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Tinkov house is a lodging, located at Daskal Nikola st. 8, 5500 Varosha, Lovech, Bulgaria. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 981 2747, visit their website tinich07.narod.ru for more detailed information.

Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
Daskal Nikola st. 8, 5500 Varosha, Lovech
Added by Jopie, at 03 March 2016


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5 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    06 November 2017

    Sympa, super petit déjeuner maison, mais Mais Juste, juste propre et un peu vétuste tout de même

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  • Anynomous
    29 September 2017

    Реставрирана сграда с уникална архитектура.Построена 1821г. В момента е любимо място за отдих на всички обичащи тишината, спокойствието и възрожденската атмосфера.Достъпна е целогодишно.

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  • Anynomous
    27 September 2017

    Zero comfort. Room very very small, and very uncomfortable. (confortabilidad cero, muy incómoda).
    - (In spanish at the end).

    -Nothing comfortable, the room was tiny, very very small. And also old and outdated. Modernity has not arrived in this room. The room was so small that I doubt he has the 11 m he says he has. The suitcase must be left standing, not lie down in the room. I stayed alone, and if for one person is already small, imagine for two people: insufferably small, although they offer it for two people. There is no place to leave things, the table is tiny. The bathroom is also tiny, in a super-reduced space they put the toilet, the washbasin and the Bulgarian shower. You have to shower very carefully and with the top of the toilet raised, because everything is soaked, does not even have a hanger for towels. The TV is prediluvian, forget to put it. In the end, nothing recommendable, much less for the 30 euros I paid for it. Fifteen euros would be too many.
    - Nada confortable, la habitación era minúscula, muy muy pequeña. Y también vieja y anticuada. No ha llegado la modernidad a esta habitación. La habitación era tan pequeña que dudo que tenga los 11 m que dice que tiene. La maleta hay que dejarla de pie, no cabe tumbada en la habitación. Me alojé yo solo, para dos personas sería demasiada pequeña, aunque la ofrecen para dos personas. No hay sitio donde dejar las cosas, la mesita es minúscula. El baño es también minúsculo, en un espacio super reducido meten el inodoro, el lavabo y la ducha bulgara. Te tienes que duchar con mucho cuidado y con la tapa del inodoro levantada, pq se empapa todo, ni siquiera tiene colgador para las toallas. La tele es prediluviana, olvídate de ponerla. En fín, nada recomendable, y mucho menos por los 30 euros que pagué por ella. Quince euros ya serían demasiados.

    - The experience was so bad because of the very limited space in the room that I can hardly say anything good. Mr. Tinkov was very kind, and served me breakfast for a French omelette with cheese and coffee. The coffee I could not take, the milk was too strong for me. Breakfast was not included in the price, I suppose I was offered it for the excessive price I had paid for the room (30 euros which is exaggerated for a room so old and so small)
    - La experiencia fue tan mala por el espacio tan reducido de la habitación, que me cuesta decir algo bueno. El señor Tinkov fue muy amable, y me sirvió para desayunar una tortilla francesa con queso y café. El café no me lo pude tomar, la leche era demasiado fuerte para mí. El desayuno no estaba incluido en el precio, supongo que me lo ofreció por el excesivo precio que había pagado por la habitación (30 euros, que es exagerado para una habitación tan antigua y tan pequeña)

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  • Anynomous
    20 June 2017

    Totalny egzot!!! Podróż w XIX wiek.

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  • Anynomous
    10 March 2016

    Преди няколко години, когато посетих къщата беше едно чудесно и незабравимо изживяване. :)

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