
African Women In Tech Startup - AfricanWITS

Douala, Littoral


The African Women In Tech Startups association, abbreviated AfricanWITS, was recognized as a civil society entity in Cameroon with the aim of expanding its activities internationally. AfricanWITS' main mission is to promote information and communication technologies (ICT) for women and young girls, boost female and young technology entrepreneurship. Our association now has the following poles within it:  A Feminine Tech Hub  An incubator specializing in technological entrepreneurship and innovative services for women, young people and for the development of community projects in the field of ICTs and empowerment.  An Academy for the training and mentoring of women and young girls  An advisory and advocacy body to support international policies and institutions in the implementation of development programs and plans to reduce the technology gender gap in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Tags : #CivicSocialOrganization, #Gender, #Mentoring, #Womenintech, #Startups

Location :
Douala, Littoral
