A large and diverse Catholic faith community, established in Stoney Creek. . [read more]
St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church is a church, located at 5650 Mavis Road, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 2N6. They can be contacted via phone at 905-890-5290 for more detailed information. [read more]
"Our own belief is that the renovation of the world will be brought about only by the Holy Eucharist. " - Pope Leo XIII. [read more]
Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Church is a church, located at 625 Atwater Ave, Mississauga, Ontario L5G 2A8. They can be contacted via phone at +1 416-414-9165 for more detailed information. [read more]
명성교회는 하나님의 사랑과 예수그리스도의 구원하심을 전하기 위해서 오늘도 믿음으로 일어나는 교회입니다. . [read more]
Bonne nouvelle pour la métropole !. [read more]
L'Église Réformée Baptiste d'Acton Vale est une communauté de la région qui organise un culte dominical centré sur la foi chrétienne. . [read more]
Le Centre Évangélique de Jonquière est une communauté vivante de chrétiens engagés! Nous aspirons à une église accueillante, compatissante et chaleureuse où le malheureux trouve.. [read more]
Église chrétienne évangélique pour l'instant et pour une période indéterminée il n'y a aucune réunion. . [read more]
Une assemblée locale à votre service. Soyez des nôtres ce dimanche à 10h. [read more]
"Car tout ce qui est né de Dieu triomphe du monde, et la victoire qui triomphe du monde, c'est notre foi"1 Jean 5:4. [read more]
The IOCC also operates a seminary for mature men and women, who feel a call to ordination. Check out our website www. http://agapeseminary. com. [read more]
Ryerson Catholic Student Centre is a university, located at 200 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1Z2. They can be contacted via phone at (416) 364-0234 X39 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a group of Catholic parishioners and priests who are committed to the Roman Catholic Church. We are in the Northern Hamilton Diocese in Ontario. [read more]
Fr. Ahern, an Independent Traditional catholic priest offers Mass every two months in Nova Scotia for Trad Catholics. Fr. Ahern was ordained by Abp. Lefreve. [read more]
The Canadian Catholic Daily Mass @ St. Basil Church in Downtown Toronto. [read more]
Eglise Adventiste du 7eme Jour is a church, located at 940 Ch de Chambly, Longueuil, Quebec J4H 3M3. They can be contacted via phone at +14506515222 for more detailed information. [read more]
Notre mission est de propager le Message des 3 anges à Orléans, au Canada! Venez adorer avec nous les sabbats a partir de 9:15 am!. [read more]
Der Arctic Red River ist ein linker Nebenfluss des Mackenzie Rivers in den kanadischen Nordwest-Territorien. Er wurde von den Ureinwohnern Tsiigèhnjik genannt, was „Eisenfluss“ bedeutet. [read more]
Connect with People • Connect with God Encouraging one another to Christ-centered lives & working to create a community where families can grow & thrive. [read more]
St Mary Catholic Church is a church, located at 5251 Joyce Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V5R 4G8. They can be contacted via phone at +1 604-435-9611 for more detailed information. [read more]
United Church St Andrew's Office is a church, located at 211 Thomson St, Outlook, Saskatchewan. They can be contacted via phone at +13068678751 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a church family that meets in the heart of Ottawa. We invite you to worship God, grow together, and serve others with us. Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00. [read more]
Nous sommes un groupe d’origines culturelles différentes avec des valeurs semblables qui se sont unis pour former une église à Gatineau. . [read more]
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada is Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint John located at 91 Waterloo Street in the city's.. [read more]
IFGF (International Full Gospel Fellowship) Vancouver Located in: 3891 Kingsway (Kingsway & Boundary Rd) Burnaby, BC, Canada V5H 1Y5. [read more]
Celestial Church of Christ. [read more]
Cristo Rei Catholic Church is a church, located at 3495 Confederation Parkway, Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3G5. They can be contacted via phone at (905) 270-1133 for more detailed information. [read more]
S'emparer du futur, saisir sa destinée / Get a hold of the future, seize your destiny / www. lechemin. ca / www. hodos. ca. [read more]
The Secret of being Spiritual - A Life transforming This is the official face book page for gospel thunderstorm ministries and Deus Prince Gahiga. [read more]
We are churches in covenant giving ourselves away to advance the Kingdom of God. [read more]
This Facebook page details the different events of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish's youth group in Stoney Creek, Ontario. . [read more]
Grace is a faith community for people from all backgrounds & walks of life, with different opinions, of different lifestyles, singles or families, youth & seniors, wherever you are on your.. [read more]
St Pius X Church is a church, located at 2305 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario M6S 1P1. They can be contacted via phone at 416. 767. 1859 for more detailed information. [read more]
This ministry is to encourage and empower every believer in Christ Jesus through the Holy Bible. Support this ministry through paypal. me/69daysinthenicu. [read more]
佟文煥牧師於1985年租用西人教會Calvary Lutheran Church,在地下室開始了第一堂主日崇拜後,蒙神垂愛、保守帶領,度過三十多個年頭。. [read more]