Beijing Evernote is an online platform that enables users to work, manage and share files and information. . [read more]
Our world view is simple: manage our waste better, make our world better and recycle better. That's why we've dedicated the last two decades to innovating and engineering the most reliable.. [read more]
Blockchain at PKU is a non-profit organization established by Peking University students with decade-long experience in blockchain technology, decentralized application, and academic research. [read more]
Sinoits is a China-based AI platform that provides vehicle identification, detection, traffic video structural analysis and pedestrian feature recognition solutions. [read more]
凌宇智控科技是一家专注于机器人智能化的创新型公司。通过计算机视觉及光学相关的前沿技术,提供独创的革命性的智能机器人(如无人机)室内精确定位解决方案。团队核心成员由哥伦比亚大学、南加州大学、北京邮电大学、天津大学等海内外名校的硕士博士组成。2015年,从2000多个创业团队中脱颖而出,成为创业邦BangCamp第一期18个成员之一。目前已获得PreAngel数百万天使轮投资。. [read more]
Cebserv is an IT service platform that provides pre-sales support, project implementation and maintenance services. . [read more]
DPM develops intraoperative precision optical molecular imaging products for the healthcare industry. Employee Count: 1. [read more]
Rising designs and develops internet security and anti-virus software for mobiles, tablets and computers. . [read more]
北京百利佳科技发展有限责任公司 is a company, located at Beijing. [read more]
Kingbase is a cloud-based platform that provides database storage and big data unified management solutions for businesses. . [read more]
55tuan provides planning, advertising, quantity estimates and results analysis solutions. . [read more]
Shiji Networks is engaged in the development and sale of hotel information management system software products. . [read more]
Sobot is a China-based SaaS platform that provides customer service software solutions for sectors including E-commerce, education and life science. . [read more]
Wandoujia provides Android app store. . [read more]
Qianfang QFPay is a web-based platform that offers QR-code-based mobile payment and customer loyalty programs for merchants. . [read more]
北京皕杰信息科技有限公司专注于数据展现方向及业务流程方向的产品研发,公司产品涉及报表工具(Reporting)、数据仪表盘(DashBoard)、即席查询(Ad Hoc)、业务流程管理(BPM软件)等相关的领域。. [read more]
Beijing KaiWen Academy (KWA), founded in 2016 and administrated by Tsinghua University High School (THHS), is a private international school that provides first-class dual-lingual education.. [read more]
DouXing, the critical software product of Beijing Badou Interactive Network Technology Co Ltd, enjoys a distinguished reputation as one of the leading HR training platforms. [read more]
Wonder Ray events are top-notch productions orchestrated to ensure all elements flow together. With over 10 years of industry experience, we have built a reputation of passion, detail, and.. [read more]
We provide the most unprecedented experience in VR. . [read more]
烽台科技(北京)有限公司 is an information technology and services company based out of 北京市海淀区农大南路88号院1号楼四层461室, 北京市, 北京市, China. . [read more]
"互联网女皇"玛丽. 米克一直不断强调,"语音"必将成为未来互联网时代人机交互的新范式,而与此同时,"耳朵经济"也正在以惊人的几何增速佐证这一判言的准确性。「微量分贝 HEARD」,一个持续致力于"语音"领域全面探究的互联网团队,我们始终坚定并可预见,所深耕的这片领域的未来,势必无与伦比。- 我们做什么 -过去的一年间,我们将全部精力用于极致化的打磨一款可面向所有内容厂商兼容使用的音频化工具产品-闪电配音(SoundEMS) ,为内容音频化提供丰富的主播资源以及良好的解决方案。目前已聚合8000名TOP级质素主播及上万家流量媒体(如腾讯、创业邦、InfoQ等),收听覆盖高达3亿用户,内容涵盖科技、金融、财经、新闻、娱乐等。2018年,得益于市场及客户的双重认可,「微量分贝 HEARD」成立仅一年时间,已相继获得两轮资本助力。以此为始,「微量分贝 HEARD」开始目标精确的持续迭新及自我裂变,极速生长。- 关于团队 -「微量分贝 HEARD」凝集了一批意识互融、思维共鸣的跨界精英,千万粉丝拥趸的云端经济学者、追求完美品控的音频专家、千万级移动应用的核心架构师,深厚资历的互联网人、广告人、媒体人. [read more]
BLA is a premier online English language school, a brainchild of a couple who are English tutors and curriculum developers themselves for almost 8 years. [read more]
北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司 is a company based out of China. . [read more]
Radifeel is a comprehensive infrared imaging solution supplier with rich experience in design, R&D, manufacturer and sales of infrared thermal imaging products. [read more]
中科慧眼是一家致力于图像、视频处理核心算法研究的初创公司,可以提供移动互联终端图像/视频处理相关的技术解决方案。. [read more]
百融云创成立于2014年3月,是一家利用人工智能、大数据、风控云等先进技术手段,创新性地为信贷,保险,投资理财等金融行业客户提供全生命周期管理产品和服务的高科技公司,帮助客户提升金融行业整体运营管理水平。百融云创坚持社会良知和责任,致力于运用新技术、新手段,为金融机构搭建营销与风控体系,立志成为国内金融领域最大的风控及营销服务提供商。并以传播诚信文化理念,开拓诚信生态环境为己任,为全民信用体系建设及普惠金融的实现贡献一己之力!. [read more]
北京首钢基金有限公司始于2011年,由北京市政府和首钢集团共同发起设立,逐步发展成为以核心产业为基础的 "投资-运营" 的新产业投资控股平台。作为值得信赖的资产投资和经营者,首钢基金积极贯彻产融结合理念、为实体经济服务,致力于成为 "中国最具价值创造能力的一流产业整合基金"!产业方向:产业投资、园区发展、FOF+股权直投;产业公司:首程控股(0697. [read more]
北京天广实生物技术股份有限公司(Beijing Mabworks Biotech Co. , Ltd. )是一家处于临床阶段的生物制药公司,专注于肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病、心血管疾病等疾病领域的大分子生物药研发和产业化。北京市北京经济技术开发区;北京市大兴区生物医药基地. [read more]
北京九章云极科技有限公司 is an information technology and services company based out of 北京市海淀区上地西路41号院1号楼4层E-002, 北京市, 北京市, China. . [read more]
Beijing Longtek Co. , Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise focused on industrial applications of virtual reality technology. Since its inception, the company has been committed to the practice,.. [read more]
JKHF was established in 1992 with 80 employees, 16 engineers and technicians and 8 senior engineers& 9 quality controller. We have over 35 various type of processing equipment and 30,000.. [read more]
Founded by Mr. Yuan Shiwei in Year 2013, Beijing Omega Education Technology Co. Ltd focuses on scientific and technological training, while also provide educational services for example.. [read more]
快如科技成立于 2018 年 5 月,是一家以即时通讯软件为主营业务的科技公司,办公地点在北京。快如科技致力于以更人性化的交互形式,大幅度提升沟通效率。主要产品是子弹短信。子弹短信支持 Android、iOS、Web、Smartisan TNT Station 等平台,可以同时实现多个设备上的高效率沟通。. [read more]
Ofo operates as a web and mobile-based bicycle sharing platform that allows users to search, book and pay for bicycle rides. . [read more]
比连资本是业界一流的数字券商,凭借强大的投研背景和专业的实操能力,.. [read more]