This is a holistic interior design practice, operating for 4 years. I am very passionate about residential interior design and love designing interiors with a soul, marrying the contemporary.. [read more]
App. [read more]
MINOLab's mission is to setup, maintain and develop applied and innovative research, testing, analysis, design and prototyping for printed circuit boards (PCBs), micro- and nanoelectronics with.. [read more]
Our Company Founded in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 2015, Medem Ltd. specializes in the buying and selling of quality used medical, imaging and hospital equipment. [read more]
Tech company bringing smart solutions to your business ideas! We create websites, e-commerce websites, landing pages, systems, and personalized solutions. [read more]
Motif Architecture is a company, located at 16 жк София парк, Sofia, Sofia City Province 1434. [read more]
Boutique illustration agency. [read more]
We provide a full range of Real Estate services including Residential & Commercial Sales & Rentals, Project's & Real Estate Management. . [read more]
Medical tourism facilitator in Bulgaria. . [read more]
We simplify the complexity of traditional laundry services. We have revolutionized a sector as traditional and unoriginal as laundry thanks to integrating technology to operational processes,.. [read more]
Защо бранд историите помагат на бизнеса да расте?Много компании имат трудности да говорят за продуктите.. [read more]
Montessori Kindergarten with AMI trained teachers working with children 2 1/2 to 6 1/2 years. [read more]
We offer custom tailored consultancy and coaching, hands-on workshops and trainings for IT companies. Our areas of expertise include:- Sales and Business Development- Requirements Engineering.. [read more]
PE/VC firm focused on the TMT sector in Southeast EU. Portfolio companies included digital media, outdoor advertising, and print media. Successor: Doverie Capital Partners. [read more]
Зад името mlaccount стои над 10 години опит в областта на счетоводството, данъците, финансите и ТРЗ услугите... [read more]
Each experience is customized for you and includes your choice of organic oils and Body butter, aromatherapy, a great variety of massage techniques. Book only the time you prefer and discuss.. [read more]
Maria T C Pato Silva is a company, located at Sofia, Sofia-city 1750. [read more]
Maya's space is a company, located at 115Г Булевард Цариградско шосе, Sofia, Sofia City Province 1750. [read more]
интериорен дизайн, ландшафт, ландшафтен дизайн, green revolution, urban revolution, уютен дом, кухня, модерен,.. [read more]
The company is developing a software product called "Книга за книга" ( https://booksexchange. bitbucket. io/ ) or BooksExchange which is a social platform that allows people to.. [read more]
It is all about digital world of Bulgaria, Europe and the world. Get ready to know the digital and tech news every day. . [read more]
Words may not come easy to F. R. David, but to me, they come as effortlessly as getting fat over the winter holidays. Hey,I'm Martin, and I'm here to make your brand, business, blog, or.. [read more]
Маркетингът е обширна област, която се развива много динамично. Ако нямате време, възможност или желание.. [read more]
Идеята за MVM Virtual Assitants и услугите, които предлагаме възникна в резултат на желанието на основателя.. [read more]
The smartest and fairest way to bet with dynamic real-time odds, a fully transparent environment, immediate payouts, and lower fees. . [read more]
Als professionelles Contact Center in Deutschland liefern wir maßgeschneiderte Outsourcing - Lösungen für Unternehmen. Wir unterstützen Sie im Inbound, Marktforschung, Vertrieb,.. [read more]
The degree course "Management and Business Information Systems" prepares specialists with a wide range of knowledge and skills necessary to meet the needs of the dynamic and technologically.. [read more]
Marushkov Studio is a company, located at Sofia, Sofia City Province. [read more]
Ние сме бутикова видео агенция. Предлагаме ефективни и с високо качество решения в областта на.. [read more]
Mr. Home цели да ви даде огромна палитра от дизайнерски мебели с техните крайни цени и срокове за изработка... [read more]
Metalhunt is a geological consulting company with focus on the Balkans region including Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Greece and Northern Macedonia, specialized mainly in: project evaluation,.. [read more]
Еко-сгъваеми кутии за оптимизиране на деловодства, офиси, складове и др. Преместете и подредете вашите архиви и документация. . [read more]
МОСТ АУТО е компания с утвърдени традиции в закупуването и доставката на автомобили, мотоциклети, АТВ-та и каравани (нови и употребявани) от Канада и САЩ. [read more]
Мозък е група от млади професионалисти, които помагат както на брандове, така и на предприемачи в това успешно да стартират и развият дигиталното си присъствие. [read more]
MyCoffeeStore is a company, located at Sofia, Sofia-city. [read more]
Фондация МасМедия е независима неправителствена организация, която е създадена с цел насърчаване на свободата и достъпа до информация, свързана с високотехнологични компании и технологичен трансфер. [read more]