灵沼、灵囿;楚灵王时期的章华台;吴王阖闾时期的姑苏台。. [read more]
51號公館咖啡餐廳 is a cafe, located at 珠江南路51號, 215300 Kunshan. They can be contacted via phone at +86(512)57373451 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Candow Clothing,small quantity custom design clothing manufacturer from China,fast shipping,many fabrics to choose!. [read more]
We are professional China machine parts manufacturers team! Welcome to Contact us!. [read more]
We are a aluminum extrusion profile manufacturer in China. We supply customized services for clients. Now we produce trailer. . [read more]
Since established in 2013, Preta has been focusing on R&D and production of smart home products, including wireless connection, smart electrical engineering, home automation, smart access.. [read more]
ACC Enterprise CO. ,LTD is a manufacturer and exporter of office & school supplies (Eraser, pencil,crayon, chalk, paper clips) and disposable nebulizer mask. [read more]
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万物亨泰,富民银行. [read more]
Established in 2010, BSE manufactures oil-free chillers that utilizes magnetic levitation technology. . [read more]
Multepak Devotion Makes Profession Focus on packing machine for 15 years Better Packing for you. [read more]
สวนหลิว.. [read more]
扎根东海,服务东南亚地区,旨在为客户提供质优价廉的水晶制品. [read more]
常州恩贝智能科技有限公司, located at 武进区雪堰镇潘家永新路, 213179 Changzhou. They can be contacted via phone at +86-51986549668 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We are professional in making prom dresses, bridesmaid dresses, wedding dresses, homecoming dresses and occasion dresses. . [read more]
เสื้อผ้า,รองเท้า,ยีง-ชาย. [read more]
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Rainforest International Daycare Center is opening a new school in SIP for more international kids. Welcome all 2 to 3 year-old kids to join us. . [read more]
not official page, 不是官方网页. [read more]
DD-DISPLAY is a company which focus on providing the most popular trade show banner stands. . [read more]
Fairiland provides services and products for outdoor activities. Please let us know your needs. We are listening. . [read more]
The Suzhou Gong Xiang Protestant Church has started an English service every Saturday from 3. 30 pm to 5. 00 pm. . [read more]
胥城 is a cafe, located at 金阊区三香路333号, Suzhou, Jiangsu. They can be contacted via phone at +8651268286688 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Our company is focus on cleaning machine market for more than 30 years,can provide the floor scruuber and sweeper,vacuum cleaner,sofa cleaner,mops etc. [read more]
Specialized in Elevator&Escalator industry, Joylive is building a world that’s safer, more comfortable and energy efficient, more innovative and productive. [read more]
Kunshan PG Chem Co. , Ltd. is responsible for the promotion and sales of Vinyl Chloride -Vinyl Acetate Copolymers Resin. . [read more]
Kunshan Yuanhan Electronic Equipment, located at 1901-1918 Yijingwan Building 1, No. 1288 Xiaolin Road, 215300 Kunshan. They can be contacted via phone at +86 181 1265 4460 for more.. [read more]
We provide optimal vertical transport solutions at affordable prices. . [read more]
蘇州中心 Suzhou Center is a shopping mall, located at Suzhou, Jiangsu. [read more]
Alphay Medical, located in Jiangsu, China. Which is a professional manufacturer specializing in spine traction treatment more than 10 years. . [read more]
運動降血壓. [read more]
If you need any help in Expat recruitment, work visa application and Suzhou housing rent service, please feel free to contact us. . [read more]
We are supplier of coffee maker,coffee grinder, juicer, blender etc. At 2019 we just started our business to export. We provide best product to coffee lover and juice lovers. [read more]
Contact Information Email: shinsen03@shinsen. cc Wechat: 0086 13646295500 Whatsapp: 0086 15952057927. [read more]
Ashangfang provide tenants with customized rental products and full rental services. Ashangfang is committed to building a one-stop rental service platform. [read more]
Jiangsu HengNuo Construction Machinery Co. ,Ltd. specializes in producing excavator buckets truck cranes and aerial work platform truck. . [read more]