The Clock house is a lodging, located at ul. "Zahari Hadzhigyurov" 30, 2000 Tsentar, Samokov. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 731 8200 for more detailed information. [read more]
Apartments Eagle Rock Mountain is a lodging, located at Eagle Rock Mountain Resort, 15th Street, No 15, Beli Iskar, 2011 Borovets. They can be contacted via phone at +7 903 610-55-10 for.. [read more]
Rancho za priyateli is a lodging, located at ПИ 52, Масив 41, 2124 Makotsevo. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 700 4096 for more detailed information. [read more]
Комплекс "Етрополия" is a lodging, located at bul. "Ruski" 92, 2180 Tsentar, Etropole. They can be contacted via phone at +359 87 577 0198 for more detailed information. [read more]
Family Vacation Home is a lodging, located at Liuben Karavelov 34, 2077 Средна махала, Koprivshtitsa. They can be contacted via phone at +1 832-247-5413 for more detailed information. [read more]
Guest House Lazar Raykov is a lodging, located at Никола Вапцаров 9, 5720 Tsentar, Ribaritsa. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 700 0939 for more detailed information. [read more]
Скоро ще идем и ние. Отлично място за почивка. . Спокойно и тихо място, често използвано за почивки от служителите на +SEOM. [read more]
Всичко е супер! Чисто, уютно, със страхотен двор и изглед! Уникална природа! Единствено достъпа с автомобил е проблемен! Необходим е високо проходим автомобил, а ако завали и реката се вдигне. [read more]
Mountain View Vacation Home is a lodging, located at Ravnishte village, Balabanska neighborhood, 2197 Ravnishte. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 822 4973 for more detailed information. [read more]
Favourite Place is a lodging, located at ул. Губеш 33, 2240 Годеч. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 970 3007 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Picturesque, great scenery, in the middle of pine wood, unique experience! Best place in Bulgaria that I have ever been. . Приказно място за почивка! Горещо препоръчвам. [read more]
Mramor Rooms is a lodging, located at ul. "Lyuben Karavelov" 22, 1261 Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 87 744 5435 for more detailed information. [read more]
Къща За Гости "Наско Трепача" is a lodging, located at Unnamed Road, 2185 Brusen. [read more]
Къща за гости "Лаборо" is a lodging, located at ул. "Преслав" 5 5, 2000 Tsentar, Samokov. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 858 3447 for more detailed information. [read more]
Приятно и уютно място на комуникативна улица в близост до училище, аптека, супер маркет и денонощни магазини. Също така едно от предимствата е че е близо до Mall Sofia. [read more]
Mountain View is an outstanding holiday home that is perfect for larger families, particularly those travelling with friends/grandparents (who can have their own privacy in the self-contained.. [read more]
Релакс на макс!. [read more]
Хижата е пуста, пътят е ужасен, но затова пък природата е уникална, има в близост до хижата беседка и огнище. . . . за барбекю е идеално. . Уникална природа, тишина и спокойствие. [read more]
Csendes, ès nyugodt kis vendégház. Красиво и уютно място с много стил. Чистота и лукс. Верандата е уникална и има барбекю. . [read more]
Уютно и спокойно място. [read more]
Чудно място. Тихо, спокойно, уютно. Прекрасно място, обстановка и изглед!. Уникално място за почивка. [read more]
Love at first sight. Изключително красиво място. . Разкошно място. . [read more]
G and D Guest House is a lodging, located at ul. "Patriarh Evtimij" 46, 2200, Tsentar Slivnitsa. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 801 0423 for more detailed information. [read more]
СПА апартамент "Dolce Vita" is a lodging, located at 2048 Пчелински минерални бани. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 843 6403 for more detailed information. [read more]
Guest House Relax is a lodging, located at 21 street, No. 29, 2947 Побит камък, Ognyanovo. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 209 6854 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vila Vit in Kurort Ribaritsa is a lodging, located at 4 Hristo Smirnenski Str, 5720 Teteven. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 918 7666 for more detailed information. [read more]
Чудесна хижа, особено след ремонта. Хижарите са много готини! Готвят добре, стаите са чисти, има бани с топла вода :). Невероятно кисело овче мляко с мед:):):) уникално:). [read more]
Ideal place for a night or two, when you are in the whereabouts. It's in quiet neighborhood near the center. Prices are reasonable and the food at the restaurant is OK. [read more]
Cosy and romantic atmosphere in the Yagoda villas. Very tidy and comfortable. Great for families with children and pets. . I love this place. Very quiet. [read more]
Apartments C8 and C9 in BOROVETS GARDENS is a lodging, located at Borovets Gardens 2010 Borovets, 2010 Borovets. They can be contacted via phone at +972 50-772-1084 for more detailed information. [read more]
Прекрасно място за почивка. Близо до София. . Разклон да видиш. . . има надясно има и наляво. . [read more]
Супер местенце за релакс! Уютна, автентична къща. Страхотна гледка към градът и планината. Любезни домакини. . Good enough place for relax and confidence. [read more]
Страхотна база за цената си. . Приятно ресторантче за банкети и събирания. Great for proms, weddings, and group meetings. . [read more]
Nice small hatel with 5 rooms. . [read more]
Луксозен комплекс. Има джакузи, сауна. . . . Много хубав хотел, обзаведен луксозно. За жалост без постоянно работещ ресторант. . [read more]
The owners had great attitude towards us! Delicious homemade food, great pool with warm mineral water, neat rooms, nice hidro massage hot tubs! I would like to visit again this place! It is cozy.. [read more]