Are you, your children, your marriage or family troubled by change, loss, decisions, emotions, or unique abilities? Counselling using an arts-based approach is proven as a pathway to new.. [read more]
Since 1981, Three Hills has hosted an annual classic car and motorcycle show the first weekend of June, the largest in western Canada, which includes a show and shine, poker rally, bracket.. [read more]
Equine Facility, teaching Natural Performance Hoof Care, Rehabilitation & Foundation Horsemanship. Success With Horses strives to educate people on the benefits of natural horse keeping,.. [read more]
A simple sewing machine capable of performing basic stitches and creating buttonholes. [read more]
Helping clients buy and sell residential and commercial real estate in Calgary and surrounding areas. . [read more]
Two Good Trends Fashion. Offering excellent used condition fashion at a fraction of the price paid!. [read more]
Food from Lala's kitchen has taste of back home. Pakistani spicy traditional taste would be provided and service would be exceptionally good. . [read more]
The Sustainable Development Goals Alliance (SDGA) is a student-run organization based at the University of Calgary that is working to advance student and community engagement with the.. [read more]
Bath and Body products ranging from artisan soap, and bath bombs focusing on products to inspire kids to wash their hands and bathe. . [read more]
Put an energy expert in your pocket!. [read more]
Crafts Made by Yours Truly!! Customized Crafting of Individual Needs Upon Request. Contact me for more information by FB message or phone 780-843-6494. [read more]
Committed to Excellence in Family Child Care and Early Learning. [read more]
尼克森公司總部設在加拿大阿爾伯塔省卡爾加里,是一家石油和天然氣公司。業務分佈在世界各地,包括歐洲、哥倫比亞、墨西哥灣等。歷史1969年,尼克森公司創立,初名加拿大西方石油公司(Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd. ),西方石油公司持有其80%的股權。 最初十年間其活動主要集中在加拿大業務上,80和90年代開展國際業務,最初在墨西哥灣,後來又進入也門和北海。1990年代,尼克森公司買下了國有油氣公司瓦斯卡納的資產。中海油收購2012年7月,中海油宣佈以每股27. [read more]
We dedicate our talents to create beautiful eye-catching handcrafted home accents and unique gifts. We are sure you will find something that speaks to you or that special present for someone you love. [read more]
Full range of diagnostic and repair services available for all Major and small Appliance. Both Residential and Comercial. . [read more]
We are a U-Pick for strawberries and raspberries. We also sell farm fresh eggs! Open by appointment only, please text 780-267-3741 to book your visit. [read more]
The best in Bags. [read more]
A relaxing experience for hair removal with a calming atmosphere and soothing music. Book your appointment through direct message. . [read more]
We are approaching the flyer delivery not only in the most professional way, but the most effective options and online presence for all your delivery campa. [read more]
Roofing since the year of 2000 We do. . . New roofing Re Roofing Patch repair Clean gutters Call today for a free quote. . [read more]
Quality hand made accessories: Face masks; Cosmetic & project bags. [read more]
州立恐竜公園(しゅうりつきょうりゅうこうえん、ダイナソール州立公園)は、カナダ・アルバータ州カルガリーから車で2時間ほど行った所(あるいはブルックス市の北東48km)にある州立公園で、ユネスコの世界遺産に登録されている。公園は際立って「バッドランド」と呼ばれる荒涼とした地形のレッドディア川(Red Deer River)渓谷に位置するが、何よりも世界最大級の恐竜化石層があることで知られている。39もの恐竜の種がここで発見され、500以上の標本が世界中の博物館に移送・展示されている。世界遺産登録は、こうした恐竜化石に負うところが大きい。歴史1955年6月27日に、アルバータ州50周年記念事業の一環として、化石の出土する地層を保護するために、州立公園が設定された。最初の管理人に任命されたのは、農家でアマチュア化石収集家でもあったロイ・ファウラー(Roy Fowler)であった。1985年までは、公園で発掘された化石は、科学的な分析や展示のために、ロイヤルオンタリオ博物館(トロント)、カナダ自然博物館(Canadian Museum of Nature, オタワ)、アメリカ自然史博物館(ニューヨーク)などに送られなければならなかった。この状況は、100 km 上流にあるドラムヘラー近郊のミッドランド州立公園(Midland Provincial Park)内に、ロイヤル・ティレル古生物学博物館が開館したことで変化した。. [read more]
Thompson Construction Group is a heavy civil, reclamation and infrastructure contractor based out of Alberta. The intent of this page is for heavy equipment dispersals. [read more]
Hand carved pipes of cherry wood, give me an idea and I'll see if I can make it smoke!. [read more]
I provide writing and editing services for individuals and entrepreneurs wanting to make the best impression with their written content. . [read more]
Serving Columbia, MIssouri. [read more]
Offering safety consulting services, including new manuals, forms and how to obtain COR. Make your work place a safe place! Call 780-293-3133 for more info. [read more]
We're an events business specializing in rentals, design and floral services. Due to our low overhead costs, we're able to pass along savings to you. . [read more]
Customs baby blankets, bandana bibs, burp cloths, face masks, laundry bags, pet scarves, aprons and more!. [read more]
I will work with you to help you achieve Lifetime security. . [read more]
Located in Airdrie, AB. Adorn’s premium service has amazing teeth whitening results with little to NO sensitivity. Our experience in the industry helped create a unique approach.. [read more]
The Vegetable Garden is a project that grows produce for the Taber Food Bank. They use what they can and then distribute product to other food banks in southern Alberta. [read more]
Health, Nutrition and Wellness, Empowerment, Motivation, Inspiration and above all Education. [read more]
This gaming page is about having fun and being entertained. League Of Legends. . [read more]
Connecting People and Real Estate. [read more]
Hey, we're Nikki & Jen. Two sisters getting crafty with vinyl and wood, serving Leduc and Fort Mac. . [read more]