Meishan Shuiku, located at Anhui Anhui Sheng. [read more]
Mozitan Shuiku, located at Anhui Anhui Sheng. [read more]
Shaheji Shuiku, located at Anhui Anhui Sheng. [read more]
Xianghongdian Shuiku, located at Anhui Anhui Sheng. [read more]
Gentleman Hotel Suzhou is a lodging, located at Anhui Anhui Sheng. [read more]
ZNSHINE PV-Tech Co. , LTD. ,(NEEQ: 838463),founded in 1988, is one of the experts in PV industry. In addition to manufacturing high-performance PV modules,ZNSHINE SOLAR dedicates to provide.. [read more]
China factory professional OEM ODM high quality exhaust tuning system. . [read more]
迎江寺,又称护国永昌禅寺、敕建迎江禅寺,位于安徽省安庆市沿江东路。禅宗佛寺、汉族地区佛教全国重点寺院。简介该寺世传始建北宋开宝七年(974年),后经学者考据,应为明朝万历年间(1619年) 为士绅阮自华所建,为护国永昌禅寺。至清顺治七年(1650年)重修,改名为敕建迎江禅寺。是禅宗所属临济宗禅林,被誉称为“中江第一刹”。该寺占地逾两万平方米,规模甚大。寺门为清光绪帝御书“迎江寺”匾,其中“寺”字无故缺点。山门两侧各置有重铁锚,寓意城为船、塔为桅。大雄宝殿殿中高悬乾隆皇帝、慈禧太后御赐“善狮子吼”、“妙明园镜”金匾。七级浮图振风塔矗立寺中,建于明隆庆四年(1570年),原名“万佛塔”。相关条目振风塔外部链接迎江寺官方网站needs updating. [read more]
ME Sporting Goods one-stop shopping. [read more]
Anhui Yageli Display Co. ,Ltd. , was founded in 1999, is one of the largest manufacturers in the production of acrylic display products and acrylic sheets. [read more]
Main Products: Self-locking nylon cable ties and other kind of nylon cable ties, stainless steel cable ties, cable clips, terminal blocks, insulated terminals, wire joints, tie mounts,.. [read more]
Maxshine is a professional manufacturer who specialized in long throw dual action polisher and auto detailing products for more than 15 years. Maxshine has become one of the most popular.. [read more]
龙子湖桥头公园座落于安徽省蚌埠市龙子湖区龙子湖风景区的中部,依傍着安徽省著名湖泊龙子湖。整个公园由南园和北园两部分组成,共有栈桥,沙滩浴场等28个不同特点的景点,成为了蚌埠乃至皖北地区重要的娱乐休闲之所。乘车线路市内乘坐108,117,105,207,115,122路可直达。传说故事明朝开国皇帝朱元璋从安徽凤阳乘船经过此地,其撑船的竹篙不小心落入了水中。顿时,竹篙化为了一条巨龙飞起。后人遂称此湖为龙子湖。. [read more]
Район Наньша́нь — район городского подчинения городского округа Хэган провинции Хэйлунцзян (КНР)... [read more]
Hegang No. 1 High School (Chinese: 鶴崗市第一中學, pinyin: Hègǎng shì dìyī zhōngxué) is a public high school in Hegang, China. It was established on March 1950. [read more]
Nanshan District is an administrative subdivision of the province of Heilongjiang, China. It is under the jurisdiction of the prefecture-level city of Hegang. [read more]
Yingjiang District is a district in Anhui Province, People's Republic of China, under the jurisdiction of Anqing City. It has a population of 244,000 (2005) and an area of. [read more]
Selling Zoomlion certified reconditioned sugarcane harvester, dedicated to deliver the best, quality guatanteed used harvester to customer. Our business areas are mainly in South East Asia,.. [read more]
Manufacture and sell children, adult bouncy castle, large outdoor toys, slides, etc. [read more]
Production and sales of copper-based sintered motorcycles, bicycles, beach cars and other brake pads, just to do one thing well, while you enjoy sports and protect your safety. [read more]
A leading manufacturer of highly active humic/fulvic acid products in China. Main products: humic acid, fulvic acid, seaweed extracts, chitosan fertilizer, humiSeaweed mix, secondary.. [read more]
A Page to EXPOSE the SCAM Businesses Sikelo and Sikele Bags, who use photographs of quality leather bags on their PAGES and WEBSITES, but deliver poor quality, substandard bags. [read more]
Der Fluss Qingyi Jiang ist ein Nebenfluss des Jangtsekiang in der chinesischen Provinz Anhui. Er entspringt im Huangshan-Gebirge und mündet in Wuhu in den Jangtsekiang. [read more]
ShanXi Liberty Forging Co. ,Ltd are the forging factroy. We can produce flanges and forgings (max size: 120" or 3m). We can produce non-standard forging part as your damands. [read more]
Bengbu Longhua Die-casting Machine Co. , Ltd. , in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is committed to the development of energy-saving intelligent die-casting machines, new.. [read more]
“Double Coin” and “Warrior” brand PCR tires. . [read more]
蚌埠站位于中国安徽省蚌埠市淮河路。于1909年开工建设,1911年建成通车。为上海铁路局管辖的客货运一等站,是京沪铁路和水蚌铁路交汇处。历史1909年1月:津浦铁路南段徐州-浦口段开工建设。在选择淮河过江通道时,因原蚌埠集附近淮河水域平缓、建桥方便,因此原津浦铁路工程师德纪决定放弃原先的临淮镇过江方案,改为在蚌埠架桥过河并在此设立车站。1911年5月15日,蚌埠站连同蚌埠淮河铁桥相继建成,车站于1911年12月7日随津浦铁路全线贯通而投入运营。1953-1958年,因蚌埠站客货量不断上升,车站新建旅客候车室,增加了到发股道数目并延长到发线长度,同时用水泥等材料改造旅客站台。2010年8月,蚌埠站对车站站场进行了改造,兴建了长485米,宽81. [read more]
our company mainly covers machine blown-molded cups, machine press-molded cups, gift cups with advertisement, kettles, vases, ashtrays, sealed jars, glass bowls, candleholders and plates. [read more]
鹤岗市第一中学,简称鹤岗一中,是黑龙江省鹤岗市的一所高中。学校现有教学班88个,在校学生5500多人。有教职工616人,其中特级教师9人,高级教师280人,一级教师255人。校园占地面积140000平方米,建筑面积85000平方米。新教学主楼巍峨壮观,教学区有实验楼、办公楼、艺体楼、两幢教学楼;生活区有一幢学生宿舍楼、一幢食堂大楼;运动区有300米跑道标准运动场、游泳馆。校园道路通畅、林木青葱、绿草如茵。 歷史始建于1950年3月,1963年被省列为施行国家教育部颁发《全日制中学暂行工作条例(草案)》的重点中学,1980年被省批准为首批办好的重点中学,1992年在全省重点中学评估检查中,被评为省先进重点中学,1998年被省委、省政府命名为省级文明单位标兵。2000年首批跨入省级示范性高中行列。2004年被评为全国绿色学校。2005年被评为全国文明单位、全国百强中学。参考文献鹤岗一中学校简介外部連結鹤岗一中主页. [read more]
We are the biggest manufacturer of fiberglass wallcovering in China,this wallpaper is suitable for star-rated hotels, large venues, and modern home decoration. [read more]
Qingnian Subdistrict, Bengbu is a township-level division situated in Bengbu, Anhui, China. . [read more]
Pinoy Teacher in China 🇨🇳. [read more]
Our mission is to teach our children in a happy and relaxing learning atmosphere. . [read more]
蕪湖オリンピック・スポーツセンター・スタジアムは、中国安徽省蕪湖市にある多目的スタジアムである。. [read more]
Hunter Travel Goods Co. ,Ltd. is a professional large-scale manufacturer of many types of bags, integrating development and production together. Our main products include cooler.. [read more]
Renmin Road Subdistrict is a subdistrict situated in Xiangshan district, Huaibei, Anhui, China. . [read more]