Open today 9-4pm!
Drum Roll Please! The final winner for our 2018 Slipper Giveaway has been drawn. Congratulations to Heather Mench-Foster!!! I will message you shortly to get the ball rolling on your choice of slippers! Thank you all for entering our fun little contest. We love doing this each and every year, your smiles make us smile. Merry Christmas from all of us here at The Totem Pole. We wish you much love, health and happiness. See you next year xo
Drum Roll Please! Congrats to the second 2018 Fur Trim Slipper giveaway winner - Diane Gingras! I have sent you a private message to get the ball rolling for your slipper choices and shipping info! Congratulations again and Good Luck to the rest of you as next Monday is our Final entry gives you access to all draws! Still not too late..
Blankets have arrived! They’re so soft and cozy! Really rustic in design so perfect for the nature lover in your family! #sherpablanket #sowarmandcozy #rusticdesign #keepwarmthiswinter @ The Totem Pole
The First Winner of our 2018 Fur Trim Slipper Giveaway is @Kaitlynblanchard! Kaitlyn, I responded to your comment below and I will also private message you shortly so we can make arrangements! Congratulations from all of us at The Totem Pole!!!
To everyone else, you’re still in the running for 2 more draws!Remember, one entry gets your name in for all giveaways! Good luck friends 💋
Snow shoe boot now in! Super light weight, and super warmand obviously super cute to boot! Only a couple of each size and colour available so don’t wait too long. Open 10-6 Sunday and 9-6 the rest is the week! #snowshoeboots #warmandcozy #getoutsideandplay #cutetoboot #onlycanadian #moosehidemukluks #mukluks #loveyourself #canadianwinter
Seriously thoughhow fabulous are these?!! 💯 HANDMADE. Genuine deer hide leather faux fur white trim liner … Rated -35°. Wow! Only brought ONE pair in. $229.99 #whiteleathermittens #whiteleather #handmademittens #fabulousmittens #sounique #canadianmade #christmasgiftideas @ The Totem Pole
Gauntlets at their finest! Red dyed deer hide with a faux fur trim..and hello tassels and embroidery!! Fabulous. #fabulousmittens #redleather #handmade #onlyonepair $229.9@! Open 10-6! @ The Totem Pole
Well it’s that time of year again! Contest time!
Every year we give away a few pair of our beautiful Canadian made fur trimmed slippers. We draw a name each Monday leading up to Christmas! First name will be drawn Monday December 3rd. Next Monday December 10th and third Monday December 17th! I will announce the winner on our page every Monday afternoon and I will also ensure the winners name to be announced on our story.
To enter: 1. Like our Facebook page (follow us) 2. SHARE this post 3. Type in comments your size colour choice
Following the above steps enters you into all three of our giveaways.
Note: If you already follow us… Then all you need to do is share this post and type in your size and colour choice.
Good luck everyone ❤️
Visit us online at We ship to Canada and the United Staes. Currently with Canada Post being on strike we offer FedEx to ensure Holiday delivery:)
Sneak peek of our sale this weekend! I’m at home playing with sparkly cardboard clearly this is not my forte! See you this weekend! 💋 @ The Totem Pole
This weekend only!
Tons of amazing deals!
Doors open 10am Saturday morning!!!
See you soon:)
This Weekend Only Christmas Sale!! Doors open at 10am! Stay tuned for previews throughout the day. Note most moccasins and mukluks are exempt from sale due to limited inventory, sorry folks.
Doesn’t matter that we woke up to a thick blanket of snow, Murphy is still ready to play ball! #adogslife #onetrackmind #playball #keepingupwithmydogs #butfirstcoffee
Winter white perfection. These leather mukluks are magically magnificent! Limited availability. In-store now and online #whiteleather #whiteleatherboots #whitemukluks #canadiangirl #meantforwinter #meantforoutdoors #staywarmthiswinter #getoutside #lovewinter #canadianwinters #canadianwinterstyle #stylishandwarm #standout #standoutstyle #beuniquebeyou #winterweddinginspiration #winterwedding #notfortheshy #getseen #playinthesnow #buildasnowman #freeshippingonthese #welovewinter #mukluks #mymukluks #keepingitreal #moosehidemukluks #eugenecloutier #sowarmandcozy #madetolast
Winter wedding? We have your dancing shoes. soft and comfy you will love slipping into these beauties! We also have 5 other colours available for your bridesmaids 🙌. 100% hand made, these gorgeous moccs never disappoint. Get yours in store or online today! #handmademoccasins #hidesinhands #winterwhite #winterweddinginspiration #winterwedding #weddingdancingshoes #dancingshoes #softlikebutter #handmadealways #uniqueweddingideas a pic from our websites main pagenavigate through and find your style! Whether you’re looking for moccasins, slippers, winter boots, warm hats or mittens- we’ve got you covered! #winterstyle #winterapparel #wevegotyoucovered #gettingcoldoutside #burr #snowboots #warmtoes #letsplayoutside #timeforsanta #hohoho🎅 #snowballseason #warmandfurry #canadianmade #keepingitreal
Pretty in pink and fully stocked! These beauty Authentic moccasin slippers truly are as cute and cozy as they look! $89:99 #warm #canada🇨🇦 #canadianmade #authentic #keepingitreal #warmsndcozy #ilovemoccasins #sopretty #socute #perfectchristmasgift #christmasgiftideas2018 #christmas2018🎄