
Encountering God through Scripture, Sacrament and Spirit.

Tags : #AnglicanChurch, #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
630 19th Street East, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7L 3A1


St. Timothy's is an Anglican Church that is trying to continually learn and live into the understanding that God is present with us, and that he is for us and not against us. Through the Sacraments, the Scriptures, and the Spirit we encounter Immanuel – God with Us – who is Christ Jesus – The Anointed LORD who Saves. Our prayer is that this ongoing encounter with God transforms us into the likeness of Jesus Christ, and empowers us to be his redemptive presence in the world.

Jesus told his followers that just as the Father sent him to be present in this world and to reveal to the world what God's Kingdom is really like, so he sends us into the world to do the same thing.

This is a very difficult challenge and we are only beginning to understand what it means in terms of our worship, teaching, service and care in a culture which for the most part, has turned away from and dismissed the Church. But we believe the Church is necessary; indeed it is the very instrument ordained of God to bring healing, hope, peace, joy, love, grace, and forgiveness to the world which he made and loves.

We certainly do not have all the answers- to claim that would be to claim to be God! What we do believe is that God has called us into communion with himself through Jesus Christ. By grace we want to help each other grow in our understanding of this profound mystery. And we want to challenge each other to live into, up to, and out of our salvation, for our own sakes but also for the sake of others.

When you come to St. Timothy's one of the first things you will notice, which may be a bit different to you, is our liturgy, or style of worship. It has roots as ancient as the church itself dating back almost 1900 years, reminding us that we have not invented worship nor this faith. But it is also contemporary offering 'ancient words for modern life'.We welcome you to join us as together we learn what it means to be his presence wherever we are and in all that we do.