Ele:1130Name:Тревненски проходPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Old Name:БългаркаMountain Pass:Yes. [read more]
Man Made:Communications TowerA huge tower for transmitting radio applications. [read more]
Name:Дан КоловPhone:+359 889267791Stars:2Amenity:RestaurantCuisine:RegionalName En:Dan Kolov Guestrooms And RestaurantTourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides paid lodging. [read more]
Name:Паметник на Александър II Цар ОсвободителName De:Denkmal Für Den Befreier Zar Alexander II. Name Hu:II. Sándor Felszabadító Cár.. [read more]
Name:китайскиAmenity:RestaurantCuisine:ChineseName En:ChineseName Ro:Restaurant ChinezescAddr City:SevlievoAddr Postcode:5400. [read more]
Name:пицарияAmenity:RestaurantCuisine:RegionalCuisine:PizzaCuisine:FishName En:Imperial Bar & DinerCreated By:Potlatch 0. 10bOpening Hours:24/7. [read more]
Name:Статуя на СвободатаName En:Statue Of LibertyName Ro:Statuia LibertățiiHistoric:MemorialSmall memorials, usually remembering special persons, people who lost their lives in.. [read more]
Name:ФъревциIs In:Трявна,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Станчов ханIs In:Трявна,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ЕнчовциIs In:Трявна,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Ele:1385Name:х. МладостIs In:БългарияSource:BgtopomapsTourism:Alpine HutA remote building located in the mountains intended to provide board and lodging. [read more]
Name:СпанциIs In:Габрово,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Големи БългарениIs In:Велико Търново,Велико Търново,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few.. [read more]
Name:КрамолинIs In:Севлиево,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ГостилицаIs In:Дряново,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:КеренитеIs In:Трявна,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Горни ВърпищаIs In:Дряново,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ГергиниIs In:Габрово,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ЕленцитеIs In:Дряново,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ГърняIs In:Дряново,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Бабин Райчин ЧучурIs In:BulgariaAmenity:Drinking Water. [read more]
Name:Севлиево ПлазаName En:Sevlievo PlazaName Ro:Hotel Sevlievo PlazaTourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides paid lodgingAddr City:SevlievoAddr Postcode:5400. [read more]
Name:ЙововциIs In:Трявна,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ЧерновръхIs In:Трявна,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:МаневциIs In:Трявна,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:РайнушковциIs In:Трявна,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ПрахалиIs In:Габрово,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:БучуковциIs In:Дряново,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:БорскотоIs In:Габрово,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ДървариIs In:Трявна,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:РяховцитеIs In:Севлиево,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:БоазътIs In:Севлиево,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Дебел дялIs In:Габрово,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:БойчетаIs In:Габрово,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Ele:1975Name:РусоватецIs In:БългарияNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. . [read more]
Name:ДраганчетатаIs In:Габрово,Габрово,БългарияPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]