
Lingmethang Lower Secondary School

43002 Mongar


Tags : #Education

Location :
43002 Mongar

Opening Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Sunday 09:00 - 17:00

20 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    17 June 2018

    Examination Orientation for students programmed at Lingmethang Lss on 16.06.2018. The students were briefed on effective study tips, examination preparation techniques, and smart ways to prepare for exams. Besides, students were also briefed on the examinations norms, timing for the exams and shared the examination seating arrangement plans. While our students will appear their first terminal examinations from 18.06.2018 we ensured that they are comfortable, relaxed and well ...prepared for the test. The school management, academic board members and the entire faculties places our best wishes and blessings for the examinations. All the very best dear students.

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  • Anynomous
    06 June 2018

    "BEAT PLASTIC POLLUTION" World Environment Day observed at Lingmethang Lss on 05.06.2018. To mark the occasion, we pledge to place our strong determination NOT to use plastic and achieve school's Waste Management Policy. We encourage our young minds to atleast refuse and say NO to Plastic. Hundreds more saplings were planted to observe the day. The school also advocated and promoted the day as National Pedestrian Day.

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  • Anynomous
    04 June 2018

    Lingmethang Lss commemorated the Birth Anniversary of Her Majesty the Gyaltsuen on 04.06.2018. The mass cleaning campaign and fruits and flower plantation were carried out to observe the day.

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  • Anynomous
    02 June 2018

    Coronation Day of the fourth Druk Gyalpo and National Social Forestry Day commemorated at Lingmethang Lss on 02 June 2018. We planted hundreds of fruits, ornamental and other species to mark the day. The saplings were contributed by RNR-EC, RNRRDSC, Hazelnuts, school staff and students.

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  • Anynomous
    28 May 2018

    MH Day 2018:#No More Limits -Empowering Women and Girls Through Good Menstrual Hygiene. The Menstrual Hygiene Day is observed at Lingmethang Lss on 28 May 2018. Teachers and public supported in supplying the sanitary pads for the students. We are breaking the silence around the menstruation especially on stigmatization and insecurity. The school pledge to make the santiry pads available for our students on this MHD. The event was coordinated by the Health Club.... #Menstural Hygiene Day: the LLSS celebrates periods.

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  • Anynomous
    18 May 2018

    Unit Test 2 results declared at Lingmethang Lss. Congratulations toppers.

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  • Anynomous
    01 May 2018

    Lingmethang Lss qualified for almost all the indoor games (TT, Chess and badminton ) both boys and girls for Dzongkhag Level Sports Meet (DLSM). Congratulations participants and Madam Karma Tshomo (SSI )

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  • Anynomous
    29 April 2018

    Open Khuru Tournament organized to commemorate the positive parenting month at Lingmethang Lss. A total of 23 teams registered for the tournament. The team came as far as from Thangrong, Kengkhar and Nanglam. The prize money of Nu. 30'000.00, Nu. 20'000.00 and Nu. 15'000.00 for the winners, first runners up and second runners up were awarded respectively. The team PHOJHA NGA from Gyelpozhing immersed as winner while second and third positions were taken by team RPPBC and team Saling gewog. The tournament was an initiative of Games and Sports department and the UNESCO club of the school.

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  • Anynomous
    20 April 2018

    Monthly Journal "The Expression"(Volume 1, Issue One) launched on 16 April 2018 at Lingmethang Lss. The monthly publication will be compiled into a YEAR BOOK at the end of the academic year. The Monthly Journal was started with the aim to promote love for literature and encourage students to write. The publication is an initiative of Literary Club, Lingmethang LSS. We would like to congratulate Lop. Sangay Pasang and his team for successful launch of first issue.

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  • Anynomous
    17 April 2018

    Open Khuru Tournament to observe "APRIL" as Positive Parenting Month at Lingmethang Lss. Join us in the celebration. JOIN # SUPPORT # CELEBRATE

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  • Anynomous
    14 April 2018

    PD on Integration of EVS through Place Based Learning (PBL) into English and HPE for upper primary convened at Lingmethang Lss. The PD was facilitated by Lop. Norbu Gyeltshen and Lop. Jambay Dorji on 14.04.2018.

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  • Anynomous
    13 April 2018

    Toppers Board for Unit One Examination updated by the School's Assessment and Examinations Team. Thank you mates.

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  • Anynomous
    13 April 2018

    Teachers receives PD certificate of 40 hours of attendance for English for Effective Communication Training. Thank you TPSD, MoE and the dzongkhag for recognizing the teacher's PD attendance.

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  • Anynomous
    11 April 2018

    Annual School Rimdro ( Rewa Sangchhu) performed at Lingmethang Lss on 10.04.2018. The ritual was presided over by Ver. Lam, Gyelpozhing Dratshang. The ritual was performed for the wellbeing of our students, staffs, community and the entire nation.

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  • Anynomous
    08 April 2018

    Lingmethang LSS is previleged to have completed the set up of computer lab for the students use. We would sincerely like to thank the following: 1. Saling gewog for the construction of labratory. 2. Dzongkhag Administration, Mongar for the supply of electrical appliances. 3. Mr. Sonam and Mr. Dal, MHV for helping us in the electrification of the room.... 4. Gyelpozhing CS for the supply of old furniture of which the school administration made computer tables. 5. Agzar and his team for helping us prepare the furniture. 6. Bictom Bhutan for supplying and fixing the computers. 7. Ministry of Education for the timely supply of computers for implementation of ICT curriculum. 8. Staff of Lingmethang LSS for all the support especially Staff of IT department for sacrificing their time in setting up of the computer lab.

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  • Anynomous
    07 April 2018

    World Health Day observed at Lingmethang Lss. The theme of the world health day this year is "Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere" The day was observed in the school through conducting QUIZ COMPETITION ON HEALTH ISSUES. The program was well coordinated by the School Health Committee. Thank you team for the awesome program.

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  • Anynomous
    05 April 2018

    Served Toppers Tea to the toppers of Unit One Test on 05.04.2018 at Lingmethang Lss. Congratulations toppers.

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  • Anynomous
    05 April 2018

    Result of first unit test declared at Lingmethang Lss. The star student badges and certificates were awarded to the toppers. Congratulations to all the star performers of the unit one test.

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  • Anynomous
    03 April 2018

    The first U TURN TALK SHOW at Lingmethang Lss conducted on 03.04.2018. The Regional Manager, CDCL was the first speaker. He spoke on the theme "Towards innovative technology" The school would like to thank the RM for his fabulous talk and sharing his enriched experiences and wisdom with our students. The talk show is scheduled second Tuesdays of every month.

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  • Anynomous
    31 March 2018

    Extending heartiest welcome to our new colleagues to the family of Lingmethang Lss. Lop. Namgay Lham, Lop. Dorji Phuntsho and Lop Pema Tshomo joined the faculties early this March. The students, faculties and management offers cordial welcome and wishes the new teachers a fruitful stay with us.

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