
Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
2nd Floor, Rabten Building, Thori Lam Street Changangkha Thimphu, Thimphu 11001

Opening Hours

  • Monday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM

8 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    20 December 2019

    ravelling Bhutan is one of my dream and it came true in this Dec. I have asked two travel agency before and i finally chose Bhutan Pelyab because they replied me very fast. They arranged everything i need such as beautiful view hotel, vegetarian menu, non-spicy menu and festival visit. I have been there from 6-16/12 and visited Thimphu, Thongsa, Bumthang and Paro. My guide and driver took care of me very well and like a family not a client. They prepared tea and snacks in the car and sometimes they set a table and chair on the grass for tea time. So relaxing! My memorable moment was to join a festival called Choejam Rabney in Bumthang. I saw the traditional dancing and celebration and had lunch with my guide's family. His family prepared a delicious lunch and we sit on the glass with fantastic views. Other memorable time was to have dinner with tour operator Mr. Ugyen Wangdi in the farm house. We talked a lot my experience during this tour and he shared his business concept. I deeply felt that he is a excellent boss who we all find in our life time. He cares his staff, his clients. It was a wonderful time to chat with him and my guide and driver. At the end, Mr.Wangdi gave me a wonderful gift for me. Thank you soooo much. Bhutan, its people and Bhutan Pelyab have really touched me. I will treasure those memories and will always carry them in my heart.

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  • Anynomous
    19 September 2019

    Bhutan is absolutely one the most beautiful countries. It's so clean, calm and peaceful to let your guard down unconsciously.
    I am so lucky that I chose a right agency. If Bhutan is amazing, a good agency can make the trip even more wonderful.
    Highly recommend Bhutan Pelyab, I am satisfied from the very beginning till the moment I left. Here are some reasons I like them:
    1. Fare and transparent price.
    2. Flexible schedule.
    3. Professional, helpful and friendly guide & driver team.
    4. Care about what you need and what you like.
    5. Excellent accommodation.
    6. Picnic Picnic Picnic (the highlight of trip)
    If I were visiting in Bhutan again I would choose Bhutan Pelyab without second thought.

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  • Anynomous
    12 April 2019

    Their prompt, detailed email replies always ensured me this trip is going to be a great one. Starting with arranging a flight seat with himalayas' view, lots of surprise gifts along my trip, their warm hospitality was just impressive. I enjoyed each and every moment I spent in Bhutan, they have made my Bhutan trip so memorable and definitely I would love to visit the beautiful land of Thunder Dragon again.

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  • Anynomous
    03 January 2019

    I decided to come to Bhutan for new year in last minutes, but the experiences with Peylab was incredible. I was choosing among a few agencies and Pelyab responded so fast and information they provide are very organized and well planned so I choose their company for this trip. They even include SIM card in the package and help me arrange very interesting farm stay (milk cow, plant tree and feed horse in the valley). I also requested to do meditation in the monastery and they also help me with that. Karma, my guide is very patient and kind, making feel at home. In the final day, the boss even invited me for a dinner and gave me gifts, which is really surprising!! I am travelling alone in Bhutan but their accompany feel very safe and joyful.

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  • Anynomous
    04 January 2018


    由於我想要的時間點是在12/26-1/2日,距離出發時間有點短了,所以有兩家旅行社告訴我已經訂不到我想要的時間點的機票(就我所知,不丹沒有旅行人數管制,只是航班座位有限,所以變相透過航班在管制旅遊人數了)建議我調整日期,但另外兩家告訴我訂的到我要的日期機票(這點我就不知道為什麼有的可以有的不能了),因此我就從中挑選了一家新加坡經營的旅行社,該旅行社在google的評價相當好,又經營頗久了,懶得做功課的我,心想這樣的公司應該有一定品質,便決定向該家旅行社報名~但就在我回信前,突然接到一通來自澳洲的電話,對方告知我是Bhutan Pelyab Tours的老闆,想像我推薦他們公司,並告訴我可以為我們安排喜歡的行程~

    至此,我與同行友人討論,覺得Bhutan Pelyab Tours雖然評價很少(google僅有四則)但評價都是好的,並且是不丹在地小公司,又這麼有心的打電話來介紹,也許我們應該給他們一個機會~所以改變主意向Bhutan Pelyab Tours報名了8天7夜的行程~

    在我洽談的旅行社中,有一家只能匯款,但有兩家,包含Bhutan Pelyab Tours都是可以刷卡的,但會有刷卡手續費3.5%,由於我個人比較懶,不想去匯款麻煩所以就直接刷卡了,刷完之後款項是到不丹的銀行裡,再由你告知旅遊公司你的刷卡單號碼,然後旅遊公司向銀行確認款項,銀行才撥款給旅遊公司,因此比較不用擔心詐騙!但其實我們一刷完卡,我立刻要回信給Bhutan Pelyab Tours的時候,我信寄出後馬上就發現Bhutan Pelyab Tours比我快幾秒已經寄信到我的信箱,告訴我收到款項了,這點也讓我覺得非常安心。

    在行程的安排上,Bhutan Pelyab Tours很貼心的一點是,會先詢問你有沒有到過不丹、能走多久的路、有沒有不吃的食物、有沒有過敏的食物、有沒有想去的景點等等問題,這點是其他旅行社都沒有問我的(Bhutan Pelyab Tours是在我第一次詢問價格時就問我,不是等我付款後才問)等到確定我們基本上能走3小時左右的路後,Bhutan Pelyab Tours就給了我一份基本的行程表~

    比較特別的是,由於我們都是法律工作者,因此特別詢問能否安排參觀最高法院以及當地的大學,Bhutan Pelyab Tours馬上答應替我們安排,大學的部分由於我們去的時間點正值學生休假日,Bhutan Pelyab Tours還特別告訴我們可能看不到學生上課情形,詢問我們是否要和老師還有教職員見面~最後果然我們參觀那日,好幾位教授與教職員一起向我們介紹學校~

    其實我當下覺得真的太打擾他們了,由於對於大學有特別的愛好,我們旅行各地經常都會到校園看看,但是就是看看而已,沒有想到Bhutan Pelyab Tours還有不丹大學的老師們這麼慎重對待這件事,很詳細的介紹校園,回答我們的問題,反而害我們很不好意思,但在這點上我也感受到Bhutan Pelyab Tours的用心!

    另外,最高法院部分更是Bhutan Pelyab Tours給我印象大加分的地方,因為台灣的最高法院其實民眾都可以進入,台灣的法院也都可以旁聽開庭,我在以色列旅行時也進去他們的最高法院旁聽開庭過,所以當時提出這個要求,沒有想過會這麼困難,Bhutan Pelyab Tours也只是告訴我沒有問題,並沒有告訴我這是一個很困難的要求~

    直到我們參觀的那日,除了我們的導遊還有司機外,還來了位地方士紳(後來導遊才向我們解釋,外國人其實不能輕易進入最高法院參觀,因此他們是請了地方士紳幫忙傳遞文件,最後才通過申請允許我們進入)另外還有位最高法院的法官到場,並且要我們全部換上國服,才得以進入~整個參觀的過程,都由那位最高法院法官介紹,講的非常詳細,也回答了很多我們好奇的問題~作為一個法律工作者,能夠獲得這麼多他國法庭訊息,真的非常非常開心,覺得Bhutan Pelyab Tours實在太用心了!(我們參訪期間,Bhutan Pelyab Tours的老闆人還在澳洲,但一直打電話回來問導遊參訪是否順利,平均一天打三次電話問我們旅遊的情況,很關心他的客人)


    但沒想到再第六日我們出發要前往帕羅時,導遊告訴我們,司機先生說既然我們很想看塔金,那就再繞路回去廷布一下吧!我們當時怕會讓司機先生太累,因為直行回帕羅大約就要5-6小時的車程了,但司機先生堅持沒有問題,所以我們又回到廷布動物園看到超可愛的塔金了~所以Bhutan Pelyab Tours真的跟許願池一樣,顧客的需求他們都完美達成!

    Bhutan Pelyab Tours會配給你一位導遊和司機(可能不丹每家旅行公司都是如此,但我之前在印度、斯里蘭卡、約旦、以色列都有包車旅遊經驗,都是司機兼導遊)其中導遊先生是Thinley,他的英語相當好,也是個很正直誠懇的人,沿路上我們有什麼問題,他都會詳細回答,如果有他不懂得也會立刻向別人詢問然後回答我們~而我們的司機先生(名字音很像切登,原諒我不知道拼字)也是個很貼心的人,除了開車可靠外,當我們要去郊外野餐或是建行完畢,司機先生都會準備好茶點咖啡在山腳下等我們,如果有一起建行,通常都是導遊走在最前方,接著是我的朋友然後是我,司機先生都會跟在我後方(每次快滑倒都是他來解救我的)覺得真的非常貼心啊!

    後來幾天相處才知道,Bhutan Pelyab Tours是一個才創立一年多的小公司,除了老闆之外就是一位導遊、一位司機組成!導遊先生告訴我們,老闆對他們向家人一樣,而且老闆非常努力工作,所以他們也非常努力的為老闆工作~正如他們所說的,他們真的很用心對待客人,作為客人的我完全感受到他們的誠意,所以非常非常推薦這家公司!
    飯店的部分,Bhutan Pelyab Tours會在每個城市列出3-5間飯店讓你自行挑選,如果是像我一樣選最基本價格的,那就是配三星級飯店,這次旅行下來飯店大多乾淨舒適,稱不上豪華,但都是可以接受的~


    比較特別的是,Bhutan Pelyab Tours安排一次我們在河邊野餐,還有一次跟廟裡的僧侶一起吃大鍋飯,另外還有一天是穿不丹傳統服飾去農民家吃飯,都是很新鮮的體驗~

    Bhutan Pelyab Tours也會隨時準備礦泉水、果汁、水果、茶點在車上,就連我們去爬虎穴寺的時候,司機先生還背著大背包裝著水果點心礦泉水給我們~

    最後我們要離開不丹的時候,Bhutan Pelyab Tours送了我們一個刺繡的畫當新年禮物(還有手寫卡片),知道我們想帶不丹酒回家當禮物就免費送了我們兩瓶超大的!這次的旅程真的超超超滿意,衷心地向所有要到不丹旅遊的朋友推薦

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  • Anynomous
    11 July 2017

    I and my family just have spent 7 days in Bhutan (from June 2 to Jun 8, 2017). We were happy with Bhutan Pelyab Tours. They were very professional, our guide was very knowledgeable and take great care of us very well and our driver was a skilful driver. Our accommodation was excellent and the food was wonderful.
    Bhutan is an amazing country and we loved every minute of it. Thank you very much Bhutan Pelyab Tour made our trip memorable. We will visit Bhutan again.

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  • Anynomous
    24 June 2017

    My wife and I decided to visit Bhutan in May through the recommendation of our friend who visited Bhutan with Bhutan Pelyab Tours in November 2016. We did the 10 days in Bhutan, the land of happiness, visit Paro, Thimphu, Gangtey and Punakha. The sceneries are really breathtaking. It was the most memorable trip I’ve ever had. Our tour guide Sonam is a best guide, he was very pleasant, responsible and knowledgeable on history and culture of Bhutan. Our driver, Kinley was highly skilled in his driving and careful. They made our trip filled with laughter. Thank you Sonam and Kinley so much. And also want to thank Mr Ugyen and his staff for all the pre-trip arrangements. We loved Bhutan and will come back soon.
    Highly recommend Bhutan Pelyab Tours to anyone planning a trip to Bhutan.

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  • Anynomous
    28 October 2016

    Bhutan Pelyab Tours
    Bhutan really is a different and special place to travel. I had opportunity to challenge myself when hiked to Tiger’s nest, an old monastery, hangs on a cliff and stands above a beautiful forest of blue pine at 900 meters of Paro valley and an altitude of 3000 meters. I visited Punakha Dzong – it is second oldest and largest Dzong in Bhutan with majestic structure, Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest temples in Bhutan and built in the 7th century and another monasteries, temples in Thimphu and Punakha. I also had chance to meet friendly local people and had lunch with them in Punakha. The tour guide was very knowledgeable about culture and history of Bhutan. The driver drove carefully. Bhutan Pelyab Tours tailored my trip was wonderful trip. Thanks Mr Ugyen and his staff a lot.

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