Pachov Ltd. is a company specialized in the processing of sheet material of all kinds of steel. It was founded in 1997. and since then we have continuously optimized and modernized our production. [read more]
Not an ordinary yarn brand, it is a selection of our most successful yarn developments here at ‘BULGARIA-K' JSC – a company, proven with its experience and traditions in producing cotton.. [read more]
Palitri is the developer of the Axis 3D engine. We specialize in 3D graphics applications for web pages and desktop and provide services for outsourcing and development of entire projects or.. [read more]
PAKFORM specializes in designing and manufacturing packages through thermoforming. Our assortment includes packages for food, blisters, boxes etc. Packaging solutions we offer improve.. [read more]
КРЕМЪК е най-голямата фирма за физическа и техническа охрана в Централна Южна България, с над 30 годишен опит, който гарантира най-висока степен на сигурност на нашите клиенти. [read more]
Odacio is a company, located at 11 ulitsa "Aleko Konstantinov", Kazanlak, Stara Zagora 6100. [read more]
In Kres-D we believe every specific problem has a specific solution. We are thus always ready to adapt our products, processes and services to the needs of our clients and their target markets. [read more]
KD Software Ltd. is a small Bulgarian company specialized in the field of web and mobile applications development. Keeping up with the latest tech in the field, we can offer solution from.. [read more]
Оргсервиз" ООД е една от първите фирми, развиващи дейността си в областта на изчислителната техника и касовите апарати в Стара Загора и региона. Основан през 1994г. [read more]
Kiberys focuses its efforts developing intelligent robotized and CNC controlled systems for welding and cutting. They enable the implementation of automated processes in more segments of.. [read more]
Korona M EOOD is specializes in the production, packaging and distribution of raw or roasted nuts, seeds, dried fruits, microwave popcorn, popped popcorn, fried pellets, caramelized.. [read more]
Kremona Bulgaria is a company, located at 23 Булевард 23-ти Пехотен Шипченски полк, Kazanluk, Stara Zagora 6100. They can be contacted via phone at +359-4316-3563 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kastamonu Entegre е компания от световен мащаб, която поддържа своя непрекъснат цикъл на производство в дървообработващата индустрия повече от половин век. [read more]
E commerce fulfilment, storage services, logistic and parcels delivery. Storage in Germany, UK,Spain and Bulgaria. [read more]
Nevena Tsvetkova Photography is a company, located at 45 Улица Кольо Ганчев, Stara Zagora 6000. [read more]
Our mission is to deliver robust and secure digital solutions to the business that leverage and contribute to the open-source initiative. Code that we've developed is part of the GitHub Arctic.. [read more]
създаване на интернет страници и мобилни приложиенияMake professional web site and mobile apps. . [read more]
The brand Lavilà was born from the desire to make accessible to the seasoned puck of the French and other fine gourmets of the world, the wealth of the Bulgarian soils. [read more]
Сит ойл, located at 5007, Мъглиж. [read more]
Бензиностанция- Не Работи, located at Златирът, Гурково 6197. [read more]
Zheleznik - M "Ltd. was established in 1999 with headquarters in Stara Zagora town, Bulgaria. The company is the successor of ET 'Streletz - 90 K. Mihaylov " which operates on the national.. [read more]
We have the outward appearance of an outsourcing company. But in reality, our operation is much closer to being a satellite office of an Enterprise company. [read more]
Internet marketing and advertising, the first world social network for websites created in Bulgaria. The net consists of over 700 national websites, displaying banner and text type of advertisement. [read more]
Izzystil. com is a company, located at 2 Булевард Княз Ал. Батенберг, Kazanluk, Stara Zagora 6100. [read more]
Innovative Services EOOD(SMLLC) is a company, located at 52 Улица Кольо Ганчев, Stara Zagora 6000. [read more]
ITISoft Ltd. is a company established in 1992. Now we are ten professionals and have more than two decades we develop and improve our products related to automation of manufacturing and.. [read more]
IMPS Group Bulgaria OOD is a company, located at 24 Улица Ген. Гурко, Stara Zagora 6003. They can be contacted via phone at +359-0-42-230054 for more detailed information. [read more]
ICT Center is a company, located at 26 Улица Искра, Kazanluk, Stara Zagora 6100. They can be contacted via phone at +3590878216023 for more detailed information. [read more]
IVAGA Ltd is a privately owned independent Bulgarian software company, formed in November 2012 specialising in the provision of information systems and services. [read more]
We are a small company based in Europa, Bulgaria. We works in the field of web design and web Development, Graphic and motion design, Multimedia, Server creation and administration (Linux based.. [read more]
The company is established in 2008 and is the first private commercial tissue-culture laboratory in Bulgaria. The focus of the company is the micropropagation of virus-free young plants of a.. [read more]
Our team of qualified and experienced design engineers, production specialists and mechanics works with a great precision to every detail on our product range, divided in four main divisions.. [read more]
Hope Vision is a company, located at Kazanluk, Stara Zagora 6100. They can be contacted via phone at +359887596034 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Who Are We?www. HotelsPoint. io was launched in 2018 as a part of New Village Tours Ltd, a growing travel agency with years of experience in the tourism industry. [read more]
Guala Closures Bulgaria is part of Guala Closures Group - world's number one manufacturer of closures for spirits and beverage industries. We provide solutions such as safety closures, non.. [read more]
In3s is a company, located at 106 ulitsa "Hristo Botev", Stara Zagora 6000. [read more]