Trading with chemicals and equipment for road maintenance and asphalt pavement industry:• Concentrate intended for manufacturing cold mix asphalt - Perma Patch. [read more]
UCPro Ltd предлага счетоводни , одиторски услуги и бизнес консултации на новорегистрирани и съществуващи.. [read more]
Urbanistas. is a platform for urban culture and projects based in Sofia, Bulgaria, which aims to research, celebrate and enhance cities. Follow us for updates on what we do at www. [read more]
The project aims to study the social, economic and ecological impacts of urban agriculture it has on urban communities. Despite growing interest in urban farming by citizens and local.. [read more]
At UX Solutions, we specialize in enhancing the digital journey for your users. Grounded in extensive research and industry insights, our team is dedicated to crafting intuitive and seamless.. [read more]
UBG /uber bg ltd/ is a freight forwarding company focused on organizing transportation of loads /frigo, LTL, FTL/ in Central and Eastern Europe. For more information please visit: www. [read more]
UNDERLOVER is an idea that has come to life from the intersections of our lifestyle and everything that keeps us moving and inspired. Now. UNDERLOVER is a project by Filip Lazarevski, Denitsa.. [read more]
Unigarden Ltd is offering a full-service gardening. We can turn every peace of land into the green paradise you've always dreamed of. Starting with landscaping and garden design our.. [read more]
UNIFY is founded in 2011 as the ONLY specialized recruitment agent for the Netherlands. We have three offices in the biggest cities in Bulgaria – Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna. [read more]
Unity Studio first started with yoga courses. Through the years we have developed more services in the field of the self development and mostly Emotional intelligence. [read more]
We help SMEs to become compliant with EU regulation on Artificial Intelligence in order to reduce financial burdens and be protected from sanctions. [read more]
Tradabay the best B2B international trading platform to meet your product supplier or your product buyer. [read more]
We are Elena and Stefania Ivanovi - Identical twins from Sofia (Bulgaria)We graduated from the National Academy of Arts and art is our passion. Since we complement each other-one of us is.. [read more]
At TV1 we are proud of our heritage that goes back 20 years. The reputation we have earned is based on reliability, professionalism and adherence to high standards. [read more]
Topcase. bg is a leading e-store for: smartphone cases, glass protectors, smart watches, keyboards, mice and accessories. The company was established in 2017 and to this day is.. [read more]
T&M has over 3,000 employees throughout Europe with locations in Germany, Bulgaria, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece. One of the leading service providers in Europe in the field of.. [read more]
Turbulence Technology is a software development company that provides high quality engineering solutions to a wide range of industries: digital, mobility, automotive, aerospace, consumer.. [read more]
За насТрансформираме визията на вашия бранд пред светаThe Hub помогна на компаниите да стратегизират.. [read more]
Whether you are looking to build wealth, preserve assets, or plan for retirement, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your financial goals. [read more]
The tiny brands mobile app supports families at home and at work, by offering creative ideas for quality family time. [read more]
The Taplow Group in Bulgaria is a member firm of the International Executive Search Firm, The Taplow Group S. A. headquartered in Luxembourg. With 39 offices in 21 countries covering 90% of.. [read more]
Traffic Management, Traffic planning and analyses, Traffic management equipment installation and maintenance. [read more]
IT and Consulting firm helping small and medium businesses to achieve IT and governance. Design and deploy IT Processes and Procedures. Service Asset management, RMM tools and monitoring policies. [read more]
Ние сме мултинационална компания с офиси в България, Румъния, Хърватия и Холандия. Ние набираме квалифицирани и неквалифицирани кандидати по заявка за нашите клиенти в Европа. [read more]
Offering a wide range of services: consulting, forecasting, budgeting, interim management and asset management. . [read more]
Мотивирам и помагам на младите жени да са по-активни физически, да правят по-добри избори в храненето и да усъвършенстват нови умения и знания, чрез които да подобрят себе си. [read more]
ТАСКОВ & СТОЯНОВ е строително-инвестиционна компания, собственост на Камен Тасков и Никола Стоянов — доказани експерти, съответно в областта на жилищното строителство и маркетинга на имоти в България. [read more]
Corporate Power provides tailor made corporate services to companies within the gambling industry such as structure and strategy implementation, tax planning, banking, regulatory advice,.. [read more]
TargovskiMarki. com е платформа, която Ви позволява бързо и без излишни разходи за регистрирате търговската си.. [read more]
TIBIEL Ltd. is a company registered in Bulgaria and it's the first company to be granted a license for trading with natural gas in the country. Also, we have been granted licenses for trading.. [read more]
Talent Media is the leading influencer marketing agency in Bulgaria which connects successful brands with their target audiences through the most relevant faces of Bulgarian pop culture. [read more]
TalksOnWheels is a company that specializes in providing end-to-end audio production services for Interview style podcasts with remote guests. Our vision is that the undeniable value created during.. [read more]
Thriving You is a Therapy Practice by Theodora Petrova, a neuroscientist, relationship coach and a therapist in the making. She offers insightful and affordable services for individuals, who.. [read more]
A client centric IT company, specializing in delivering outstanding web products and focusing on high ROI for our cutomers. . [read more]
Tec Advisory is a company, located at Sofia, Sofia-city. [read more]
Аз се казвам Мартин Петров и мисията на моят живот е да се докосна и да помогна на 1 млн лидери в България и по - света да бъдат още по - успешни и вдъхновяващи. [read more]