
Advocating for the elimination of road violence and an increase in active mobility on Canada's streets.Each year more than 1800 people die on Canada's roads, and some 160,000 are injured. Vision Zero Canada recognizes that this carnage is predictable and preventable, and campaigns for the elimination of harm to any road users including drivers, passengers, pedestrians and cyclists.The Vision Zero approach is rooted in sound principles, including the premises that safe independent mobility is a natural right, and that no loss of life is acceptable. Emulating countries that are leading the way in the reduction of traffic violence, Vision Zero Canada promotes results-driven policies and practices, with a strong focus on implementation of safe speed limits, vehicle regulation and failsafe infrastructure.The Swedish government, who coined the term Vision Zero in 1997, are now talking about Moving Beyond Zero, with a dual focus on the elimination of traffic violence and the promotion of active mobility (e.g. walking and cycling). These twin goals are also at the root of the Vision Zero Canada mission.

Tags : #PublicPolicy, #GovernmentRelations

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Ottawa, Ontario
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