Shaker Club is a night club, located at Cacao Beach, 8240 Sunny Beach. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 200 0999 for more detailed information. [read more]
A nice club, but you need to pay during the working day 5 euro to enter into the club. Very good place to party!. Great parties in here, little overpriced. [read more]
The best club in Sunny Beach. Loved that the club had different events on every night from Ministry of Sound to Neon Splash paint party. They had entertainers, VIP area, and the atmosphere was.. [read more]
Beautiful outlook fantastic rissoto the best i have had for a very long time x. The best beach bar in Bulgaria!. Awesome beach bar with great food, drinks and music. [read more]
Event 87 Club (Permanently Closed) is a night club, located at 8250. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 228 4004 for more detailed information. [read more]
Комплекс ИГЛУ is a night club, located at ul. "Chernomorska" 16, 8250 Obzor. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 253 4883 for more detailed information. [read more]
СУПЕР ЯКО ТОП МЯСТО. . [read more]
Very nice museum with excellent relogipus frescos. Shows a range of different eras throughout Nessebar and Bulgarian history. Not alot of English explanation on the cards so would suggest getting.. [read more]
Много добра локация, идеално е за срещи през деня, а понякога има и рок-вечери с музика на живо и тогава атмосферата е много приятелска. . Odlican smestaj, ljubazno osoblje,ciscenje soba svaki dan. [read more]
It is a " must " if you are in nessebar. Is so much history in here. Very interesting informations. It has a lovely day view to the sea. The museum is up the stairs, so it is not very accessible.. [read more]
I really enjoyed my time here. It was first club that i ever saw that was non smoking! And if youre gonna buy ticket from people on the street (i mean promo guys) you will get ticket for a.. [read more]
I had great time. Ate a burger at 11 pm. That burger was great! Consistent in the making with every bite. And the ketchup- im sorry " Hainz 57"- this ketchup is beating all you the way to the top. [read more]
I was there for only two hours but still had a blast. In the day it is a cafe, at the noght - a club. Was packed with people and the music was decent. [read more]
Профи своего дела! Отличный, хозяин, отель, вид, кухня, обслуживание да и остальное все великолепно!. Чудесна локация , невероятно вкусна кухня. 5*. [read more]
Place worth visiting. Take a mud bath if you dare. . [read more]
Euro 1 Zone is a store, located at ul. "Graf Ignatiev" 21, 8000 Burgas Center, Burgas. [read more]
Хороший магазин, большой выбор, радушные продавцы, большое количество одного артикула в наличии. . [read more]
Saturn 2 Ltd is an electronics store, located at ул. Старт №3, 8011 Южна промишлена зона, Бургас. They can be contacted via phone at +359 56 851 477 for more detailed information. [read more]
ДИЗАЙН ГРУП, Складова база is a storage, located at ul. "Industrialna" 11, 8002 Southern Industrial Zone, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 849 7411 for more detailed information. [read more]
Добро обслубване, чудесна кухня! Малко музиката не ми допадна (телевизия Планета), но това е само мое.. [read more]
Kalogera is a home goods store, located at ul. "Vasil Levski" 13, 8000 Burgas Center, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 862 8497 for more detailed information. [read more]
Добра болница. . [read more]
Burgas Dojo Shinkyokushinkai is a gym, located at pl. "Troykata" 1, 8000 Burgas Center, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 899 9854 for more detailed information. [read more]
КИКИ АРТ is a jewelry store, located at бул. Демокрация, (базар III-та поиклиника), 8000 Бургас Център, Бургас. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 400 0332 for more detailed information. [read more]
Фин Дизайн is a furniture store, located at ul. "General Gurko" 61, 8000 Burgas Center, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 87 819 2502 for more detailed information. [read more]
Най накрая и в Бургас. . [read more]
Есть все необходимое , принимают карты, работают все дни недели!. [read more]
Студио по приложна психология, located at ul. "Adam Mickiewicz", 8001 g. k. Lazur, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 507 8123 for more detailed information. [read more]
Студио А is a hair care, located at ул. Трайко Китачев 26, 8000 Burgas Center, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 856 0460 for more detailed information. [read more]
Четири години съм там. Няма място за сравнение. . Имам моя близка и си ходим на гости. . Залата е супер. Тренирам там от много години. Отношението на персонала е супер. [read more]
Ремонт и магазин на компютри,монитори,лаптопи втора ръка, Бургас Меден Рудник is an electronics store, located at Бл, zh. k. Meden rudnik 71, 8011 71, Meden Rudnik. [read more]
Адвентна Църква Поморие (Adventist Church) is a church, located at ul. "Buzludzha", 8200 кв. Стария град, Pomorie. [read more]
Уникално място което трябва да се посети. Когато влезеш, се озоваваш на почитано място. . Симпатичная церквушка на пешеходной улице. Many religious artifacts inside, painted icons, candlesticks etc. [read more]
Много добър отец. Церковь св. Пимен Зографский. Много красив храм!. [read more]
Я провел в этом отеле 2 недели еще в 1994 году. Тогда конечно ощущение было. . . попасть из 90-х в заграницу, приехав из маленького городка в Казахстане. [read more]
Професионални услуги. [read more]