Alliance Media is widely recognised as Africa's leader in billboard and airport advertising, having the widest Out Of Home (OOH) coverage on the African continent. [read more]
Mosetse Airfield is an airport, located at Tutume, Central. [read more]
Gravel Airfield is an airport, located at Kweneng. [read more]
Zanzibar Farm Airfield is an airport, located at B141, Lerala, Central. [read more]
Sua Airfield is an airport, located at Tutume, Central. [read more]
Mmadinare Airfield is an airport, located at Mmadinare, Central. [read more]
Shakawe Airport is an airport, located at Shakawe, North-West. [read more]
Xakanaxa Airfield Gravel is an airport, located at Phuduhudu, North-West. [read more]
Pandamatenga Airfield is an airport, located at B333, Pandamatenga, North-West. [read more]
Guma Airfield is an airport, located at Shakawe, North-West. [read more]
Mamuno Airfield is an airport, located at Charles Hill, Ghanzi. [read more]
Palapye Airport is an airport, located at Palapye Airport, A141, Palapye. [read more]
Savuti Airport is an airport, located at Savuti Airport, Ghoha Gate - Savuti. [read more]
Khwai River Airport is an airport, located at Khwai River Airport, seasonal, Khwai. [read more]
Kalkfontein Airfield is an airport, located at Kalkfontein, Ghanzi. [read more]
Jao Camp Airfield is an airport, located at North-West. [read more]
Tshabong Airport is an airport, located at Tshabong, Kgalagadi. [read more]
BOKSPITS Airfield is an airport, located at Kgalagadi. [read more]
Lochani Airfield is an airport, located at B141, Lerala, Central. [read more]
Rakops Airfield is an airport, located at North-West. [read more]
Airfields is an airport, located at North-West. [read more]
Savute Airfield Gravel is an airport, located at Chobe. [read more]
Gumare Airfield is an airport, located at Shakawe, North-West. [read more]
ハンツィ空港(ハンツィくうこう、Ghanzi Airport)は、ボツワナ共和国ハンツィ地区の区都ハンツィに存在する空港。首都ハボローネからは西におよそ600km、市の中心部からはおよそ1km離れている。現在定期便は就航しておらず、もっぱらチャーター便やプライベート機の使用に限られている。1,525m (5,000ft) ×18mの滑走路は、最大全備重量が5,700kgまでの軽飛行機に対応している。外部リンク Civil Aviation Authority of Botswana Great Circle Mapper - Ghanzi Ghanzi. [read more]
Premium roadrunners offers a luxury & comfortable car rental for your business,leisure,exotic and car leasing services for your next VVIP event!. [read more]
Der Internationale Flughafen Sir Seretse Khama ist der Flughafen der botswanischen Hauptstadt Gaborone. Sein Name verweist auf den ersten Präsidenten des Landes Sir Seretse Khama. [read more]
Der Flughafen Maun ist der internationale Verkehrsflughafen von Maun in Botswana und gilt als Tor zum Okavangodelta. Er liegt etwa fünf Kilometer östlich der Stadt. [read more]
|-Mezinárodní letiště sira Seretse Khamy v Gaborone se nachází 15 km severně od Gaborone, hlavního města Botswany. Je to největší a nejrušnější letiště v zemi, bylo pojmenováno.. [read more]
HistoireMaun, comme la plupart des régions en Afrique australe, a une longue histoire aéronautique. Les premiers avions s'y posèrent avant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale - dans les années 1930. [read more]