Our goal at Backyard Cinema is to make the most of summer, by setting up a full on movie theatre in your backyard. Enjoy the enchanting experience!. [read more]
The Park Theatre is a neighbourhood movie house on Cambie Street in Vancouver, British Columbia. Opened in 1941, it has passed through several owners, including Odeon Theatres, Famous Players.. [read more]
奧芬劇院(英語:The Orpheum)是一座位於加拿大卑詩省溫哥華的劇院。劇院座落溫哥華市中心的固蘭湖街,由溫哥華市政府轄下的溫哥華市營劇院營運。奧芬劇院由蘇格蘭裔建築師馬爾庫斯·普里特卡設計,於1927年11月7日正式開幕。劇院耗資125萬加元興建,可容納約2780名觀眾。劇院當時稱為「新奧芬劇院」,以便與位於固蘭湖街761號的舊奧芬劇院區別。(舊奧芬劇院於1969年拆卸。)奧芬劇院原用作歌舞雜耍表演廳,但隨著該種表演模式於1930年代日漸式微,東主Famous Players亦將劇院改為主要播放電影之用。1973年,Famous Players決定將劇院改建成現代電影院,並全面更改劇院的内部裝潢。公眾隨即發起「拯救奧芬」抗議和籌款活動,而著名美國演員傑克·本尼也前來溫哥華聲援。1974年,溫哥華市政府宣佈斥資710萬元收購奧芬劇院,當中310萬元由市政府支付,而加拿大聯邦政府和卑詩省政府則各自提供150萬元。劇院於1975年封閉以進行復修,再於1977年4月2日重新對外開放,自此成為溫哥華交響樂團的主要表演場館。劇院於1979年被列為加拿大國家史蹟。 對外連結Orpheum-溫哥華市政府網站 奧芬劇院頁面. [read more]
The only drive-in movie theatre in Greater Victoria, BC. [read more]
It's been a long day without you, my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again. [read more]
Metropolis at Metrotown is a four-storey shopping mall complex in Metrotown, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. With over 450 shops and services, the anchors are Hudson's Bay, Sears, Toys "R" Us, T.. [read more]
A Drive-In Movie Theatre coming soon to Victoria!. [read more]
Grand 10 Cinema is a movie theater, located at 948 McCurdy Road, Kelowna, BC, Kelowna, British Columbia V1X 2P7. They can be contacted via phone at (250) 491-4178 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Orpheum is a theatre and music venue in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Along with the Queen Elizabeth Theatre and the Vancouver Playhouse, it is part of the Vancouver Civic Theatres.. [read more]
엠파이어 필드은 캐나다의 다목적 경기장이다. 브리티시컬럼비아 주 밴쿠버에 있었던 다목적 경기장이다. 과거 CFL BC 라이온즈와 MLS 밴쿠버 화이트캡스 FC의 홈 경기장이다. . [read more]
This here is a covid- safe way of watching some dope films and having a good old discussion, chat or rant about them after!. [read more]
School District 36 Surrey operates schools in Surrey, White Rock, and Barnston Island, British Columbia. It is the largest school district in British Columbia with 71,974 students during.. [read more]
Monday nights at the Eric Martin Pavilion (near Fort and Foul Bay), come celebrate popular, mental health and social-cause movies. . [read more]
This page is about my projects in the Film Production Industry. [read more]
Information on the Movie Theatre - Weekly movie schedule and special events. . [read more]
An event where moms (and dads and friends and grandparents) can relax and enjoy a current movie and popcorn in a baby-friendly environment. Sound levels are turned down, lights are a little.. [read more]
Jet Set Cinema is a weekly movie night held at The Roxy, focusing on fun, adventurous storytelling. Fancy dress (aka costumes) is always welcome! $5 cash at door concessions available for sale. [read more]
Rosemantik is one of the best wedding cinema company located in B. C. & We believe in recording the most beautiful moment of your life with thebest value!. [read more]
The Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage is a landmark theatre at 12th Avenue and Granville Street in Vancouver, British Columbia which serves as the main stage for the Arts Club Theatre Company. [read more]
This is a description test. . . . [read more]
Pacific Cinematheque Pacifique is a movie theater, located at 1131 Howe St # 200, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2L7. They can be contacted via phone at +16046888202 for more detailed information. [read more]
Colosses Theatre is a movie theater, located at 20090 91A Ave, Langley, British Columbia V1M 3Y9. They can be contacted via phone at (604) 513-8747 for more detailed information. [read more]
Percy Perry Stadium is a multi-purpose, fully lit stadium in Coquitlam, British Columbia. It was built for the 1991 B. C. Summer Games, as part of the district's 100th anniversary, and has.. [read more]
Scotia Theatre is a movie theater, located at 900 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 3G5. They can be contacted via phone at (604) 630-1407 for more detailed information. [read more]
www. YouTube. com/VancouverRepresent. [read more]
Bully's Rehearsal Studios Inc is a movie theater, located at 67 Sixth St, New Westminster, British Columbia. They can be contacted via phone at +16045230459 for more detailed information. [read more]
Colossus Langley Cinemas is a movie theater, located at 20090 91A Avenue, Langley, British Columbia. [read more]