Супер доджо, условия и усещане. . [read more]
I had the best experience at this salon and with Desi. She did an absolutely beautiful color and cut and captured the look that I have been wanting for some time now. [read more]
ТЕРМОВИЗИОННА КЛИНИЧНА ДИАГНОСТИКА, located at 347-5,, ж. к Младост 3 3475, 1712 ж. к. Младост 3, София. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 888 9200 for more detailed information. [read more]
Аптека Субра / Subra Pharmacy, located at бул. "Александър Малинов", Бизнес парк, сграда №3, 1766 ж. к. Младост 4, София. They can.. [read more]
New gym spot with Crossfit method. . . full instructor attention and amazing experience!!!. [read more]
Качествени услуги на добра цена в центъра на Бизнес Парка. Добро обслужване на разумни цени. . [read more]
Харесва ми. Пазарувам често от там :) Добро обслужване !. Good shop for fashion goods. Добре зареден, добро обслужване, добри цени. . [read more]
Marvena Ltd is a store, located at София, жк. Младост 2, ул. Свети Киприян 44, 1799 g. k. Mladost 2, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 2 974 8944 for more detailed information. [read more]
Because I met ayurveda doctor there that helped me with my colone problems. [read more]
Frizyorski Salon Diva Orhideya is a hair care, located at Sofia, Mladost 2, bl. 236 ent. 1, 1799 g. k. Mladost 2, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 2 956 0167 for more.. [read more]
Agartha MSC - medical supplies and equipment is a store, located at ул. Бъднина, 1712 g. k. Mladost 3, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 2 974 3973 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fitness club Flais is a gym, located at ul. "Vasil Radoslavov", 1715 g. k. Mladost 4, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 557 4407 for more detailed information. [read more]
SMDL Imuno-Chem Ltd, located at София, жк. Младост 1, Бл. 37б ( П-ка Младост), 1784 Mladost 1, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 893 6121 for more detailed information. [read more]
Home for the elderly "Red Rose", located at ul. "Marina Polyana" 3, 1444 Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 513 6355 for more detailed information. [read more]
School studying Bulgarian folk is a gym, located at ul. "Shopsko Horo" 1, 1444 Bistritsa. They can be contacted via phone at +359 2 992 2117 for more detailed information. [read more]
Логопед Елена Гьошкова, located at Младост 1, бл. 37, партер, офис 3, 1784 Mladost 1, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 876 7272 for more detailed information. [read more]
INSTITUT SILHOUETTE / ИНСТИТУТ СИЛУЕТ - СТУДИО ЗА ФИТНЕС И ЕСТЕТИКА, located at ж. к. Младост 4, ул. Д-р Атанас Москов, бл. 459, ет. 1, 1715 g. k. Mladost 4, Sofia. [read more]
Very good gym, it has 3 floors and full of equipment. It has a few security risks as not all of the facilities are fixated to the floor, but overall very recommended. [read more]
Could be better if all staff is more professional. [read more]
Много коректни! Два пъти си купувам слънчеви очила от там и съм много доволен от качеството! Не работят с масово известни марки, но предлаганите марки и модели са качествени и с добра визия. [read more]
Vanel-5 LTD, located at ж. к. Младост 3 321-Б, 1712 g. k. Mladost 3, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 956 5304 for more detailed information. [read more]
Обслужването е на много високо ниво, посрещат и изпращат с усмивки. Голям избор от елементи за парапети и парапети. . [read more]
ET - MIG 92 is a furniture store, located at zh. k. Mladost 4 601, 1715 g. k. Mladost 4, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 2 976 1009 for more detailed information. [read more]
Мартина-стил ЕООД is a furniture store, located at Boulevard "Simeonovsko Shose 233, 1434 Simeonovo, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 87 881 8600 for more detailed information. [read more]
Great office furniture store! / Страхотен магазин за офис мебели!. [read more]
Omnia Contractors LTD, located at Панорама София, 1766 g. k. Sofia park, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 720 5155 for more detailed information. [read more]
Depo Za Parketi, located at София, жк. Младост, Бл. 304 /срещу Кауфланд/, 1712 g. k. Mladost 3, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 87 846 7062 for more detailed information. [read more]
Една от най-големите фирми за отоплителна техника. Отлични съвременни решения за отопление. [read more]
Музикална агенция Суперсакс is an electronics store, located at ж. к. Младост 3 316-1, 1712 g. k. Mladost 3, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 715 3783 for more detailed information. [read more]
Става,но цените са им като на пето Авеню в Ню Йорк!. Nice staff, they are always willing to help, here you can have a sandwich carefully prepared. . Good variety of products. [read more]
Здравейте, аз съм голяма ваша фенка! Искам да ви кажа , че сте прекрасни. С мебелите на Каре никога не ти е скучно у дома. Страхотни сте! Бъдете винаги творчески настроени. [read more]
Noriva, located at Sofia, Mladost 4, bl. 419, Магазин Банята, 1715 g. k. Mladost 4, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 2 974 4687 for more detailed information. [read more]
HERMITAGE CLASSIC, located at Младост 4 , бл. 440A, ул. „проф. Александър Танев“, 1715 ж. к. Младост 4, София. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 221 2212 for more detailed information. [read more]
ЕС ЕНД ВИ ГРУП ЕООД, located at София Младост 4 бл. 445 ап. 41, 1715 g. k. Mladost 4, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 781 3576 for more detailed information. [read more]
Iressa Bulgaria Ltd. - Steam boilers, biomass, cogeneration, located at ul. "Okolovrasten pat" 253, 1715 g. k. Mladost 4, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 856 6587 for more.. [read more]
Great variety of food. Easy to understand with international products (many german ones). Also lots of local ones. Great bio/organic section. Would like to have the vegetables at the end of the.. [read more]