БУМ БАМ е онлайн платформа за Споделени Работни Пространства и Събития на Открито! Нашите.. [read more]
Дигитална агенция с фокус върху създаването, развитието и прилагането на иновативни и актуални онлайн маркетинг стратегии в подкрепа на средния и малкия бизнес. [read more]
The governing body of tennis in Bulgaria. [read more]
About usBG LIGHT has been a manufacturer of dental equipment for 30 years, starting in 1990. The product range includes a variety of photopolymerization and teeth whitening devices under the.. [read more]
Bulgarian Rose is a company, located at 1 Улица Индустриална, Plovdiv, Plovdiv Province 4030. [read more]
Baxity is a fintech company founded 10 years ago which provides the best conditions in the electronic payments market and helps businesses to work more efficiently. [read more]
Bulgar Czech Invest is into investment, restructuring, management, establishment of new subsidiaries, financing of enterprises. . [read more]
Balkancar Zarya manufactures steel disc wheels, forklifts components, wheels, transport equipment, and agricultural machinery. . [read more]
Briast D specializes in full range furnishing for hotels, restaurants, offices, shops, villas and houses. Products are made from solid timber to different kinds of veneers, melamine and.. [read more]
Bulgarian Holding is engaged in the acquisition, appraisal, and managing of shares, bonds. [read more]
BNI предостявя на своите членове структурирана и позитивна програма за маркетинг чрез бизнес препоръки – доказано най-ефективния начин за привличане на клиенти. [read more]
Bulgarian Investment Group REIT is an investment firm that invests in real estate projects. . [read more]
Clinical Data Management and Statistics. Custom applications for Clinical Research. CDISC data standards conversion. Clinical Data Management and IT Auditing. [read more]
We design and develop modern software products. Founded in 2021 to modernize and develop the economy of Northwest Bulgaria, оur ultimate goal is to support the implementation of the most.. [read more]
Bogari - Медията на скритата истина - за нещата каквито са!. [read more]
We are helping companies upgrade their support team. Integration of roadmaps, knowledge boards and etc. made easy. Make your customers see your work for them and make them part of your business!. [read more]
There is no need to be a brewer to experience beer with taste and critical depth. It does help to know the brewers, though, and bring them to Bulgaria. [read more]
Bulgaria Software Developer Ltd. , is an software development company based in Sofia and established in 2013 with decades of industrial experience and system knowledge of International standards.. [read more]
We are non-government organization for helping all digital providers in Bulgaria in terms of finding new partners and clients outside of Bulgaria. We are association with multiple company.. [read more]
We are the Creative Content Studio of NuBoyana Film Studios. A joint venture between creative and film people. > We try to create advertising content that doesn't interrupt the things.. [read more]
Balkan and Sea Properties is a real-estate investment trust that specializes in the securitization of real estate. . [read more]
Blacksea Holding provides trade activities, acquisition, management, evaluation and sale of participations. . [read more]
Berry is an intelligent platform for last-mile delivery which connects merchants/clients with couriers. It's designed to optimize the distance, time and price of the delivery with the help of an AI. [read more]
Privately owned small bookstore in the town of Tervel. . [read more]
Бранд-Шопинг България e Онлайн МОЛ, който предлага стоки с високо качество, осигурени от.. [read more]
Wir unterstützen Property Manager, die Personalengpässe haben oder Teile Ihres Property Managements zu günstigeren Konditionen auslagern wollen. Ebenso helfen wir Fonds-Gesellschaften.. [read more]
BodyConstructor is a professional website for Fitness, Bodybuilding, Power Sports, and Healthy Living in Bulgaria. . [read more]
Bulgarska Zahar AD is a cooperative factory that offers bags of sugar in the market. . [read more]
Energia renovable. [read more]
Bulgarian Fashion Association is a cluster organization which aims to support the fashion industry in Bulgaria and to integrate it in the European value chain through cluster partnerships with.. [read more]
Buleggs ltd is a company, located at Sofia, Sofia-city. [read more]
Bulgaria is a world leader of Lavender oil production. Since 2015 BUL LAVENDER OIL OOD specializes in cultivation of Lavender in Dobrudzha region , located in the northeastern part of Bulgaria. [read more]
We are booking agents and artist managers or official representatives of musicians and bands. We book live performances for the artists. Located in Sofia, Bulgaria. [read more]
®️ Leader dans l'industrie de l'impression dans la région depuis presque 30 ans, nos prestations englobent tout un cycle de production finie : 🔄prépress 🔄 impression.. [read more]
Discover with us magic makeup tutorials and expert supercharged skincare tips, plus the latest news, events and beauty guides!. [read more]
Brinicle Games is a company, located at Plovdiv, Plovdiv Province 4000. [read more]