Did you know?
Producing food using green methods can now earn you higher prices on the international markets?
In this regard Value Chain Farming has secured a partner that will be dedicated to turning all our projects into Solar Powered Units. Upon satisfaction of all regulatory requirements the partnership has a capacity to deliver at least 200MWe of green electricity into Botswana's Agricultural Grid. Under the Same partnership we will be financing and developing between 300 and 1000 green farms per year towards the following focus areas.
1. Horticulture inc Mushroom 2. Dairy 3. Piggery 4. Fish 5. Poultry 6. other specialised focus areas such as Crocodile Farms
N.B Update on other Funds for those who have applied on the current scheme.
During Weeks 04 - 15 June. Please make sure you have secured your Asset Valuation Report on all your current farm assets.
To Secure the Valuation Report you will need to
1. List all your Assets that you have declared in your loan application. The list must include all your moveable and immovable assets
2. Be ready to take up Insurance on some or all of the Assets (Subject to our Risk Manager's, Valuers and Insurer's Discretion).
Once you are ready with your list of assets (please avoid hiding assets), call our office on 3113743 0r WhatsApp 71492883 to get your reference to the risk managers.
Thank You all for your cooperation.
#Please Note Although an Asset Valuation report does not guarantee financing, It is a critical part of your application. It is neither an optional exercise by the funders, but rather a regulatory requirement on all your applications. #Gosimologile
Botswana is ascending to become a major inland farmer of Telapia in Africa. Spending our Ascension Day at the construction site of our Kweneng Pond-Based Hatchery & Outgrower Control Unit. What is your Ascension all about? Enjoy your Holidays.. #Gosimologile
To Our Valued Clients
It has come to our attention that some members of the Public have been calling various financial institutions in pursuit of ascertaining our credibility and cross check if we have pre-existing partnerships with the said institutions.
It is herewith our responsibility to ensure that, with the introduction of a new project to the market it is understandable for members of the public to be skeptical about our operations. We therefore encourage members of the public to utilise our office as a source of all information concerning our operations. For those who are skeptical, please note that as a company we are fully aware of the stages of adoption of a new product on the market.
For our early adopters, we thank you for putting faith in our brand and continue to promise you the best of our service.
We apologize to all institutions that have been affected with such phone calls or enquiries.
To our registered members who are fully aware of our communication systems and in understanding of how to get periodic updates from our office. we urge you to continue utilising such channels and allow other supporting institutions to support you in their best interests.
Disclaimer: All our financing platforms do not have any formal partnerships but rather utilise an Over The Counter relationship with us, You are therefore advised to use our office for all Enquiries.
We also want to advice the public that our pilot project will only support 600 farmers and currently we are left with +/- 80 hence it is important to visit the office and register your farm.
Farewell message to the former president
From Value Chain Farming Africa Botswana Thank you for leading the country for the past 10 years and making sure that we enjoy peace and making Botswana the best investment destinanation across the globe.
Despite challenges, you always came out victorious and survived all of them. Thank you for carrying the light through your term and leading this country the way it needed.
Thank you for your sense of humor that kept you at your best to interact with your nation and know their need from children to adults including all the homes and streets of Botswana to see your people.
As we embark on the new season from the 1st April on New leadership of Rre Masisi, we believe the agricultural land scape will continue to grow as he shares the same passion for growing the sector as you also did.
Thank you for the smooth transition of power after a power packed two terms with your dignity, pride, integrity and soul as you hand over the baton to the new president to continue the legacy.
Botswana will always be proud, and we believe the lessons you leave will be shared within and across Africa.
The gathering of champions. #Gosimologile
All Registered VCF Africa Farmers are invited for a Farmers Projects Implementation Briefing at the University of Botswana New Conference Centre.
Update on: Market Accreditation, Risk Management & Funding
Value Chain Farming Africa's Water Security
Farmers draw upon it as a sort of water insurance policy when rains falter but for our farmers in the 21st century as VCF Africa, underground water is the way for reliable agriculture development.
Due to climate changes rain fed agriculture seems to be a nightmare for farmers so underground water can accommodate far greater variability in demand from farmers during these dry seasons when irrigation water may be needed most.
VALUE CHAIN FARMING AFRICA'S 1st Borehole. One of our goals is to go for 400 000 hectares of irrigated land as we make KGALAGADI GREEN.
Botswana Agribusiness Summer School & Conference (01-03 February 2018, Ave Maria Conference Centre, Gaborone)
Conference Mandate and Goals -To provide opportunity for players in the Agric and food processing sector to strengthen cooperation and forge nee partnerships. - To provide unique business platform for industry leaders,policy makers, government and other stakeholders for collaboration on the huge potential growth and development.
Day 1 - Main Conference (Policy,Expert Presentations, Industry Trends)
We had 300 conference attendees . Below is experts and their roles :
MC: Ngwetsi ya Batswana -Charity Keobokile
1. Welcome remarks were done by Mr Geoffrey Jekijela before VCF director stepped in to elaborate the concept and vision of VCF.
2. VCF Director Miss Tshepiso Ntshobotho : elaborated on understanding VCF Africa Botswana.
3. Zambia: Mr Wesley Litaba Wakunuma - presented on Citizen Driven Initiatives in Suitable Agribusiness Development.
4. Italy main Officer : BEXA Consultants S. R. L, MR Steve Baldi - presented on Transforming Botswana's Agribusiness Development .
5. Tanzania : Mr Ollie Smeenk from KUKUA - presented on climate Intelligent Agro Systems.
6. Botswana: Mr Maano from our Plenary Partner AON Botswana - presented on available agricultural insurance products.
7. Botswana : Mr Goitsemang Khutsafalo from Launchit Coaching International - presented on Global Competitive Entrepreneurship in Agro-Business.
Performances by ATI Boago Matshuba
# unlocking AgriculturalOpportunities Aon Botswana
Value Chain Farming Africa
Africa Executive Director, ONE, Sipho Moyo, ‘By investing in the agriculture sector, can not only create sustainable jobs and increase exports, but we can also reduce poverty in rural areas. A 1% increase in agricultural growth improves incomes by 2.7% for the people in the lowest three income deciles. Increased agricultural output decreases food prices, allowing poor people increased spending power. By increasing agricultural productivity, we can also boost other sectors, such as manufacturing’
There is an abundant and diverse range of opportunities from production of crops, livestock as well as mechanization and many more that are waiting to be exploited. It is essential to create the conditions for private entrepreneurs, including small farmers, to create successful businesses and gain easier access to finance and the markets.
This conference will provide a huge opportunity for players in the agriculture and food processing sector to strengthen cooperation and forge new partnerships. The conference will also provide a unique business platform for industry leaders, policy makers, governments and other important stakeholders for collaboration on the huge potential for growth, development and business.
Conference will include:
• Main Conference-DAY 1 • Plenary Sessions focusing on farming, farm inputs, mechanization and extension services -DAY 2 • Pre-scheduled B2B meetings. EVERYDAY • Site tours-DAY 3 • Showcases of agri-business products and services - opportunities in the agriculture, agribusiness and food-processing sectors-EVERYDAY
Who is right for the conference?
Botswana AgriBusiness Conference will witness participation of industry leaders, decision makers and important stakeholders from across the entire spectrum of agriculture and related sectors including inputs, farm machinery, and processing, packaging, financing, government officials etc. to promote trade, investment and technology transfer. Attendees to include: • Producers, processors, and distributors of agricultural and food products • Marketers of fresh and packaged foods, convenience meals, and snacks • Major grocery chains, specialty food retailers, and food service providers • Manufacturers and distributors of agricultural supplies and farm equipment • Financial services firms that directly serve the agribusiness industry • Government agencies and educational institutions that further agribusiness for the public good • Technology companies that shape the future of global food, pharmaceutical, and energy sectors • Agriculture majors enrolled at Colleges and universities • Farmers from across the country
Contacts for more information : 71492883 on what'sApp or call 3113743
On the 17th of December I left Botswana on a regional Trip, my mission was to finalise the implementation plan for the VCF Africa project as we get closer to production. I left the team at the office working around the clock, meaning day and night, the whole idea was to make sure your business plans are done, insured and submitted to our funders. The team managed to hit the deadline, however, the team which was to process you
Continue ReadingUpdate #2
Please be advisedPoultry Market Contracts are now available at Value Chain Farming Africa. Contracts available for both start-ups and existing farmers.
For Existing Farmers with Running Contracts we are also assisting in raising finance for growth and upgrade of production facilities.
Tune in to RB2 at 10:45. Ms Kelly Zambo - Our Marketing Manager will be speaking on the Value Chain Farming Africa Project.
#Kgalagadi is Green
Day well spent at a VCF Africa Pig Breeder's Farm. The Farm is getting ready to supply certified Bows and Sows to VCF Africa's Pig Farmers.
This is going be the biggest Pork and Pork Products Revolution in the history of Botswana. Join Us Now. Text/WhatsApp 71492883, Landline 3113743,, Plot 51384 Chief's Island Square, Kgale View, Gaborone.
See you next week. Dikolobe ga di je bana, Bana ba ja Dikolobe
#Credit Botswana Investor. We are humbled by the recognition from one of Africa's finest Business Magazines.
Our Goals For Botswana Are Simple,
1. 80 000 Commercial GAP Certified Farms producing under secure Local and International Market Contracts. 2. 400 000 Hectares under Irrigation 3. 486 345 Direct Jobs 4. 80 109 Processing Centres
Thank You Botswana Investor Thank You Botswana Kgalagadi is Green
It's On at the University of Botswana
Good Agriculture Practices Orientation for Farmers, Suppliers & Contractors of Agric Inputs and Services.
Connecting Botswana's Farmers to Global Value Chains.
Free Entrance UB Library Auditorium 0900 Hrs to 1230 Hrs 3rd of November 2017