
Your go-to store for cheaper uOttawa textbooks!

Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #Bookstore, #InternetCafe, #College&University

Location :
145 Besserer St, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6A7


Twitter: @LibAgoraBkstore

The Agora Bookstore was established in 1999 and is owned by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa.

We are a student-owned, independent organization dedicated to meeting the needs of the University of Ottawa community at the best affordable price for our customers.

We accomplish this by:

* offering a wide range of products and services at the lowest possible prices;
* setting new standards in customer service with friendly, knowledgeable and bilingual staff; and
* remaining open to the ever-changing realities of the industry.

Notre mission:

La librairie Agora est une organisation indépendante qui appartient aux étudiants et dont le but est de répondre aux besoins de la communauté de l’Université d’Ottawa.

Nous relevons ce défi en :

* offrant un large éventail de produits et de services aux plus bas prix possible;
* établissant de nouvelles normes en matière de service à la clientèle avec un personnel amical, cultivé et bilingue;
* demeurant ouvert aux changements perpétuels qu’amènent notre industrie.