
Pa Ariki's - Takitumu Palace Museum


In everything we do at Pa Ariki's Royal Takitumu Palace, we strive to honor, share and connect you to our chiefly ancestors! The past, present and future..


  • Community Museum


The Takitumu Palace Musuem of Pa Tepaeru Teariki Upokotini Ariki is the only Queens Museum that's open to the public, in Rarotonga.

The current reigning Queen Pa celebrated 25 years in 2015. She is the 48th title holder, which began in the 1250AD, with the first Pa Ariki.

You can view the artifacts on display in our museum, and learn the long history of the Pa Ariki title holders.

Our Guided Tours: 1hr or 1/2hr - starts from 10am - 2pm.

Admission Fees Apply


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