El Aeropuerto Internacional de Haikou Meilan es el mayor y más nuevo aeropuerto en la isla de Hainan en China. Se encuentra a 25 km de la ciudad de Haikou y abrió en 1999. [read more]
Hami Airport or Kumul Airport is an airport serving Hami City (Kumul City) in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. It is located 12. 5 kilometers northeast of the city center. [read more]
Bandar Udara Internasional Zhoushuizi Dalian adalah bandar udara internasional yang melayani Dalian, provinsi Liaoning, Republik Rakyat Tiongkok. Bandara ini terletak di Distrik Ganjingzi, barat.. [read more]
Xuzhou Guanyin International Airport is located in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China, over from the downtown area in the southeast outskirts of the city. [read more]
Sân bay quốc tế Hồng Kiều Thượng Hải Lịch sửTrước khi xây dựng Sân bay quốc tế Phố Đông Thượng Hải năm 1999, Sân bay Hồng Kiều là sân bay quốc tế chính của Thượng Hải. [read more]
Port lotniczy Bangkok-Don Muang – do niedawna największy port lotniczy Tajlandii, położony około 24 km na północ od Bangkoku. Obecnie obsługuje ruch krajowy i czartery. [read more]
ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติเซี่ยงไฮ้ผู่ตง ตั้งอยู่ทางตะวันออกของผู่ตง ในเขตเซี่ยงไฮ้ สาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน เป็นประตูหลักสู่ประเทศจีน รองรับผู้โดยสารระหว่างประเทศกว่า 17 ล้านคน ในปีพ. [read more]
Handan Airport is an airport serving the city of Handan in Hebei Province, China. It is located 11 kilometers southwest of Handan, and 43 kilometers north of the city of Anyang in neighboring.. [read more]
Hengyang Bajialing Airport is a former military and civil airport in the city of Hengyang in Hunan Province, China. It is located in Zhuhui District east of the Xiang River. [read more]
Hengyang Nanyue Airport is an airport serving the city of Hengyang in Hunan province, China. Located in Yunji Town, Hengnan County, the airport is named after Mount Heng, also known as Nanyue. [read more]
Yantai Penglai International Airport is an airport serving the city of Yantai in Shandong Province, China. It is located from the city center, near the town of Chaoshui in Penglai, a.. [read more]
Tongren Fenghuang Airport is an airport serving the city of Tongren in Guizhou Province, China. It is located in the town of Daxing in Songtao Miao Autonomous County, 21 kilometers from Tongren.. [read more]
Quanzhou Jinjiang International Airport is a dual-use military and public airport serving the city of Quanzhou in Fujian Province, China. It is located 12 kilometers south of the city center, in.. [read more]
O Aeroporto Internacional de Sanya Phoenix é um aeroporto em Sanya, Hainan, República Popular da China. Em 2009, o Aeroporto de Sanya teve um aumento de 32,2% no fluxo de passageiros, registrando 7. [read more]
Tacheng Airport is an airport serving Tacheng, a city in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. FacilitiesThe airport resides at an elevation of 1980ft above mean sea level. [read more]
大连周水子国际机场()是遼寧省大连市的国际机场,位于市郊西北部。日本人通过日俄战争侵占大连后,于1927年建造周水子机场,二战后苏联空军代管机场十年,于1955年移交中国人民解放军。1973年改建为民用机场,是中国国家一级民用国际机场,位于大连市甘井子区,佔地284. 46公顷。2016年大连机场完成旅客吞吐量1525万人次。历史1924年,日本关东军将清朝末年遗留下来的“周水子跑马场”改建为机场,当时称为“大连飞行场”,以作为日本侵略中国的航空基地。1927年,机场建成后,日本人在这里逐步经营大连至朝鲜新义州、平壤、蔚山和日本福冈、大阪、东京的航空邮件和客货运输。1937年,又先后开辟了大连至沈阳、天津、北平等中国北方各大城市的航线。1945年日本战败投降,苏联亚玛诺夫将军率空降兵进驻机场。在此后的十年间,周水子机场均由苏军代管。1955年5月苏联红军将机场正式移交给中国人民解放军。1972年10月6日,经国务院、中央军委批准,在大连空军周水子机场建立民航大连站。1973年3月3日,民航大连站正式组建。当时的民航大连站,航站楼是借用空军场站的一栋二层小楼和六间平房,跑道长2040米,停机坪包括联络道仅有8000多平方米,只能供安-24型以下飞机起降,年发送旅客1961人,货邮吞吐量129吨,职工仅有37人。1984年4月,大连机场的第一次大规模扩建,一个具有长3300米、宽45米的跑道及滑行道、联络道、停机坪的民用机场初具规模,结束了大连机场只能起降中小型飞机的历史。1992年、1999年和2005年,大连机场连续进行了三次大规模的扩建和升档改造。候机楼的面积增加了10倍,停机坪面积增加了30倍,并装备了先进的导航设施设备。飞行区等级达到了4E级1类标准,可以满足当时各种民航飞机的安全起降。2012年,大连周水子国际机场又完成了一次全新装修改造,航站楼总面积达到13. [read more]
ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติฉงชิ่งเจียงเป่ย์ ตั้งอยู่ในเขตอู๋เป่ย.. [read more]
Bandar Udara Internasional Taoxian Shenyang adalah bandar udara internasional yang terletak di 20 km selatan dari pusat kota Shenyang, provinsi Liaoning, Republik Rakyat Tiongkok. [read more]
Sân bay quốc tế Bangkok hay Sân bay Đôn Mường là sân bay tại thủ đô Bangkok, Thái Lan. Sân bay này được mở cửa 27/3/1914 và ngày 28/9/2006 đã bị Sân bay Quốc tế Suvarnabhumi Bangkok thay thế. [read more]
مطار العاصمة بكين الدولي المطار الدولي الرئيسي في بكين عاصمة الصين. . وهو ثاني أكثر المطارات ازدحاما.. [read more]
Xining Caojiabao International Airport is an airport serving Xining, capital of Qinghai Province, China. It is located in Huzhu County, Haidong, about east of downtown Xining. [read more]
Zunyi Xinzhou Airport is a dual-use military and civil airport serving the city of Zunyi in China's southwestern Guizhou Province. It is located in the town of Xinzhou in Xinpu New Area. [read more]
Aeropuerto Internacional Hongqiao, literalmente "Aeropuerto Internacional del Puente del Arcoiris", es uno de los dos aeropuertos que sirven a la ciudad de Shanghái, República Popular China. [read more]
Huangshan Tunxi International Airport is an airport in Tunxi, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, China. It mainly serves tourists to Mount Huangshan, one of China's top tourist destinations. [read more]
The Harbin International Conference Exhibition and Sports Center is a convention center for Harbin, China. It hosts various conventions. It has also hosted the 2007 Cup of China figure.. [read more]
Zhanjiang Airport is an airport in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China. It also called Zhanjiang Xiting International Airport(SC:湛江西厅国际机场;TC:湛江西廳國際機場). It was founded in 1952. [read more]
Fuzhou Changle International Airport is an airport serving Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian province, China. The airport was inaugurated on June 23, 1997, after being approved to start constructing.. [read more]
Xichang Qingshan Airport is an airport serving Xichang, the capital city of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, China. The airport started an expansion project in February 2010. [read more]
Yongzhou Lingling Airport is an airport serving the city of Yongzhou in Hunan Province, China. It is located in Lengshuitan District, 8. 8 kilometers from the city center. [read more]
Lhasa Gonggar Airport is the airport serving Lhasa, the capital city of the Tibet Autonomous Region, China. It is about 62km southwest of the city in Gonggar County of Shannan. [read more]
Zhangye Ganzhou Airport, or Zhangye Southeast Air Base, is a dual-use military and civil airport serving the city of Zhangye in Gansu Province, China. [read more]
Mudanjiang Hailang International Airport is an airport serving the city of Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang Province, China. . [read more]
Wuhai Airport är en flygplats i Kina. Den ligger i provinsen Inre Mongoliet, i den centrala delen av landet, km väster om huvudstaden Peking. Wuhai Airport ligger meter över havet. [read more]
Heihe Aihui Airport is the airport serving the city of Heihe in Heilongjiang Province, China. It is not far away from Ignatyevo Airport in Blagoveshchensk, Russia. [read more]
Nanyang Jiangying Airport is an airport serving the city of Nanyang in Henan Province, China. It is located near Jiangying, in Wancheng District, 12 kilometers east of the city center. [read more]
Hotan Airport is an airport serving Hotan, a city in the autonomous region of Xinjiang in China. FacilitiesThe airport resides at an elevation of 4672ft above mean sea level. [read more]