It's election day in Toronto. Don't forget to vote!
I just read that Aretha Franklin died without a Will, and that she has a special needs adult child. Had she died in Ontario, this could have caused significant financial problems for that adult child.
Very busy day! A presentation to CAGP this afternoon and one to a financial planning group this evening. Busy, but fun and rewarding.
I will be the guest speaker at an estates planning event hosted by Kathryn Finn of RBC DS this evening from 6-8pm. This is a women-only event. If you or women you know want to attend, please RSVP to Patricia (see below). The event is free but space is limited. All women are welcome!
On June 8th, I will be rappelling down City Hall in support of the Make A Wish Foundation. The link to my fundraising page is below. Any and all donations would be very much appreciated, by me and by the children the Make A Wish Foundation helps. Donations are tax deductible.
Looking forward to this event tonight!
Thank you to RBC for hosting such a great event and inviting me to speak tonight. I loved all the questions from the audience and the staff! Such an engaged group!
Happy National Pet Day!
Looking forward to attending this event next Monday, Martha Henderson!
Happy Easter/Passover!
Thank you to everyone who came out to our presentation Transitioning Wealth in Modern Families this morning. Debbie Mendelson of WDB & Associates, Michelle Tatham of Trapeze Asset Management and I had a great time putting it together. We appreciate all of the great questions and engaged commentary. Looking forward to continuing the conversation!
Thank you to CILT for inviting me to be the guest speaker for their Lunch 'n Learn yesterday. We had a great turnout, and a very interesting and engaging conversation!
January flew by! February is booking up. Looking forward to a great 2018! Remember, it's RRSP season; contribute what you can. The tax breaks are worth it!
Final push to have clients' documents completed and executed before the holidays! I'm almost ready for a long winter's nap 😀😴😀
Thank you to Freedom 55 Financial North GTA for organizing a great seminar this morning! I was honoured to present alongside McLaughlin Chin Professional Corporation and Freedom 55 North GTA. Lots of great discussion on real estate investing and estate planning!