Applying for prospective students who wants to study in China and provide scholarships Applications services. [read more]
东营职业学院成立于2001年7月25日,是由山东省人民政府批准成立、国家教育部备案,东营市人民政府举办的公办普通高等职业技术学院。. [read more]
Học viện Ngoại giao Trung Quốc là một trường đại học chuyên đào tạo ngoại giao tại Bắc Kinh. Trường được thành lập năm 1955, thuộc Bộ Ngoại giao Trung Quốc. [read more]
闽江学院(Minjiang University)坐落于中國福建省福州市,2002年经教育部批准,由原福州师范高等专科学校和原闽江职业大学合并组建的综合性本科大学。正努力建设成为一所多科性应用教学型本科大学。历史沿革闽江学院前身之一的福州师范高等专科学校创办于1958年,1961年撤并,1978年5月复办,1981年7月经国务院批准为三年制师范专科学校。闽江学院的另一个前身闽江职业大学则是1984年成立的一所培养专业技术人才的全日制高等职业专科学校。2002年3月21日教育部根据《普通高等学校设置暂行条例》和全国高等学校设置评议委员会的评议结果,批准同意在福州师范高等专科学校与闽江职业大学合并基础上建立闽江学院,同时撤销原两所学校的建制。校园环境现有福州闽侯上街(大学城本部)、工业路、长乐路、洪塘4个校区,现已建有行政大楼、教学实验楼、教学大楼、艺术大楼、学术交流中心、学生公寓等建筑群,拥有图书馆和实验室等公共资源体系。建有广场、文体活动中心、艺术长廊、闽籍院士长廊、校园石刻等景观。院系学科中文系外语系数学系物理学与电子信息工程系计算机科学系旅游系管理学系服装与艺术工程系艺术系地理科学系化学与化学工程系历史学系法律系公共经济学与金融学系蔡继琨音乐学院交通学院(与中華大學合作)成人教育学院软件学院新华都商学院(与新华都集团联合办校)(得到福建新华都慈善基金会资助)爱恩实达学院(与澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学等校联办)福州服装学院(与西安工程大学合作)海峡学院附属中学闽江学院附属中学创建于1987年,原名福州市第二十八中学,福州师范高等专科学校附属中学,是福州市直属完全中学、省二级达标学校、闽江学院教科研实验基地。学校地处六一中路和群众东路交界处,校园面积52多亩,建筑总面积18322平方米,绿化面积6000平方米。现有初、高中46个教学班,2157多名学生和165位教职员工。校际交流国际与澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学合作办学与加拿大布鲁克大学签署交流合作协议与波兰科沙林市理工大学签署《友好合作备忘录》马来西亚思特雅大学与法国勃艮第大学、南特大学合作2006年闽江学院院长杨斌率团出访,对丹麦、德国、俄罗斯有关大学进行了工作访问与台交流与新竹中华大学签订校际友好合作协议台中逢甲大学實踐大學(台北校區)国内哈尔滨工业大学与闽江学院合作办学与南京大学开展两校多方位多层次合作与西安工程大学合作办学. [read more]
University Landmark. [read more]
中央音楽学院(ちゅうおうおんがくがくいん)は中華人民共和国の北京にある音楽大学。芸術系大学で唯一国家重点大学に指定されている。南京国立音楽院、燕京大学音楽系、華北大学文芸学院音楽系、国立北平専科学校音楽系、香港中華音楽院、上海中華音楽院、東北魯迅文芸学院音楽系などをもとにして、1950年に天津に設立された。1958年に北京に移転。学科 作曲系 指揮系 音楽学系 音楽教育系 ピアノ系 管弦系 民楽系 声楽歌劇系 音楽学研究所著名な卒業生 趙季平 譚盾 ラン・ラン外部リンク 公式ページ. [read more]
KIAA is jointly supported by Peking University and an endowment made possible by a generous gift from the Kavli Foundation, USA. . [read more]
山理工没有官方的Facebook主页 我山寨一个. [read more]
샤먼대학은 싱가포르의 고무왕으로 불리는 저명한 화교지도자인 천자껑이 1921년에 "교육입국의 근본”이란 신념하에 고향 하문에 투자하여 설립한 중국 근대교육 역사상 최초로 화교가 창설한 대학이다. 중화인민공화국 교육부 직속 대학, 국가중점대학 중 하나이다. 중국 동남지역에서 학술수준이 가장 높고, 가장 훌륭한 종합대학으로 알려져 있다. [read more]
Online University about how to found Clients with the Information and Communication Technologies. . [read more]
Shanghai Open University is a university opens to the adults with distance open education supported by modern information technology. . [read more]
Tianjin University of Sport, formerly translated as Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, is a university in Tianjin, China under the municipal government. [read more]
We are an agency based in China providing enrollment and similar services for international students. [read more]
Linyi Hua are professional manufacturer of pe protective film, solar water heater, fiberglass ceiling. [read more]
CPTTM Cyber-Lab (數碼匯點) is a university, located at 澳門馬統領街廠商會大廈, Wanchai, Guangdong. They can be contacted via phone at +85388980601 for more detailed information. [read more]
The premier China Internship Program for students and recent graduates from the world's leading universities. www. catalaichinainternships. com. [read more]
ISSP Business School aims to create and provide opportunities for international students to study in China. [read more]
Quanzhou Normal University is a public university located in Quanzhou, Fujian province, People's Republic of China. HistoryThe university was established in 1958. [read more]
Đại học Giao thông Thượng Hải, là một đầu nghiên cứu trường đại học công cộng đặt tại Thượng Hải, Trung Quốc. Đại học Giao thông Thượng.. [read more]
共同学习. [read more]
韩山师范学院(HANSHAN NORMAL UNIVERSITY),是广东省属本科师范院校,是广东省与潮州市共建高校 ,位于中国国家历史文化名城潮州市。. [read more]
our company is a big factory,we prouce good quality product with low price. so if you want purchase any mobile accessories,contact me. [read more]
Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 山西中医学院 Shān xīZhōng yīxué yuàn Clinical Medicine (MBBS) www. shanxitcm. com. [read more]
中国医科大学 China Medical University is a university, located at 和平区北二马路92号, 110001 Shenyang, Liaoning. They can be contacted via phone at +862423256666 for more detailed information. [read more]
中山大学中山医学院(Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun.. [read more]
IUP is the premier U. S. -sponsored Chinese language program intended for students who aspire to truly advanced competence. . [read more]
Universitas Jiao Tong Shanghai, juga disebut sebagai SJTU, Universitas Jiaotong Shanghai atau hanya Universitas Jiaotong, adalah sebuah universitas riset publik yang terletak di Shanghai,.. [read more]
Convenience for U. . !! Here U can get Official announcements from time to time regarding Classes&Activities etc for the International MBBS students of YMUN. [read more]
welcome to study abroad. We will help you to Build your Future in different fields in different countries. Choice is yours and we will guide you. thanks. [read more]
The Antai MIB program intends to train and develop talented students to have an understanding of global business and a deep business insight into China. [read more]
Antai College of Economics & Management is a university, located at 1954 Huashan Rd, 200030 Shanghai. They can be contacted via phone at +862162932986 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jobs for dancers, DJs, musicians, singers, models, teachers of music and languages. [read more]
985 工程 211 工程 重點大學 抗戰時期 與北京大學 清華大學 共組西南聯合大學. [read more]
The Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was founded on Sep 17, 2006. . [read more]
Admissions are open for 2013 intake. Please visit www. ningbouniversity. com. email: study@ningbouniversity. com. [read more]
Universitas Bahasa dan Budaya Beijing, yang di kenal dengan sebutan Beiyu,memiliki tujuan utama yaitu mengajarkan bahasa dan kebudayaan Tionghoa untuk mahasiswa asing. [read more]