BG EXPERTS is a team of multidisciplinary consultants with many years of experience in the field of business consultancy and incorporation. We also use secure and cutting-edge IT systems to.. [read more]
Работя с клиентите си по собствен модел разработен и усъвършенстван през годините, за да бъда максимално ефективен и полезен на Вас и Вашия бизнес. Радослав Благоев. [read more]
Boris Kirov is a company, located at Булевард Сливница, Sofia, Sofia City Province 1309. [read more]
Beauty and Aesthetic services - fat and cellulite reduction; wrinkle removal, skin tightening. We work with one on the biggest world companies in Aesthetic World - LPG, Venus Concept, Intraceuticals. [read more]
BALKAN OPHTHALMIC WETLABOne of the Steps of Becoming an Ophtalmic SurgeonThe general concept of the Annual Balkan Simulated Surgical Laboratories (Wetlab) is to bring together experienced.. [read more]
The Black Sea Energy Research Centre is an association of energy experts prominent in the different fields of the energy science and practice. The Centre was created in 2007 in Sofia, Bulgaria, as.. [read more]
We move bits and pixels. Founded in 2007 Basta is focused on delivering various multimedia solutions for a large range of platforms. We love working for the web, mobile or other custom.. [read more]
„Барикада" е мястото на различните мнения, които ще търсят различните пътища. Тук ще се публикуват критични анализи на обществения модел, в който сме потопени. [read more]
Ние сме Десислава Авджиева (специалист в областта на предприемачеството, бранд идентичност, създаване.. [read more]
Management en Construction Industrielle / Industrial Construction Manager. Supervision en Installations Electriques / Electrical Supervisor. conseiller/advisor. [read more]
Bulgaria fund adds value to outdated real estate in AAA locations, by renovating or (re)developing it. We offer the cash and know-how, taking care of everything on behalf of the owner –.. [read more]
Balkantourist AD is a company, located at Sofia, Sofia City Province. [read more]
BOX BAR is a company, located at Sofia, Sofia City Province. [read more]
Bloomsbury is an M&A boutique. [read more]
We are ready to offer our services and to satisfy even the highest customer excitement. We listen and then we advise!. [read more]
MODULY Ltd. is brand owner of BIOVOIE. [read more]
Business Park Toastmasters Club is a part of Toastmasters International - a world leader in communication and leadership skills development. The organization's membership exceeds 300,000 in more.. [read more]
Агенция за интегрирана маркетинг комуникация. Създавайте и задържайте клиенти с най-съвременните модели на дигитален маркетинг. . [read more]
Наказателно, застрахователно и корпоративно право. . [read more]
Beardfrost is a full-service video production house, specializing in high-quality commercials and documentaries/non-commercial pieces. With a passion for outdoor adventures, we're famous for.. [read more]
Born in Bulgaria, Maria Karakusheva quickly found her calling and began playing piano at the age of 5. Thanks to great perseverance and total dedication, she won the first prize at the.. [read more]
Bigla Detail Ltd. is a part of BIGLA III and SHALEV INVESTMENT GROUP – one of the biggest construction companies in Bulgaria. Thousands of clients have been trusting us over the past decades in.. [read more]
BeatBerries is a company, located at Улица Стрелча, Sofia, Sofia City Province 1164. [read more]
BETHUB е новото място за онлайн залози в България. Зад компанията седи международен екип с огромен опит в сферата на финансовият софтуер, медиите и онлайн залозите. [read more]
BTE nasce grazie alle conoscenze e competenze acquisite in 30 anni di attività del suo fondatore, modifica le proprie attitudini in funzione dei mercati e dei cambiamenti normativi, arrivando.. [read more]
BGMENU is a company, located at Sofia, Sofia City Province. [read more]
Automated end-to-end visual testing SaaS. As the post-pandemic world expands online, an overwhelming number of business are expanding their presence on the web. [read more]
Byndee è il primo centro commerciale on-line dove puoi trovare esclusivamente aziende produttrici di gamma alta, abbiamo selezionato le migliori attività ed i migliori prodotti per offrirti.. [read more]
1. evinetka. bg - онлайн продажба и безплатна проверка на електронни винетки2. zastra. bg - задължителни и.. [read more]
eFortune reconciles our desire to draw a piece of fortune with our coffee or tea throughout the day and the unnecessary and environmentally harmful printing of those small pieces of paper.. [read more]
Our company name stands for "The evolution of risk management". Our mission is to analyze the current situation, constantly and manage to increase resilience, while assisting decision makers to.. [read more]
EQE Bulgaria AD is a company, located at Sofia, Sofia City Province. [read more]
How good it would be if you had a trained professional ready in a time of need? Only one way to find out – try ETT Outsource Services. Our team of professionals ensures that your experience with.. [read more]
Предметът на дейността на фирма „Ийст Ентърпрайз" ООД е внос и търговия на едро и дребно с висококачествени сувенири, порцеланови и керамични съдове, кухненски аксесоари и декоративни изделия на дома. [read more]
This company is amazing because it is owned by me and of course named after me. [read more]