Chinese Supplier of Fresh Ginger, Fresh Garlic and Air-dried Goji Berry. [read more]
Shanghai Disney Land Restaurant 上海迪士尼乐园 餐厅. [read more]
Rumah tumpangan Xian Heng atau Hotel Xian Heng adalah sebuah restoran masakan China terletak di Shaoxing, wilayah Zhejiang, Republik Rakyat China. . [read more]
Luxury China show limousines,luxury properties,jewelry,timepieces,yachts. . [read more]
蟹家大院 is a restaurant, located at 上海凯旋路1266号, Shanghai. They can be contacted via phone at 021-5230-0008 for more detailed information. . [read more]
觀瀾湖新城坐落於深圳龍華新區高爾夫大道8號,位於國家5A級旅遊生態景區——觀瀾湖國際休閒旅遊度假區內。是珠三角乃至華南地區首屈一指的宜居、宜游、樂購、暢玩的城市商業綜合體。. [read more]
We deal in Chinese herbal medicine,herbal tea,plant seeds for growing,plant extract,plant essential oil,dehydrated vegetables,cereals & grains,bird feed. [read more]
专注,只为做普罗大众喝得上的好咖啡!. [read more]
�出大陸食咩好?卑多個選擇你啦� �香洲區-常興旺海鮮美食~ �各位好美味粥麵嘅粉絲們,讓你們久等了~ �真係好抱歉,原因我地係澳門區暫時仲未搵到心儀嘅舖位. . 唯有請各位移玉步到大陸. [read more]
店內打卡即贈飲料一瓶 店內點餐 加麵吃 免費!!. [read more]
Babyccino 提倡愛和同樂的生活方式,我們不僅是打造壹間好的兒童樂園餐廳而已,而是壹個是大人小孩都能共同享受在其中的伊甸園. [read more]
博味堂自然素食 Natural Vegetarian Lohas is a restaurant, located at 朝阳区北苑路安慧里一区14-9号, 100101 Beijing. They can be contacted via phone at +861057127280 for more detailed information. [read more]
電話 66311719. [read more]
We're a new eatery featuring American comfort food-redefined. Happy Buddha uses fresh and all natural ingredients to bring you vegan and vegetarian food. [read more]
本家韩国料理 본가 Bonga (Ben Jia) is a restaurant, located at 东方路971号 971 Dongfang Rd. , Shanghai. They can be contacted via phone at +862150819377 for more detailed information. [read more]
愛上甜品(Fall In Love With Dessert) is a restaurant, located at 澳門渡船行50號地下B, 853 Wanchai, Guangdong. They can be contacted via phone at 28523786 for more detailed information. [read more]
什刹海是北京北部的三个湖,分别是前海、后海、西海,旧时俗称河沿。什刹海因周围有十座寺庙而得名,包括广化寺、什刹海火神庙、护国寺、保安寺、真武庙、白马关帝庙、佑圣寺、万宁寺、石湖寺、万严寺。除此以外什刹海附近还有广福观,大藏龙华寺等寺庙。概述什刹海是北京中心城区的一个风景区,位于北京北海公园北门附近,由前海、后海、西海及沿岸名胜古迹组成。什刹海有北京城区内相对宽阔的水面,水面周围种着高大的树木。该地区风光秀丽,被誉为“北方的水乡”。清朝人震钧云“若后海则较前海为幽僻,人迹罕至,水势亦宽。树木丛杂,坡陀蜿蜒。两岸多名寺,多名园,多骚人遗迹……湖上看山,亦此地最畅。昔翁覃溪先生曾集二十四诗人于湖上酒楼,每月有诗会。一时群羡为神仙中人”。清朝的李静山曾作诗云:“柳塘莲蒲路迢迢,小憩浑然溽暑消。十里藕花香不断,晚风吹过步粮桥”。什刹海夏天可以划船,冬天可以滑冰。中国共产党建政后,北京市政府对什刹海进行了清淤工作,又在岸边上建立了水泥栏杆。1992年北京市政府将其定为历史文化风景区。在2000年批准的北京25片历史文化保护区中,什刹海地区面积是最大的。什刹海周围有许多王府和花园,如保存最好的恭亲王府、醇亲王府等,这一带也是原老北京主要的商业活动区。宋庆龄故居、郭沫若故居也在什刹海旁边,什刹海边的柳荫街曾住过十大元帅中的三位。今天,什刹海周围是北京著名的酒吧区,北京人和游客夜生活的常去处。历史什刹海历史悠久,早在13世纪,蒙古灭金,被称作金中都的金代北京城(在现在北京城区的西南一带)的宫殿毁于大火,元世祖忽必烈决定另建一座新的都城。什刹海是元大都规划设计的最基本的依据之一,体现在:全城自北向南的中轴线是紧傍积水潭而选定的;大都城四面的城墙位置是依积水潭东南岸的距离而建的。从这个意义上也可以说:先有什刹海,后有北京城。. [read more]
炳胜品味 BingSheng Restaurant is a restaurant, located at 黄埔大道西108号奥园大厦1-4楼, Guangzhou. They can be contacted via phone at +862038686888 for more detailed information. [read more]
新梅居 Xinmeiju is a restaurant, located at 金陵东路625号汇通大厦1楼, Shanghai. [read more]
The Georg - By BCA Located in No. 1 Jade River in the heart of Beijing, The Georg is a lifestyle space that combines art, design and food. . [read more]
Real home-made French food. . [read more]
CCTV 본사 빌딩은 CCTV의 신사옥으로 건설된 마천루이다. 기공식은 2004년 9월 22일에 있었으며, 2008년 하계 올림픽에 맞추어 완공됐다. 건축거장.. [read more]
Echo offers plant-based fresh food service for people who prefer a healthier lifestyle. We believe that plant’s healing power is a gift from nature. . [read more]
Chamate (一茶一坐) is a restaurant, located at 工业园区 现代大道1699号 印象城1F, 215000 Suzhou, Jiangsu. [read more]
adress: yiwu, beiyuan, wangdao road 188 xiandai plaza, building No. 3, shop nr. 2046. Add: 义乌市望道路188号现代广场 western cuisine, good coffee, nice atmosphere. [read more]
之心城starbucks is a restaurant, located at 蜀山区, 长江西路与肥西路交口, 230011 Hefei. They can be contacted via phone at 0551-65168702 for more detailed information. [read more]
自烘焙咖啡豆的单品咖啡馆。只喝7天以内烘焙的新鲜精品咖啡豆。包含巴拿马瑰夏. [read more]
Manufacture meal prep containers/ disposable bento box/disposable bowl. [read more]
WHOcaresCoffee 私家烘焙 Mr. Coffee and Mrs. Patisserie的極致追求;來訪須預約,預約方式支持Facebook,微信或新浪微博。週一二休息。. [read more]
We are the Glassware manufacturer in china,and would like to recomend you our New product. You want to get more product information, please contact with us. [read more]
Boom! Pyro Pizza now has a Facebook Business Page!. [read more]
Osmanthus Hall was started as a cultural initiative to deliver the interesting yet unique traditional Guilin culture & arts. . [read more]
豆捞坊 Dolar Shop is a restaurant, located at 金陵东路569号汇都大厦3楼, Shanghai. They can be contacted via phone at +862163869977 for more detailed information. . [read more]
豆捞坊 古北店 is a restaurant, located at 长宁区水城南路37号, 201103 Shanghai. They can be contacted via phone at +862162785777 for more detailed information. . [read more]
已經停業了、謝謝曾經支持的朋友. [read more]