
TAXI(to move)DERMY(the skin) into life like positions. Realistic Wildlife Preservation & Recreation @ it:s finest... MESSAGE FOR INQUIRIES..

Tags : #Taxidermist, #SportsRecreation, #Sports&Recreation

Location :
1393 Poisson Road, Kimberley, British Columbia V1A-3M9
Contacts :


Robbins Taxidermy Studio(since 2001) is a local taxidermy shop that accepts most north american species(no pets) & specializes in life-size mounts & critters native to the surrounding area. My mission is to recreate as life-like as possible & to preserve the hide,fins or feathers on the wildlife projects brought to me by my valued customers. All wildlife or parts of, must be accompanied by a licence, permit or other certificate of origin. before entering the studio. Please message me for inquiries about prices & turn around times. Due to the wide variety of sizes, positions & alterations, pricing can vary. All life-size projects will include a suitable habitat. Custom habitats to suit each customers request can also be arranged.