
Bienvenido a Al Chile Taqueria!Welcome to Al Chile Taqueria!"Al Chile" is a Mexican slang that can be roughly translated into "for real'' and is commonly used to show affirmation. While taqueria is a restaurant specializing in tacos and other Mexican dishes.Hence Al Chile Taqueria = authentic Mexican food restaurant.Established in 2016, we are the first and (so far) the only traditional Mexican food restaurant in Dongguan, China. Our dedication to quality food and service excellence has been witnessed by hundreds and thousands of customers who enjoy Mexican cuisine and relaxing dining.We respect traditions of all cultures, cherish cultural heritage of all nations and celebrate happiness from customers who enjoy a hearty meal at Al Chile.Say no to semi-produced foods which might compromise taste or be saturated with additives, everything we serve starts from scratch in Al Chile: corn kernel to tortilla, fresh picked tomatoes with morning dew to savory salsa, and premium imported pork to al pastor…we take pride in 100% handmade foods.Friendship, food and fun. All in Al Chile Taqueria.欢迎光临Al Chile墨西哥餐厅!关于我们的名字由来,墨西哥西班牙语中Al chile是一个俚语可译为"真实的",通常用于表示对某事物的肯定。Taqueria是指专门做塔可以及其他墨西哥美食的餐厅。成立于2016年,我们是东莞首家且(迄今为止)唯一一家传统墨西哥餐厅。数年如一日,我们专注于食物品质以及卓越服务,在这里相识相知了无数热爱墨西哥美食以及轻松愉悦用餐氛围的客人们。我们尊重不同地域的文化和习俗,在这间小小的餐厅里分享每位客人品尝美味后的快乐。为保证口味正宗以及各种添加剂,我们杜绝购买半成品,您所吃到的所有食物都是纯手工从"零"开始烹饪:玉米粒成为玉米饼,新鲜采购带露珠的番茄成为墨西哥番茄辣酱,高品质进口猪肉慢火烘烤为招牌果香烤猪肉……一切都坚持零添加百分之百纯手工制作。友谊,美食,快乐。一切尽在Al Chile墨西哥餐厅!

Tags : #FoodBeverages, #Margaritas, #MexicanCulture, #Burritos, #TacosAlPastor

Location :
Dong Guan Shi, Guang Dong Sheng
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