Preaching the gospel of the forgiveness of sins by grace to all nations. . [read more]
💡This is a community for the young generation to bond, share, live out true identity & spread God’s love like a fire that never ends. . [read more]
L'église Saint-Édouard de Gentilly est un édifice religieux de culte catholique située au cœur du noyau villageois de Gentilly dans la ville de Bécancour au Québec (Canada). [read more]
Centro Vida Nuestros Valores Vision Iniciativa Dar Actitud Nuestro Canales Youtube: https://www. youtube. com/channel/UCny1m7WtK1xCOIq9383fF0Q Instagram: Centro_vidaa. [read more]
New Beginnings Fellowship is a Pentecostal church associated with PAOC located in Fort Frances, ON! Come as you are and be surrounded by unconditional love and acceptance! Discover Christ.. [read more]
Sundays at 10:15 for Bible study and 11:15 for worship services, including prayer, congregational singing, sharing the Lord's supper, and gospel preaching. [read more]
L’Église Saint-Joseph de l’Île Surette est la plus ancienne église catholique romaine encore existant dans le comté de Yarmouth, en Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada. [read more]
L'église Saint-Sulpice est un lieu de culte catholique située à Saint-Sulpice au Québec (Canada). Elle a été classée comme immeuble patrimonial en 1959. [read more]
L'église de Saint-Eustache est une église de rite catholique romain construite en 1783 qui est située à Saint-Eustache au Québec (Canada). Elle a été témoin de la bataille de.. [read more]
A safe and Christ-centered fellowship that focuses on honouring God, growing in Christ and learning more about praise and worship. Theme Scriptures: Psalm 150, Psalm 20:5, John 4:24 & 2.. [read more]
L'église de l'Immaculée-Conception de Bellerive est une église catholique érigée en 1936 et finie en 1937 à Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, dans la région de la Montérégie au Québec, Canada. [read more]
Nashwaak Valley Pentecostal Church 2265 Route 148 Highway, Taymouth, NB E6C 2B5 Service times: Sunday Morning Service & Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. [read more]
L'église La-Purification-de-la-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie ou simplement l'église de la Purification est une vieille église catholique située sur la Rue Notre-Dame, à Repentigny, au Québec. [read more]
The Church of Pentecost is a vibrant global Pentecostal church with branches in over 100 countries. We're a christian community of over 3 million people and growing. [read more]
Based on the scripture found in Job 14:14 "If a man die, shall live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. ". [read more]
Rev. Della Bost, is our Senior Pastor. First Baptist Church serves the downtown community in Windsor Ontario. Our story began in 1853. One of the ARMBA and CBOQ families of churches. [read more]
Somos Iglesia de Cristo predicando el Evangelio de Salvacion y Vida Eterna bajo la uncion y guianza del Espiritu Santo. Enseñando la sana Doctrina basada en la biblia y en la vida de Nuestro.. [read more]
The Rock Victory Church is a church, located at 4907 50 St, Onoway T0E 1V0. They can be contacted via phone at +17809672545 for more detailed information. [read more]
God bless! Thank you for being apart of this Lighthouse for Jesus Christ. I am going to be using this page to share words from our Lord. Messages of encouragement. [read more]
The Facebook site of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Lunenburg. [read more]
The Journey seeks to pursue the love, peace, and community of Christ in the various neighbourhoods where we are rooted. . [read more]
The realisation of who you are is important in anything you are involved in. Facebook and all other social media sites are special platforms to not only chat with friends but also educate.. [read more]
Le SCCRC, cette nouvelle structure nationale, mandatée par le Pape François, remplace l'Assemblée des répondants diocésains (ARDRC), L'Assemblée des délégués diocésain (ADDRC) et le.. [read more]
Mời bạn bấm theo dõi Page (vào @ngheLeThat, chọn "following, chọn "see first") để nhận được giá trị và sự khích lệ đức tin, nhen thêm hy vọng, nghị lực, tiếp tục đeo đuổi sứ mạng và mục đích sống. [read more]
United Church Kingdom is a church, located at 733 Main Street, Kingston NS B0P. They can be contacted via phone at +1 902-765-3621 for more detailed information. [read more]
La Catedral de San Jorge fue diseñada por el arquitecto y Reverendo Philip Ruh, O. M. I. en 1923. Se encuentra en Pleasant Hill, en la localidad de Saskatoon, provincia de Saskatchewan, Canadá y.. [read more]
Katedrála Nejsvětější Trojice je katedrála quebecké anglikánské diecéze a sídlo dvou farností: Quebec a Tous les Saints. Stojí v centru města Québec. HistorieDiecéze byla založena.. [read more]
All Saints Sandy Hill is a former Anglican church in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The building was sold in 2015 and is slated to become a community hub for the neighbourhood. [read more]
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newmarket is a congregation of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. . [read more]
Pour que l'Esprit du Seigneur circule et donne Vie!. [read more]
L'église de la Sainte-Famille est située dans le village de Sainte-Famille à l'île d'Orléans au Québec. Construite entre 1743 et 1747, elle a été classée Immeuble patrimonial en 1980. [read more]
Cette page contient notre liturgie anglaise avec sous-titres français. [read more]
Casa de Oración Montreal is a church, located at rue. st. Hubert 7076, Montréal-Est, Quebec. They can be contacted via phone at +15146251451 for more detailed information. [read more]
During this crisis time, we at Saint Bernard Parish, Ottawa, are praying for you and your family. Join us live online for daily rosary (7:00 p. m. )and Sunday mass (11:00) a. [read more]
Join Fr. Eric Mah, a priest from Toronto, Canada, for reflections on how to grow in a sense of peace, rest and discipleship in Christ. Watch Catholic Latte on our YouTube channel; or listen to.. [read more]
The Salvation Army Community Church is a place to explore your faith with God, fellowship with others, and deepen one's faith. We meet on Sundays for regular worship at 10:45am. [read more]