This is an official Wilfrid Laurier University site managed by Laurier's Teaching & Learning team members.
Wilfrid Laurier University (Laurier) values our community and welcomes comments to its Facebook page to engage discussion.
Posts and content added by Laurier Facebook site administrators represent official Wilfrid Laurier University content. Opinions posted by other Facebook users are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the university.
Laurier values free speech and freedom of expression and does not prescreen comments.
However, we do not permit content that is hostile, threatening, abusive, contains commercial solicitations, is erroneous/libelous, sexist, racist, homophobic, contains profanity or is for any reason deemed to be not in the university’s best interest. All content and posts are bound by:
Facebook’s Terms of use and Code of Conduct:
Wilfrid Laurier University privacy policies:
We reserve the right to remove content at any time without prior notice.
We ask that you help to protect the Laurier online community. Facebook encourages users to report any abusive content by clicking the “report” link at the bottom of comments.
A note about PHOTOS:
Photos add to the vibrancy of an online community experience. Wilfrid Laurier University is responsible for the photos posted by administrators to the site. Photos posted by users are the sole responsibility of the user and not the university.
Note that the owner of a photo determines the privacy of the photo. Therefore, before posting a photo, it is the user’s responsibility to gain consent from all those appearing in a photo before posting.
Photos should not be tagged, and their subject matter should abide by the codes of conduct listed above.
Wilfrid Laurier University reserves the right to remove photos at any time without prior notice.
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