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Britannia Student Council 2013-2014 is a school, located at 1001 Cotton Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia. They can be contacted via phone at (604) 713-8266, visit their website britannia.vsb.bc.ca for more detailed information.

The official Britannia Student Council page. Get event updates, win free stuff, and have an amazing year with us!

Tags : #HighSchool, #CampusBuilding

Location :
1001 Cotton Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


Britannia Student Council is the oldest existing council of all high schools in the lower mainland!! This year, we're here to make school FUN and EXCITING with events such as spirit weeks, theme days, and best of all--DANCES!

Student voice is what drives and motivates Council, so if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to message any SC members, or email us at britanniastudentcouncil@gmail.com!

We look forward to hearing from all of you, and see you all throughout the year! Xoxo.

President: Crystal Vuong
Vice President: Aaron Campbell
Secretary-Treasurer: Naomi Morcilla

Grade 12 Reps: Jacob Schwinghammer & Murtaza Jaffrey
Grade 11 Reps: Anna Vo, Linh Truong, & Remy Truong
Grade 10 Reps: Cole Wong, Cissey Huang, & Isaiah Lehtinen
Grade 9 Reps: Fahim Alam, Madgen Liao, & George Zhu
Grade 8 Reps: TBA

Special Events Reps: Kai Groden-Gilchrist & Anthony Ngo
Community Reps: Stefan Grahovac & Cleo Tracey
Sports Reps: Leena Yamaguchi & Thofiq Hussain

Get even more updates by joining your GRAD GROUP!
Grad 2014: https://www.facebook.com/groups/387382341384858/?bookmark_t=group
Grad 2015: https://www.facebook.com/groups/378404955596137/?bookmark_t=group
Grad 2016: https://www.facebook.com/groups/532554020148991/?bookmark_t=group
Grad 2017:

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