Красивая церквушка в болгарском стиле. Расположена в красивом уютном уголке парка с видом на залив. Место отдыха и прогулок местных жителей, туристов и курортников. [read more]
Евангелска Петдесятна Църква Царево is a church, located at граничар, 8260 Център, Царево. They can be contacted via phone at +359 86 319 789 for more detailed information. [read more]
Една изключително благословенна Църква. . [read more]
Църквата е построена през 1831г, след пожар е срината до основи и сегашният и облик датира от 1895. Разположена е на много красив хълм с страхотна морска панорама. [read more]
АРТУ 90 is a car repair, located at Tzarevo, 8260 Царево. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 745 8660 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Обичам малките храмове като този, защото са лишени от суматохата и суетата на централните църкви. Човек може да поседи спокойно сам със себе си или да поговори с някой без да бърза. [read more]
Работи само в неделя и на празнични дни. [read more]
If you ever go to Kiten you should definitely visit this place! The atmosphere is magical and the parties are great. Plus, there is no bulgarian pop-folk music, which is hardly true for the rest.. [read more]
Nomination Burgas is a jewelry store, located at Galleria Mall, 1fl. next to escalator main entrance, ul. "Yanko Komitov" 6, 8001 Северна промишлена зона, Бургас. [read more]
pharmacy ALEX is a pharmacy, located at ul. "Pomorie" 18, 8001 g. k. Lazur, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 978 2321 for more detailed information. [read more]
Todorov Carwash is a car wash, located at 8240 Slanchev Bryag, Sunny Beach. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 544 3406 for more detailed information. [read more]
Car wash La Piazza is a car wash, located at ul. "Yanko Komitov" 34, 8001 Northern Industrial Zone, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 87 699 9655 for more detailed information. [read more]
Chillen und in ruhiger Atmosphäre entspannen. . . . Неплохое место. Играет хорошая музыка, очень приятные официантки. . [read more]
Small bar with nice atmosphere and quiet music. Delicious drinks and sandwiches. . [read more]
Бяхме там само на плаж. Браво е много плитък. Водата чиста. Има къде да се хапне. Подходящо за плаж с деца!Единствено пясъка може да е малко по чист!. [read more]
Едно от местата - средища, сбира хора и създава спомени. Мъничко кътче в Странджа планина. . [read more]
APTEKA ALEKS is a pharmacy, located at ul. "Pomorie" 18, 8001 g. k. Lazur, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 978 2321 for more detailed information. [read more]
Супер фирма! Препоръчвам. Тук работят професионалисти :). [read more]
Można zjeść dobre i świeże owoce morza. oraz wypić dobre piwko, miła obsługa. [read more]
Склад за хранителни стоки (на едро и дребно). това е склад на едро и дребно с добро обслужване и добри цени. Страхотно приготвена риба! Задължително си вземете Мезето на капитана!. [read more]
Тишина спокйствие комфорт отлично обслужване. Работеше до късно, но асортимента не беше много голям. . [read more]
They have all that you may need. . Very well stocked department store in the small city of Tsarevo. . You'll find everything you need. [read more]
Резиденс Груп ООД is a real estate agency, located at ul. "Professor Stoyanov" 40, 8200 Tsentar, Pomorie. They can be contacted via phone at +359 87 857 1162 for more detailed information. [read more]
Old City Estates is a real estate agency, located at ul. "Kiril i Metodiy" 64, 8130 Tsentar, Sozopol. They can be contacted via phone at +359 87 903 1292 for more detailed information. [read more]
Малка аптека, но с добро обслужване и имат в наличност всичко важно. [read more]
Zwiedzając Nesebar trzeba to zobaczyć. Może nie robi wielkiego wrażenia ale przedstawia historię narodu bułgarskiego. . Schöne kleine Kirche am Ende der Altstadt im ruhigeren Teil von.. [read more]
Feels like home, brings memories from childhood. . Everyone in Tsarevo walks here, shops and restaurants are also around here. European money well spent :). [read more]
The Secret is a night club, located at ul. “Hr. Botev” 4, 8260 Tsentar, Tsarevo. They can be contacted via phone at +359 89 764 0677 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gastronom Gourmet is a liquor store, located at 8256 Sveti Vlas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 88 737 0033 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Community Hall Georgi Kondolov, located at Царево, ул. Хан Аспарух 34, 8260 Tsentar, Tsarevo. They can be contacted via phone at +359 59 052 034 for more detailed information. [read more]
Community Hall Iskra, located at Лозенец, ul. "Strandzha", 8277 Lozenets. They can be contacted via phone at +359 59 057 281 for more detailed information. [read more]
Plazovets, located at 8253 Plazovets. [read more]
Slivarovo, located at 8164 Slivarovo. [read more]
Kalovo, located at 8169 Kalovo. [read more]
Kondolovo, located at 8275 Kondolovo. [read more]