Classical flutist and Professor of Music at Memorial University School of Music. Solo and chamber artist, flutist with Trinitas Chamber Ensemble @trinitaschamberensemble. [read more]
Chargée de cours et étudiante au doctorat en communication à l'UQAM, mes recherches portent sur la sociabilité adolescente et le rôle des technologies numériques dans le développement.. [read more]
In the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, students are provided with a transformative experience and have the opportunity to work with dynamic faculty members to help.. [read more]
OUR PHYSICAL LOCATION IS NOW CLOSED, however, we are offering online conversation groups. Please join us!. [read more]
Representing all graduate students in the Planetary Science collaborative program at University of Western Ontario, Canada. . [read more]
A page for all things residence for 2016-2017 at Huron. [read more]
UMLO is a student action group at the Asper School of Business that focuses on developing students' leadership skills. . [read more]
Pure Grass is a student run gallery in room 591 at the Alberta College of Art + Design. . [read more]
卡莫森學院(Camosun College,縮寫CC),是一所位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省維多利亞的公立專上學院,創立於1971年,是不列顛哥倫比亞省最大的社區學院。學院提供超過160個課程,提供的課程包括: 大學轉分課程、學士學位課程及兩年制文憑課程等。另外,超過70%課程提供實習機會(例如: 款待、機械工程學科等)。此外,該校被評為加拿大首50名研究學院之一,研究報告期提供接近140萬加元作研究經費。學院亦與商界合作,提供實習生;亦同時給予校內學生實踐的機會。Category:不列顛哥倫比亞省教育歷史1970年10月9日,當地居民投票通過成立一間専上學院。同年10月27日,不列顛哥倫比亞省政府正式批准學院成立。1971年9月,首批學生入讀,提供大學轉分課程、文憑課程及職業培訓課程等。1971年,學院正名: Camosun(發音:Cam-O-Sun),成為不列顛哥倫比亞省第9間専上學院。2008年2月22日,學院標誌及名稱被Canadian Intellectual Property Office納入為知識產權。校園Camosun College設有兩座校園,分別位於維多利亞萨尼奇与橡树湾交界处的Lansdowne Campus;以及位于同位于萨尼奇,離維多利亞市中心約15分鐘車程的 Interurban Campus。. [read more]
Large screen displays Sticker Business Card Envelopes Color Brochure Printing shirt Black and White Graphic Laminating Laminating Binding Fax Label Progra. [read more]
The Public Humanities at The University of Western Ontario in London, ON. http://www. uwo. ca/publichumanities/. [read more]
Projet de conception et fabrication d'une formule SAE électrique par des étudiants en génie mécanique, électrique et informatique de Sherbrooke. [read more]
Innovative, interdisciplinary teaching and research that span the molecular to the social. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn! #SFUhealth. [read more]
The McMaster Health Forum's Student-Led Community of Action allows students to gain knowledge about health systems challenges & collaborate to spark action. [read more]
StFX Chaplaincy is an active element of the personal and spiritual dimension of St. Francis Xavier University. Our Chaplaincy Team, together with many other areas of StFX, strive to enhance the.. [read more]
The CIEL Lab major interest is to explore how people become members of a new cultural or social group. Although these processes take place in many contexts, we focus mostly on the case of migrants.. [read more]
Bourse de l’AUCC pour étudier Gratuitement au Canada. L’Association des universités et collèges du Canada (AUCC) représente 95 universités et collèges universitaires publics et privés.. [read more]
Ton animatrice à la vie étudiante de l'ITA campus de La Pocatière t'informe de toutes les activités de l'Institut ou organisées par les nombreux comités étudiants. [read more]
The Winifred Ross Multimedia Room is here to support the teaching and research activities of the Art History, Art Con and BFA programs @ Queen's University. [read more]
The Networked Imagination Laboratory at McMaster University is a 24/7 node for live coding, network music and related artistic research. Location: TSH-B108. [read more]
George Brown College 成立於 1967 年,地處加拿大最多元化的城市多倫多市中心核心地段,是加拿大最大的公立高等學院之一,全國 12 所綜合理工學院之一。. [read more]
The CJE welcomes scholarly reviews of books related to education. Reviewers can propose a book to review, or can check our page for a list of books that are available for reviewing on a.. [read more]
学生数学部学生約2万6000人、大学院生3,600人教員教職員数 4,260名スポーツ・サークル・伝統スポーツチームはRavens。マスコットはRodney the Raven日本人の主な出身者 加藤普章 - 大東文化大学教授 亀井亜紀子 - 参議院議員 三原朝彦 - 元衆議院議員 桐渕絵理 - アイスホッケー選手. [read more]
The Peter A. Allard School of Law is the law school of the University of British Columbia. The Faculty offers the Juris Doctor (J. D. ) degree as well as the Master of Laws (LL. [read more]
St. Francis Xavier University is a primarily undergraduate university located in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. The university brings together 5,100 students from across Canada and around the.. [read more]
1883年に文学および医学の学位を第一期生へ授与して以降、今日同大学は1,164人の教授陣と29,000人に上る学部および大学院生の学び舎である。研究活動は同大学の存在意義の根幹であり、学外からの研究プロジェクトへの資金提供額は年間1億9千万ドルに上る。大学メインキャンパスの12の学部と3つの提携校を通し60種以上の学位を提供している。カナダの週刊ニュース雑誌マクリーンズ誌による医学部および広範な博士課程・研究プログラムを持つ大学 (Medical Doctoral Universities) のランキングにおいては例年上位に位置する。ウェスタンオンタリオ大学は一般にはウェスタン、あるいはUWOと呼ばれることが多い。ちなみに同大学は地理的にはオンタリオ州西部ではなく、実は南東部に位置するがトロント、オタワなどのオンタリオ州の政治・経済の中心地域から見て相対的に西方にあるためこう呼ばれる。キャンパス大学はテムズ川北側の1. [read more]
Like our page for news, events, programs, alumni and student profiles, and more. Keep in touch with the Faculty of Education, University of Regina. . [read more]
Look here to connect with the Xaverian Family in our nation's capital. . [read more]
The Official University of Windsor Law School Page. [read more]
Science Atlantic- Atlantic Universities Physics & Astronomy Conference (AUPAC). [read more]
Our goal is to understand why some people who carry excess weight have different disease risk and response to weight loss treatment compared to others. [read more]
Welcome to the Department of Visual Arts at Lakehead University! Check out all of the awesome things happening in our department. . [read more]
جامعة ماك إيوان هي جامعة عامة في كندا تأسست عام 1971. تقع في مدينة ادمونتون. . [read more]
The official Facebook account of the Business Administration and Tourism and Hospitality Management Program at MSVU. msvu. ca/business msvu. ca/tourism. [read more]
Somos una agencia de asesoría educativa totalmente gratuita que te ayuda a escoger la mejor opción para hacer realidad tu sueño de estudiar y vivir en Canadá. [read more]
SIRRL is a research group in the University of Waterloo, Canada. The goal of our research is to advance knowledge in social and intelligent robotics and to develop robots that can make a.. [read more]