
Изработка на детайли, инструментална екипировка, селскостопанска техника и части.

Tags : #BusinessConsultant, #AgriculturalService, #EngineeringService

Location :
bul Bulgaria, 1404 Sofia


За строителството: отводнителни и канализационни шахти кофражни елементи
За селското стопанство: плугове, брани, рипери, - резервни части за трактори и селскостопанска техника.
За керамичната промишленост: шнекове за глиномешалки, лопатки, ролки за вагонетки – изработване, ремонт и поддръжка
За минната промишленост: резервни части.
За преработка на скални масиви (мрамор, гранит, гнайс,) – полировъчни, разкройващи, окрайчващи машини, и др.

Construction, drainage and sewerage manholes formwork elements.

For agriculture: plows, harrows, ripper - spare parts for tractors and agricultural machinery.

The ceramic industry: screw for clay mixing machines, blades, rollers for trolleys - construction, repair and maintenance.

Mining industry: spare parts.
Processing of rocks (marble, granite, gneiss) - polishing, cutting, runners machines, and more.

4 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    23 November 2016

    The company manufactures products for the automotive industry, energy, aviation, garment industry, optical manufacturing and others. Do not hesitate to contact our team!

  • Anynomous
    23 November 2016

    The company manufactures products for the automotive industry, energy, aviation, garment industry, optical manufacturing and others. Do not hesitate to contact our team!

  • Anynomous
    08 November 2016

    The company manufactures products for the automotive industry, energy, aviation, garment industry, optical manufacturing and others. Do not hesitate to contact our team!

    Фирмата произвежда продукция за автомобилната промишленост, енергетиката, авиацията, шивашката промишленост, оптичното производство и др. Не се колебайте да се свържете с нашия екип!

  • Anynomous
    01 November 2016

    Parts Portal deals with the development of models for foundry forms of digital machines injection molding of plastic parts up to 250 g., production tooling and maintenance of machinery and equipment, spare parts for construction machinery, mining,ceramic industry, agricultural machinery and others. The company has milling machines, lathes, ЕDM machines and grinders. We are able to manufacture single parts, small-series production and unique high-precision details at competitive prices.