Езёрский сельский Совет, located at Езёрский сельский Совет, Cherykaw District. [read more]
Сормовский сельский Совет, located at Сормовский сельский Совет, Cherykaw District. [read more]
Рясненский сельский Совет, located at Рясненский сельский Совет, Drybin District. [read more]
Михеевский сельский Совет, located at Михеевский сельский Совет, Drybin District. [read more]
Полящицы, located at Полящицы, Паршинский сельский Совет, Horki District. [read more]
Name:Каменская ГоркаPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Be:Каменская.. [read more]
Дружки, located at Дружки, Ботвиновский сельский Совет, Krychaw District. [read more]
Юдовка, located at Юдовка, Веремейский сельский Совет, Cherykaw District. [read more]
Молятичи, located at Молятичи, Molyatichi, Молятичский сельский Совет, Krychaw District. [read more]
Name:КарабановичиPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name.. [read more]
Гудово Земянское, located at Гудово Земянское, Малобаховский сельский Совет, Dubrowna District. [read more]
Стан, located at Стан, Добровский сельский Совет, Horki District. [read more]
Каратышки, located at Каратышки, Михеевский сельский Совет, Drybin District. [read more]
Щёкотово, located at Щёкотово, Первомайский сельский Совет, Drybin District. [read more]
Name:КвартяныPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Be:КварцяныName.. [read more]
Name:СумароковоPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Артёмово, located at Артёмово, Добромыслинский сельский Совет, Liozna District. [read more]
Митавьё, located at Митавьё, Горбовичский сельский Совет, Chavusy District. [read more]
Лемна, located at Лемна, Зубовский сельский Совет, Orsha District. [read more]
Пригузки, located at Пригузки, Борздовский сельский Совет, Orsha District. [read more]
Пугляи, located at Пугляи, Борздовский сельский Совет, Orsha District. [read more]
Реут, located at Реут, Барсуковский сельский Совет, Karma District. [read more]
Name:Шереховская БудаPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Be:Шэрахаўская.. [read more]
Терешково, located at Терешково, Химовский сельский Совет, Babruysk District. [read more]
Name:МалашковичиPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name.. [read more]
Белицк, located at Белицк, Столпнянский сельский Совет, Rahačoŭ District. [read more]
Рекутино, located at Рекутино, Довский сельский Совет, Rahačoŭ District. [read more]
Name:КозуличиPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Be:КазулічыName.. [read more]
Новая Беларусь, located at Новая Беларусь, Слободковский сельский Совет, Babruysk District. [read more]
Барановичи 3, located at Барановичи 3, Горбацевичский сельский Совет, Babruysk District. [read more]
Мокрянские Хутора, located at Мокрянские Хутора, Холстовский сельский Совет, Bychaw District. [read more]
Станок, located at Станок, Лудчицкий сельский Совет, Bychaw District. [read more]
Верхняя Тощица, located at Верхняя Тощица, Новобыховский сельский Совет, Bychaw District. [read more]
Name:Старая БоярщинаPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Be:Старая.. [read more]
Синеж, located at Синеж, Новобыховский сельский Совет, Bychaw District. [read more]
Трестивец, located at Трестивец, Холстовский сельский Совет, Bychaw District. [read more]