Bio Em Di Bulgaria is a company, located at 95 Улица Николаевска, Berkovitsa, Montana Province 3500. [read more]
BG TOP MUSIC is a production company which is specialized in documentaries, music videos, commercials, TV series and feature films. . [read more]
"Бизнес Клуб" е печатно и онлайн издание за актуална и полезна информация, посветена на проблемите и перспективите на малкия и среден бизнес в България. [read more]
Клубът на българските ИТ ръководители е: - средище на професионалисти, които осъзнават важността.. [read more]
BCRS is a full-service Scientific Research Organization (SRO), an experienced and innovative provider of human biological materials for research. We are a privately held company, founded in 2012. [read more]
CFA Society Bulgaria is an association of local investment professionals. Consisting of portfolio managers, security analysts, investment advisors, and other financial professionals,.. [read more]
Bulgarian Sports Development Association, founded in 2010, is a nonprofit, public benefit organisation devoted to the development of Bulgarian sports and the improvement of sports culture in Bulgaria. [read more]
BACR - Bulgarian Association of Clinical Research is an independent non-governmental organisation, founded in 2003 in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a country-level organisation unifying and representing.. [read more]
If you need a website but have no idea how to look and function it, we will build a vision, design and we will program it for you! If you need a budget site, we will install, tune and maintain.. [read more]
Световно известната гъба Рейши, наричана "Кралят на билките". Тя е в основата на азиатската.. [read more]
BUSINESS SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGIES (BST) is an SAP services and solutions provider. As part of the NTT DATA Business Solutions group, BST is one of the six global Managed Service Centers and has.. [read more]
Benefin is a company, located at 22А Улица Академик Методи Попов, Sofia, Sofia City Province 1113. [read more]
Blockchain and Marketing Solutions Ltd is a company, located at Несебър Нов град, Nessebar, Burgas 8230. [read more]
We are Biomyc, the sustainable design, and innovation company. We design next-generation sustainable products & packaging from mushroom mycelium & eco-materials. [read more]
We are group of prominent stakeholders from the blockchain industry from Southeast Europe, navigating you through the blockchain landscape in the Region. [read more]
BonOil sunflower oil factory is a branch of "Geostroy engineering", one of the largest and most respected companies in Southeast Bulgaria,established in 1990. [read more]
At Bulfil Invent, our team is dedicated to help with building the right product and brand strategy. Since launching, the company team uses its know-how expecrienced at the international stage. [read more]
CallPoint New Europe EAD is a business process outsourcing company. . [read more]
BALKANTEL is a project-oriented engineering company, established in 1990 and specialized in the field of design, development, manufacturing and integration of innovative products and.. [read more]
Business Club KIHON is a company, located at 44 Булевард Черни връх, Sofia, Sofia City Province 1407. [read more]
Bulgaria weekends it the first of its kind A to Z party service that gives you the opportunity to fully customize your party weekend experience in advance. [read more]
BAPPM gives expertise crossing the lines of the current definitions of medical specializations and therapeutic areas, offers expert and consensus opinions and inter-disciplinary formats and programs. [read more]
An e-commerce specialist from the UK, with over 20 years' experience in marketing and web development. Providing support, and development solutions for small to medium-sized businesses,.. [read more]
Балистик ООД е една от водещите фирми за спортни и ежедневни стоки на българския пазар. В нашите.. [read more]
Biotech Atelier - The European annual biotech conference uniting all stakeholders across Biotech, Healthcare, IT, Life Sciences, and Pharma. In 2021 Biotech Atelier presents a Special Edition.. [read more]
A non-government organization that acts as a bridge between startups, private and institutional investors, the government and other stakeholders in the innovation industry. [read more]
We are independent company of Accountants, Business Advisors and Tax Consultants with office location in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. We are not only an accounting company but also a consulting.. [read more]
Както се подразбира от името, нашата изба е тип шато, т. е. тя е разположена на територията на самите лозя... [read more]
BULDESK offers high quality height adjustable standing desks and desk accessories. . [read more]
Болерон е софтуерна платформа за дигитално застраховане, използвана от лицензираният.. [read more]
The Bulgarian Scientific Pharmaceutical Laboratory (BSPL) is the first in Bulgaria compouning lab that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. [read more]
Bulgarian Bioscience Society is a company, located at 8 Булевард Драган Цанков, Sofia, Sofia City Province 1164. [read more]
Biz Labs Toastmasters Club Plovdiv is a part of the Toastmasters International, which is a non-government organization that main idea is to improve speaking and leadership skills. [read more]
B2BLeads è un venditore robot, instancabile ed estremamente efficiente. Dispone di un'intelligenza artificiale che cerca online lead per la vendita, per poi contattarli automaticamente. [read more]
At Berlitz, we believe in the power of language and cultural understanding to drive human progress. For over 140 years and in over 70 countries, Berlitz has been delivering language lessons.. [read more]
Българският младежки Червен кръст (БМЧК) е доброволна младежка организация, която е неразделна част от Българския Червен кръст и принадлежи към Международното младежко червенокръстко движение. [read more]