
The Redeemed Christian Church of God - Victory Chapel

Tags : #PentecostalChurch, #ChristianChurch, #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
287 Pallisier Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia V9B 1C5


Victory Chapel, Victoria, BC is a home for every believer. We believe in the bond of love and unity which was the reason why the redeemer established His church with the promise of eternal victory - "The gates of hell shall not prevail" Amen.

We are excited to have you visiting our site today. God is the source of all good things and you are very special to Him and to us. It is our desire that you would be greatly blessed as you experience God’s awesome love and power of transformation through our messages.

Please feel free to connect with us. Send us your questions, prayer requests and testimonies and we promise to lift them before the throne of grace. We are sure your petitions are granted in the precious name of Jesus Christ, You are blessed.

God bless you.
Pastor Ademola Farinu