College of Tourism, "Prof. . Dr. Zlatarov " is a university, located at Парк "Езеро", 8001 Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 56 704 157 for more detailed information. [read more]
Medical College, "Prof. . Zlatarov" is a university, located at България, bul. "Stefan Stambolov" 69, 8000 g. k. Bratya Miladinovi, Burgas. They can be contacted via phone at +359 56 813.. [read more]
Technical department of university Prof. Asen zlatarov. . [read more]
Faculty of Science, University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" is a university, located at улица „Професор Яким Якимов“ 1Б, 8010 Northern Industrial Zone, Burgas. [read more]
Great architecture! This is possibly the best university in Burgas. . [read more]
Спомени, спомени. Базата не може да се каже, че е на желаното ниво, но времето, което прекарах тук ще го помня цял живот ;). Асен Златаров Бургас. Университет "Проф. [read more]
Great university for learning, one of the best in the world!. Много добър университет с много переспективи за студентите. Лично отношение към всеки един студент. [read more]
One of the best universities in Bulgaria. [read more]
Haresva mi! Nauchavam interesni za men neshta. Prepodavatelite sa dobri. Sgradata syshto mi haresva, zaedo s razpolojenata v dvora arhitektura. Zalite sa prakticno oborudvani i vinagi sa otopleni. [read more]
Cisco Networking Academy - Technical University of Sofia is a university, located at bulevard "Sveti Kliment Ohridski" 8, 1756 Studentski Kompleks, Sofia. [read more]
Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University is a university, located at улица „Яна Лъскова“, 1113 Geo Milev, Sofia. [read more]
Не мисля, че в България има друг университет, който да е дом на толкова много.. [read more]
Evropeyski Politehnicheski Universitet is a university, located at Pernik, ul. Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy 23, 2302 Pernik Industrial zone, Pernik. They can be contacted via phone at +359 76 600 773.. [read more]
Higher School "Lyuben Karavelov" is a university, located at ul. "Suhodolska" 175, 1373 Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 2 802 9191 for more detailed information. [read more]
Best theatre and film academy in Bulgaria. Center of the theatre arts. Actually, this is the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts. . Best Academy for Theater and Film in Bulgaria. [read more]
Светлозар Методиев. Найс цяло лято ги слушам как се разпяват. Best musical Academy. [read more]
Страхотно място със страхотна архитектура! Помня вечерта на 1-ви октомври 2003 година ;). [read more]
AIESEC Sofia - Technical University is a university, located at bulevard "Sveti Kliment Ohridski" 8, 1756 Studentski Kompleks, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 2 965 2926 for.. [read more]
Един от най-добрите факултети в Софийския Университе!. Тук завърших висшето си образование. . [read more]
Tough application process for new students. Prestigious professional recognition as architects and other experts. The university is very open minded to out-of-class activities for the youth.. [read more]
The best economic university in Bulgaria. Dantes Facebook magician. Great university to get your degree. Professional and modern academics. . [read more]
The well - known university of Sofia. The so called alma-mater to so many people. Cherished and loved through the ages, it is situated in the very centre of the city. [read more]
I enrolled only to keep my parents happy and shut them up about my future but eventually I ended up getting a somewhat decent education (or outstanding education by Bulgarian standards). [read more]
Толкова сме напред с телекомуникациите че едно ревю нямаме :) Народа е зает да учи за изпити, да бачка и.. [read more]
FERRERIGROUP FERRERI SELEZIONE VINI is a liquor store, located at ul. "Ilyo voyvoda" 20, 1510 NPZ Hadzhi Dimitar, Sofia. They can be contacted via phone at +359 2 840 9596 for more.. [read more]
Добри впечатления. [read more]
TU Gabrovo, Building 1 Integral is a university, located at ul. "Hadji Dimitar" 4, 5306 Sirmanite, Gabrovo. [read more]
ПУ "Паисий Хилендарски", филиал Смолян is a university, located at ul. "Polkovnik Dicho Petrov" 32, 4700 g. k. Nevyasta, Smolyan. They can be contacted via phone.. [read more]
Student auto club TU Varna is a university, located at bul. "Hristo Smirnenski" 1114, 9010 Levski, Varna. [read more]
Страхотни преподаватели и място. . [read more]
Има йубава студена вода. [read more]
Main Hospital School St. Ivan Rilski is a university, located at Пловдив, ул. Теодосий Търновски 7, 4000 Tsentar, Plovdiv. They can be contacted via phone at +359 32 266.. [read more]
Много приятно място за йога! Освен уникалната обстановка, тук се чувствам някак спокойна, специална и мога.. [read more]
I bring my child to a summer sports camp here, where she enjoys a variety of sports (two daily) and a lot of games!. Който не е спортист може да се разхожда, има много зеленина. [read more]
American University in Bulgaria Campus is a university, located at ul. "Svoboda Bachvarova" 8, 2700 Southern Industrial Zone, Blagoevgrad. They can be contacted via phone at +359 73 888 111 for.. [read more]
Е това е мястото където пея. Няма от какво да се оплача. . [read more]