Eglise Catholique Regina Pacis is a church, located at Bujumbura. [read more]
La présence de CHRIST ! LA PAROLE. . [read more]
C'est la grâce de Dieu qui règne là. Vous êtes tous invités à nos cultes. [read more]
EGLISE ANGLICANE DE KININDO is a church, located at Bujumbura. [read more]
Eglise, Paroise catholique romain is a church, located at Butezi. [read more]
Paroisse RUMONGE is a church, located at Rumonge. [read more]
One of the best churches i ever seen. [read more]
Un bon climat: parfois ensoleillé, parfois pluvieux. [read more]
I preach and assist in various activities. [read more]
Ici on peut adorer le Seigneur avec joie car la Présence de Dieu est presente. . [read more]
Église MCER is a church, located at Bujumbura. They can be contacted via phone at +257 79 42 21 91 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Lieu de culte chrétienne. [read more]
Tabernacle Chrétien de Bujumbura is a church, located at Mutakura 13ème Ave No 44, Bujumbura. They can be contacted via phone at +257 79 36 44 44 for more detailed information. [read more]
Eglise CMCI is a church, located at Avenue de l'Imprimerie, Bujumbura. They can be contacted via phone at +257 79 97 72 75 for more detailed information. [read more]
MINEVAM Kigobe Church is a church, located at Boulevard du 28 Novembre (En face du Campus Kamenge, Bujumbura. [read more]
Spirit Garden Church is a church, located at Bujumbura, Boulevard Mwambutsa, Bujumbura. [read more]
Eglise EDPD is a church, located at Ngozi. They can be contacted via phone at +257 69 49 65 43 for more detailed information. . [read more]
I experienced for the very first time real connection with God here. . [read more]
Le Sanctuaire marial de Schoenstatt Mont Sion Gikungu, Bujumbura-Burundi est un Sanctuaire érigé en pleine guerre civile en 1994. C'est le Centre des pèlerinages de prière. [read more]
Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi is a church, located at B. P. 2098, 34 Chaussée de l'Agriculture, Bujumbura. They can be contacted via phone at +257 22 22 43 89 for more.. [read more]
Eglise du Bon Berger au Burundi is a church, located at Bujumbura. They can be contacted via phone at +257 22 23 35 08 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Paroisse Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Gihosha is a church, located at B. P. 690, Gihosha, Bujumbura. They can be contacted via phone at +257 22 25 66 37 for more detailed information. [read more]
This church has been a blessing to me and so many other people all around Bujumbura. The church offered me different courses that speak of Spiritual maturity for a Christian which enabled me to.. [read more]
Eglise la Porte Ishengero Irembo is a church, located at Av. du Poisson, Bujumbura. [read more]
There is church and the people living here are very Social. . [read more]
Paroisse St François Xavier de Rushubi. L'Horaire des messes de dimanches est celui-ci :. [read more]
Près de l'Eglise une congrégation de soeurs vendent du vin local. . . . [read more]
L'Eglise Nyabututsi is a church, located at Burundi. They can be contacted via phone at +257 79 32 68 53 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Célébrer la gloire de Dieu. [read more]
. . . et nous nous emparons de toute pensée pour l'amener, captive, à l'obéissance de Christ. 2 Cor. 10 : 3 - 5. [read more]
To make of all nations disciples of Jesus Christ! (Matthew 28:18-20). [read more]
MA FAMILLE CHRETIENNE Jésus a dit "Vous connaitrez la vérité et la vérité vous affranchira" Jean8:32. [read more]
Sept mots hébreux sont employés dans la Bible pour décrire le même terme que nous appelons la louange. Je te bénirai donc toute ma vie, J’élèverai (yadah) mes mains en ton nom. [read more]
Burundi Union Mission, BUM. Ishengero Ry'Abadevantiste b'Umusi w'Indwi. is a church, located at 20, Avenue Bel Air. 126, Chaussee du Prince Louis Rwagasore, B. [read more]
Lieu de pèlerinage (individuel ou en groupe). [read more]
TABERNACLE HOLY GOSPEL CHURCH est plus qu’être dans une église. TABERNACLE HOLY GOSPEL est plus qu’une église, C'est une vision. . [read more]