
Photographer that enjoys taking pictures of people and places!
Priced affordably to be available for everyone!

Tags : #PhotographyVideography

Location :
67 Hobart Cr., Brantford, Ontario N3p1t7


Hi! My name is Jeremy Mercer. I am a hobby photographer, and I want to give you my idea of how we can work together.
My feeling is that if you have paid me for taking photographs for you, then the photographs belong to you. All of them.
I am currently offering family portraits for the small fee of $50 for an hour or two of shooting, and provide you with a CD of the photos we take.
Engagement photos can be done for $100 and all photos will be put on CD for you.
Interested in having me do your wedding? $500 and again you get all the photos on CD!
Animal photos are also available for the cost of $50 for the session. Photos on a CD included!
Boudoir photos are available for $150 as well for 3 hours. Additional hours only $50! Hair and makeup may be available at an additional cost.
You are free to do with any of the photos as you wish, they belong to you!
I am excited to see what we can do together! Please feel free to post on the wall here with questions, comments, and requests for photo shoots!
You can also directly contact me at jeremymercerphotography@hotmail.com!