In accordance with the instruments adopted during the Summit of Heads of State and Government of ECCAS, ECOWAS and the GGC on safety and security in the maritime space of Central Africa and West Africa. The Center is the body in charge of enhancing the activities geared towards cooperation, coordination, mutualization, and systems interoperability as well as the implementation of the regional strategy on safety and security within the Central and West African common maritime space.
The Yaounde-based ICC has developed a “unique strategy framework” to deal with criminality at sea, of safety, security, development and governance dimensions. It also looks to build the capacities of the civilian and military personnel of the regions in maritime law enforcement; coordinate training and practices; facilitate information exchange among the navies of the Member States; promote the harmonization of texts on maritime law enforcement including those relating to the fight against piracy,armed robbery, other illicit acts committed at sea, sea pollution and ensure the protection of the environment.
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