Home Investment Advisor ( HIA ) . Help clients Buy & Sell Calgary Homes .
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Twitter: kmacaulayremax
You deserve some time away this year! Here are 20 great options within Canada that will blow you away.
Looking for things to do in and around Calgary this weekend? Check out this events calendar. #calgaryevents #eventsinyyc #nye #nyeinyyc #newyearsevents #thingstodoinyyc #remax #remaxrealty #remaxprofessionals #remaxrealtyprofessionals
If modern interiors are your thing, this might be a tough choice, but would you rather have the bathroom with the red and blue interior or the one with dark brown tile?
A list of the best kitchen gadets that made cooking in the home kitchen better in 2018 #kitchengadgets #yearinreview #bestof2018 #lookingback #newyear #homecooks #remax #remaxrealty #remaxprofessionals #remaxrealtyprofessionals
Single women make up a larger percentage of first-time homebuyers than ever! So why not share a guide created specifically for them?
Home for the Holidays: 20 Country Christmas Decorating Ideas #holidaydecorating #decoratingideas #countrychristmas #designandecore #cozyholiday #tistheseason #remax #remaxprofessionals
Have your kids recently flown the coop? Let's talk about downsizing and getting a great price for your home!
More wind farms coming to Alberta thanks to partnership with Indigenous communities #windfarms #renewableenergy #lifeinalberta #albertaenvironment #renewableenergystrategy #remax #remaxprofessionals
If you're ready to hire a Realtor, here are some important things to consider
Selling your home in Calgary’s present real estate market can be a challenge, but some common-sense decisions can help improve the odds. #sellingyourhome #buyersmarket #tipsandtricks #calgaryhousingmarket #homesforsaleinyyc #calgaryrealestate #remax #remaxprofessionals
It's safe to say we've all had an up and down relationship with wallpaper over the years, but if you confine it to one accent wall, wallpaper can really spice up a room. Take a look at these 15 examples and you just might find one you love!
Inside a Marda Loop Infill That Underwent a Major Transformation #homerenovations #renos #infilltransformation #design #decor #decorating #tipsandtricks #loveyourspace #updatedliving #remax #remaxprofessionals
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