Mary Kay by Katharina Kroecker, Independent Beauty Consultant is a store, located at Kamloops, BC, Kamloops, British Columbia V2C. [read more]
Firebug! Ceramics & Pottery; Choose a piece of bisque, paint in with your own original design and I will fire it for you to complete your masterpiece!. [read more]
#LoveVancity Gift Boxes are curated, specialty boxes designed to help support local brands while giving you a treat in the mail!. [read more]
Welcome! I just love to make things; I can’t help it! I love knitting, crocheting, sewing & crafting. All of my items are handmade in my smoke-free sewing/crafting studio. [read more]
Cabinet designer working with Mid island Cabinets all over Vancouver Island. Give me a call for a free estimate. . [read more]
Being a mom is not always rainbow and sunshine. Thankfully there is Moms n' Martinis for all your getting through the day "necessities". From martini glasses, wine glasses, books, clothing and.. [read more]
We're here to give you, the customer, the things you need right now. Welcome to the Amazing Product Trends Home page. We specialize in finding you the best and most popular items in the.. [read more]
Premium flies tied to order. [read more]
Local artists, specializing in string art, woodburning, and home decor. We also doing custom made gifts and can turn you creative ideas into a real art piece. [read more]
Ideas Market is a store, located at Vancouver, BC, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Y. [read more]
Advertising and Digital Marketing Agency. [read more]
Benee Rubin's East Van Cross Collection is hand made in downtown Vancouver by Vancouverites with 10% of the sale going to the Y's Crabtree Corner. . [read more]
Jersey Legends is your source for autographed hockey and sports memorabilia and custom framing. . [read more]
Grocery , Fresh meat, Fresh produce , Snacks, Dairy Pet food, Cleaning Supplies. . [read more]
If you are looking for Epicure, I am your gal!. [read more]
Welcome to Deals & Reveals by The E-Mom! This page focuses on sharing various products on sale or reviewed by me for our mommy community. This may include kids products on sale or mommy products.. [read more]
Make the lives of not just moms, but all parents easier. We understand the challenges that come with being a parent so we wanted to help you stay ready to face them. [read more]
煤氣鎮(Gastown),又譯蓋斯鎮,是加拿大卑詩省溫哥華市内一個地區,位於市中心東北角,在市政府的振興市中心東端計劃中也被當成該區的一部份。煤氣鎮是溫哥華開埠時最早開發的社區,當時以布勒内灣海旁(填海後現時是水街和加拿大太平洋鐵路路軌所在)、哥倫比亞街、喜士定街和甘比街為界。歷史喜士定木廠於1867年在布勒内灣南岸開業,是現溫哥華所在的首座非原住民建築。來自英格蘭的傑克·戴頓於同年在木廠外圍開設一間酒吧;往後年間一個小社區圍繞著酒吧而成形,並以戴頓的外號「Gassy Jack」(意即「囉嗦的傑克」)命名為「Gassy's Town」,後來再縮短成「Gastown」。卑詩殖民地政府於1870年3月1日將該區正式劃為鎮址,並將之命名為「固蘭湖」(Granville)以紀念時任英國殖民地大臣固蘭湖伯爵,但民眾普遍仍將該處稱為「Gastown」。煤氣鎮於1873年有75名居民,到1875年區内有十座樓房,當中四座專注出售酒精飲品。包括煤氣鎮在内的固蘭湖鎮址後於1886年4月6日正式設為溫哥華市,同年6月13日發生溫哥華大火,區内僅存兩座建築物。煤氣鎮其後迅速重建,到1920年代一直穩步發展。然而,經濟大蕭條期間區内環境每況愈下,到1960年代該區更是滿目瘡痍。溫哥華市政府於1950年代開始研究於市内興建高速公路網,市議會並於1967年宣佈具體計劃,當中來回8綫行車的南北向公路將取代卡路街的走綫貫穿煤氣鎮。為了落實此計劃,當局需於煤氣鎮、華埠和士達孔拿區一帶清拆多座建築物,令該帶面目全非。該三區的居民和商戶於是聯手反抗公路計劃,並獲其它團體(如溫哥華貿易局)聲援,遂於1968年逼使市政府放棄計劃。此舉不但成功挽救該帶的社區,更改變了溫哥華的城市規劃模式,為溫哥華日後的公共交通發展和市中心高密度化奠下基礎。煤氣鎮逃過清拆命運後,省政府於1971年將之列為歷史城區。商戶和居民連同市議會和市政府部門於1970年代在區内進行美化,將舊建築復修至原貌,在街道上鋪設鵝卵石,並於甘比街夾水街之處(即固蘭湖鎮址西界)設立一個蒸汽鐘,成為該區的標誌。該區遂發展成溫哥華的主要觀光景點之一,更於2009年被列入加拿大國家史蹟。. [read more]
Here at R&R Boutique, we are dedicated to sourcing out and bringing to you the hottest beauty products available, at reasonable prices! Everything from gel nails to anti-aging serums! Pop in to.. [read more]
Supertackle fishing tackle company. [read more]
I am using a laser cutter to make woodcrafts and custom engraving. Everything from boxes to puzzles. Most things can be customized with added engraving. [read more]
Our life's mission = Your Happiness! Kari-Lynn Apperal brings you the hottest goodies of the season at low prices. Never miss out on the latest trends and stay up to date on the latest fashion!. [read more]
Turner Foods Co. is the best in local grocery and food resource for your family a name you can trust. . [read more]
On-The-Way Store 1998 is a store, located at 1 46484 Chilliwack Lake Rd # 1, Chilliwack, British Columbia V2R 3R7. They can be contacted via phone at +16048585757 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a company who cares deeply about the people we serve and employ, our community and environment. Our company offers rollerbottles and spray bottles with standard recipes, or the ability.. [read more]
I take photos of the most amazing people, places & things and help make beautiful memories for the world!. [read more]
Epicure products to delight your senses and make cooking in the comfort of your own home easier. . [read more]
The only store in Qualicum Beach exclusively for men offering leading fashions for men of all ages. Come see us at our brand new store!. [read more]
We are a small, family run nursery and farm with a curated selection of a veggie/ fruit plant starts, medicinal/culinary herbs, cut flowers, and produce. [read more]
Introducing the new way to do Coffee Home of Healthy Coffee™ recognizes the shift in production of better, healthier coffee. Coffee can be better, and there are companies making it better. [read more]
Poshmark Closet with beautiful new and gently used items. All my items have been hand picked by me. Lets change our script about fast fashion and adopt a new mentality towards how we consume and.. [read more]
VancouverGiftBaskets. com has been designing exquisite & original gifts & gourmet gift baskets for delivering in Vancouver & surrounding areas since 1991. [read more]
Fuzi. ca Creative Inc. (http://www. fuzi. ca) is a TOP 40 Supplier in the promotional products industry and provides upscale retail quality gifts and awards among Bags, Drinkware,.. [read more]
Isla Collective is your one-stop online boutique for unique items made by artisans & designers. Shop our carefully curated products that are handcrafted by those as passionate about our wild.. [read more]
Fountain Tire is a Canadian tire dealer, offering a range of car, truck, and trailer tires, as well as automotive services. Started in 1956 in Wainwright, Alberta, by Bill Fountain; Fountain Tire.. [read more]
Full service electrical contractor. Insured and bonded. Specializing in home renovations, electrical service upgrades and LED retrofit lighting. Authorized dealer of Gemstone Lighting. [read more]